0604[The Egg]Kelly(W+S)
🤓shame (n.) 🤓fond(a.) +of~ 🤓furnish(v.) 🤓catch up with= keep in touch with 🤓end up 🤓distant (a.) 🤓shopaholic - 🤓change their...
[The Egg]Daniel(R+L)
Unit4 ・crude=rough=raw 粗糙的 ・precise ・precision ・crude estimate ・precise estimate - ・I have no/little aptitude for sport ・we will take...
😎I have to be in the office before six. 😎deodorant [diˋodərənt] 😎I want to, but Ryan is in the bathroom. Plus, I don't have time....
A new study shows that female doctors are better than male doctors, but get less pay. Researchers looked at over three million medical...
[The Egg]Daniel(R+L)
#U5 .Consistency 一致=uniformity .Consistent (adj.) 一致的 .conform to 遵守傳統,一致的去做。。。 .conformity一致 - .conventional=traditional .convention...
0509[The Egg]Kelly(W+S)
.stressful(adj.) .socialize(v.) .worth(adj.) .ease(v.) .pick up .build up .loosen up=relax - .easy listening .acoustic - .mature...
A new study has shown that physical activity and exercise are 'contagious' because of social media. Researchers at the Massachusetts...
【英語島】I think that…老外聽到臉都綠了!誤觸英文溝通地雷,換個說法就好
1. 小心聽起來態度很差 I recommend…My opinion is… Eddie 好不容易通過層層關卡,如願進入一家知名外商公司。在新人訓練期間,他與兩位美國籍同事被分在同一組,接受主管指派的各種任務。當然,每天都有開不完的會議與小組討論。...
【英語島】2015 年的這些快速流行語的英文你都會嗎?
https://buzzorange.com/vidaorange/2015/12/10/2015-fashion-words-english/ 每年都會有一批新的商業用語掀起流行。隨著科技進步,Phablets (平板手機)...
【英語島】都三月了新年新希望還沒執行?快點用這 7 個秘訣修正新年計畫
https://buzzorange.com/vidaorange/2016/03/24/not-ready-for-new-year-resolution/ Making a resolution is quite a good way to jump start a...