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【英語島】2015 年的這些快速流行語的英文你都會嗎?

每年都會有一批新的商業用語掀起流行。隨著科技進步,Phablets (平板手機) 這樣的組合字,就成了快速熱門的用字。後網路時代造成的大量創業潮,產生了一群想當創業家,卻一直沒去創業的人,英文就稱這群人為 Wantrepreneur 。而今年對於專業經理人來說,應該知道的最新用字有那些呢?進入文章之前,先想想以下的英文

一、Chief Culture Officer (CCO)

“[This is] a role that is becoming more necessary as hiring becomes more competitive. These people are responsible for making a company a place where everyone wants to work." – Ryan Farley, co-founder, LawnStarter


“A woman who has children and [a] family [and runs] a business at the same time." – Lindsay White, founder, Lot 801

三、Conversation Marketing (溝通行銷)

“Marketing with the goal of having a direct one to one conversation with your customers through social media and other channels." – David Waring, editor, Fit Small Business


“Instead of business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B), brands will start 1) throwing around H2H, which stands for human to human." – Brandon Seymour, owner, Beymour Consulting


“Smarketing is the process of integrating the sales and marketing process of a business to unify the company goals and provide consistent messaging for your brand." – Todd Mumford, CEO, Riverbed Marketing

六、It Factor

“In business this essentially means the one special factor that makes any company new, or different, or interesting. In the past, this term has been known as the ‘secret ingredient,’ ‘the special sauce,’ and ‘the X factor.’ " – Ian Aronovich


“mCommerce is commerce carried out over a mobile device. Shoppers are browsing and buying more and more on mobile devices. Business owners should focus on making their online store frontsmobile friendly to create a truly omni-channel (全方位) experience." – Alex McEachern, loyalty marketing specialist, Sweet Tooth


“It refers to when a company leverages(發揮功效) a current story in the news to put forth its own marketing or sales message." – David Bakke, writer and contributor, Money Crashers


“It is using a group to help an individual(n.) solve a challenge specific to them (in an ideation or brainstorming session), most often to generate ideas for their own new product or new business venture." – Bryan Mattimore, co-founder, Growth Engine

十、Growth Hacking

“Growth hacking is about finding innovative, inexpensive and often technical ‘hacks’ to significantly boost a company’s growth." – Tom Treanor, director of marketing, Wrike


1) Throw around 拋出 /互換意見 Throw around 指在意見桌上拋出議題,特別指一群人彼此輕鬆、自在地交換意見。 We threw some ideas around until we came up with a solution. 我們交換了一些想法,最後才想出了解決方案。

2) be carried out… 在 …進行,實現 指一件事在某場合中進行,開始生效,經常使用於被動式。 I expect my instructions to be carried out to the letter. 我希望我的指示可以在信件中記下來。

3) put forth 提出,發表 forth 意思是往前、向前的意思。put forth 表示提出、發表..。 He has put forth a modest plan to solve the problem. 他提出一個謹慎的計劃來解決此問題。

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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