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A new study shows that female doctors are better than male doctors, but get less pay. Researchers looked at over three million medical records for hospitalizations and for readmissions (people who had to stay in hospital a second time). The percentages of readmissions and mortality (deaths) were lower if the doctor was female. Mortality rates were 15.02 per cent and readmission rates were 11.07 per cent for female doctors, compared with 15.57 per cent mortality and 11.49 per cent readmission rates for patients of male doctors.

The researchers did not say why women gave better care to patients than men. Researcher Dr. Ashish Jha said many lives could be saved in the USA every year if male doctors did as well as female doctors. He said: "We estimate that approximately 32,000 fewer patients would die if male physicians [got] the same [results] as female physicians." He also said it was wrong that men got paid more than women, because women were better at their jobs. Dr Jha added, "We need to understand why these differences exist…and figure out how to translate it" to cover all doctors.


From terry811 to Everyone: (11:05 PM)

I went there for our next project.

I found some different shapes of their products.

I will use foam for the prototype.

I want it to be more simple

and decorative

It might be more convenient

From terry811 to Everyone: (11:11 PM)

fabrication - the creation of the item

They can accept different styles more readily.

He does really care about us and works very hard.

He studied abroad during college.

From terry811 to Everyone: ((null))

15.02 fifteen point two percent

mortality- deaths or rate of death

readmission- to have a patient return to a hospital

to enter again

inequality= unequal

From terry811 to Everyone: ((null))

The male doctors have a higher rate of readmissions and deaths

gender inequality

It happens everywhere.

The teacher had us vote about gender inequality

We haven't experienced it yet.

From terry811 to Everyone: ((null))

They spend more time with their patients, but get less pay.

Female doctors are more sensitive and try to care for all of their patients.

I don't associate their gender with their ability

bedside manner- the way a doctor treats you are shows concern

From terry811 to Everyone: ((null))

I have had a lot of good experiences when seeing doctors

I had surgery twice

hand joint- wrist

The doctor that operated on my wrist was quite good.



There are fewer female doctors

From terry811 to Everyone: (11:42 PM)

Taiwanese doctors are very hardworking and overworked.

It is very inexpensive to visit a doctor in Taiwan.

drug abuse

It is very easy to get a tooth cleaning

tooth decay

From terry811 to Everyone: (11:50 PM)


They only wanted our most talented people to become doctors

marketing and management

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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