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Sammy 老師 ii

🤭所以本來應該是 I’ve got to go. / I’ve gotta go.有時就會變成 I got to go. / I gotta go.

🤭要講一個人 ”很上鏡頭”, 在照片中看起來很好看是用形容詞 photogenic

🤭”改頭換面”如果是指外型的徹底改變, 是用 make-over (=makeover) ,這個字它是名詞, 放在句子裡使用時要說 have a make-over。

=> Rachel had a make-over for the Christmas party.

若是幫人做造型改變, 則是用 give 這個動詞。

=> The stylist gave the woman a make-over. Now she looks twenty years younger.


=> The century-old city hall just had a make-over.

但中文裡的 ”改頭換面”, 有時指的是一個人在性格或行為上的大轉變這時就不能用 make-over而要用動詞 reinvent ( re+invent = 重新發明) [ˋri ɪnˋvɛnt]它用搭配反身代名詞 (myself, himself, herself…) 使用。

=> After the breakup, Paul has really reinvented himself.

那是否可以簡單地說: He has really turned/changed into a different person.或 He has really become a different person. 呢?

注意, reinvent 都是用在好的轉變, 而且是自發性的講一個人 ”變成完全不同的人”, 通常是指變得不好, 而且是因為外在環境的因素造成比如遭遇重大事件, 挫折等要說明是變好的話, 就會再講清楚一點。

=> He has really turned into a better man/person.He has really improved himself. / He has really grown.

🤭sharp 其他特殊的意思

1. 在時間的後面接 sharp, 是表示 ”......點整” 的意思。

=> We have to be there at 10:00 A.M. sharp.The surgery will begin at seven thirty sharp.

2. sharp 在指一個人的時候, 是說此人觀察力很強, 或反應很快, 很聰明。

=> Kay is really sharp. / You’re really sharp!

3. 講一個人看起來很 sharp, 或衣著很 sharp, 則是說很好看, 很有型的意思。

=> 一個老外朋友穿得很好看, 就可以跟他/她說: Hey, looking sharp today!或是: You look sharp today! / That jacket is really sharp! / That is a sharp outfit!

4. 若是要講一個人嘴巴很利時, 很容易脫口說出傷害別人的話, 不會直接說他 sharp而要說此人有一個 sharp tongue。

=> Melissa has a really sharp tongue.

也可以換成 sharp mouth, 但不如 sharp tongue 常用。總之, You are sharp. 是說對方觀察強或很聰明, 反應快不會是指對方嘴巴很利,You have a sharp tongue. 才是說對方講話很容易傷人

5. sharp 也有很突然的意思a sharp turn 就是 ”急轉彎”。

=> It appeared that the car took a sharp turn and fell off the cliff.

6. sharp 還有很明顯的意思。

=> a sharp contrast.

7. sharp 也可指 ”敏銳的”。

=> My grandfather still has sharp hearing.

🤭英文裡並沒有一個字或片語是用來講中文裡的 ”墊錢”,所以要別人幫你先出錢的時候, 只能說:Could you pay for me first?怕他以為你會不給錢就補一句: I’ll pay you back (later).

同樣的, 若是自願幫別人墊錢, 就可以說:I’ll pay for you first. You can pay me back (later).若是不想幫別人墊錢就可以跟對方說: Could you front me the money?意思是叫他預先支付費用把 front 這個字直接當動詞用當然也可以說 Could you pay me first / pay me in advance / pay me now?要是墊了錢, 要向老外要錢時就說: You haven’t paid me the 50 dollars back.= You haven’t paid me back the 50 dollars (for lunch / for the movie).

🤭”打平” 指的是收支剛好相等, 或是成本和利潤相抵消的意思在英文裡的說法是 break even。

=> It will take at least a year for the restaurant to finally break even.

=> His business didn’t start to break even until its second year.

=> At what point will my investment break even?

=> We have to make at least $40,000 in sales a month to break even.

=> If you buy the house now and rent it out, you’ll break even in five years.

當付出的成本和得到的利潤終於相等, 不再虧損時這個點就叫 break-even point。

=> Our investment in gold will reach the break-even point when the price is back up at$1,400 per ounce.

投資者也要會計算自己的投資何時能開始賺錢這種計算叫 break-even analysis。under capitalized 是資金不足的意思(順便教大家 under staffed / undermanned 就是工作的人力不足)。

🤭ain’t [ent] 這個字可以代表 be 動詞 + not, 或完成式裡的 haven’t, hasn’t。

🤭self-closing 指的 ”自閉” 是 ”自動關上” 的意思, 講的是一些機械裝置,而 autistic (adj) / autisim (n.) 又是真的在講心理學上的 ”自閉症”,台灣流行中文裡所說的一個人很 ”自閉”只是說此人喜歡獨處, 不愛交際並不是真的經醫師判定為 ”自閉症” 患者所以也不能用 He is autistic. / He has autism. 這樣的說法我們現在講的一個人很 ”自閉”, 不喜歡和別人打交道最接近的英文說法是用片語的 keep to oneself。

=> He always keeps to himself. / He enjoys keeping to himself.

較接近但不完全一樣的, 也可以用 ”內向的人” introvert [ˋɪntrə͵vɝt] 這個字。

=> He is an introvert.

