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20180710 Taipei #Tzulaïintern

Day5 9:00-18:00 The forecast said there is a typhoon coming and It will hit the north part of Taiwan. So that the gov. announces today we can leave work at 16:00 pm. But we got a work to have to do, It's shitting photos for the ad(In Roger's house ). Fortunately, we didn't get wet in the rain. And perfectly finish the work! Other spare time, Eric gave me another work to do. That's photo editing. He taught me how to edit the photo by using Lightroom. Um... My first try pretty failed for him(I do like it tho). But I got better works on the second try! After leaving work, all the transportations was freaking packed! It's too hard to get on the bus!

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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