另外有一個跟 keep to oneself 很像的片語 keep things to oneself 是指把事情藏在心裡不說出來和 ”自閉” 的意思完全不一樣哦~

=> I know that Penny is straightforward, but sometimes she really should just keep things to herself.

=> I chose to keep things to myself so no one would get hurt.A lot of people misunderstand John because he usually keep things to himself.

🤭”請幫我轉接到...” 的說法是 (Could/Would you) Please put me through to…

=> Please put me through to Room 431.Could you put me through to extension 4584, please?

另外還有一個說法是 connect me to…

=> Would you please connect me to Mr. Howard?

🤭”修女” 這個職業則是叫 nun [nʌn]

🤭I’m dieting. 真的就只有 ”節食” 的意思。

🤭”對嘴” 在英文裡叫 lip sync [sɪŋk] (= lip synch)sync / synch ,這個字是 synchronize [ˋsɪŋkrənaɪz] 的簡略寫法它的意思是 ”同步進行”像奧運裡的 ”水上芭蕾” 在英文裡就是叫 synchronized swimming。以前歌手賈斯汀 (Justin Timerlake) 所屬的男孩團體叫 N’ Sync意思就是 “in sync” (同步; 整齊劃一)像跳舞時如果大家動作不一致, 或電視電影的畫面和聲音搭不起來時就叫 out of sync。言歸正傳... “對嘴” lip sync 是當動詞用。

=> I think the singer is lip syncing.

=> Obama was caught lip syncing his speech.

=> The singer lip synced at his own concert.

一般來說, 如果動詞的結尾是 c在加 ing 或 ed 時要先在 c 後面加上個 k 才行因為這樣才能保住它原本 [k] 的發音不然 cing 或 ced 應該要唸 [sɪŋ] 或 [st] 才對像 panic (恐慌) 就要變成 panicking 或 panickedpicnic (野餐) 當動詞時若要用進行式或過去式也要變為 picnicking 或 picnicked。

不過 lip sync 的 sync 並不是一個真正的單字, 而是縮寫所以可以直接加 ing 和 ed也可以寫成 lip synching / lip synched。

🤭That ship has sailed. 用在指一個人已經錯過了某種機會的時候(只好眼睜睜看著船越飄越遠......)

=> A: Hey, what happened to the girl you wanted to fix me up with last time?

B: Dude, that ship has sailed. She’s got a boyfriend now.

=> A: If your boss offers you a raise, will you stay on the job?

B: The ship has sailed. He should have offered me a raise last year.總之要指別人已經錯失良機時, 就可以說: That ship has sailed.

🤭apparently 指的通常是說話者自己主觀的推斷, 從其他的事情做出的邏輯判斷。

=> Apparently, someone has to take responsibility for the fire.He apparently thought that I had forgotten his name and came to introduce himself again.

obviously 指的 ”顯然” 則是 ”任何人都可以看得出來” 的意思或是帶有嘲諷的語氣, 暗示了 ”你怎麼會看不出來?”。

=> Look at the way he walks. He is obviously drunk.Stop defending him. He is obviously a liar.

evidently 則是用來指有證據的事情 (它的名詞 evidence 就是證據)必須是有實際事證可支持的論述。

=> The seizures are evidently a symptom of disease.The suspect evidently left the crime scene after the neighbor heard a scream.


He apparently didn’t read my e-mail. 從他所做的事或說的話, 我推測他沒看。

He obviously didn’t read my e-mail. 從他所做的事或說的話, 任何人都可看出他沒看。

He evidently didn’t read my e-mail. 從他所做的事或說的話, 有證據顯示他的確沒看。

🤭要說一個東西 ”歪了”, 比如在掛一幅畫時, 是用 crooked [ˋkrʊkɪd] 這個字(注意它的尾音是 [kɪd] 而不是 [kt] )它指的是沒有呈一水平線, 比如 The painting is crooked.當然也可以說 The painting is not straight.

crook 這個字還可以當名詞, 指 ”惡棍; 壞人”(也就是 ”不正” 的人, 很有趣吧~)但如果要說一個東西是向哪邊歪時, 就要用動詞 slant, lean, 或 tilt, 無法用 crooked 表達( slant [slænt] lean [lin] tilt [tɪlt] )。

不過 slant 和 lean 通常講的是立體的東西, tilt 則平面或立體都可以像著名的 ”比薩斜塔” 就是叫 the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

=> The house has a slanted roof.

=> The pillar leans slightly to/towards the right.

=> The painting tilts to the left.Fashion models almost always tilt their heads in photos.

如果在掛東西的時候, 要告訴人家要把它往左邊還是右邊傾斜也是用 tilt 這個動詞比如要往右邊斜, 就是 Tilt it to the right.也可以說 Lower the right a little. (讓右邊低一點)或是 Raise the left a little. (讓左邊高一點)

🤭英文裡常用 motion pictures 來指電影, 因為它的原意就是 ”會動的影像”

”奧斯卡” 這個獎項的正式名稱是 the Academy Award ( academy [əˋkædəmɪ] )

”奧斯卡” Oscar 只是它的俗稱注意 Oscar 這個字的唸法是 [ˋɔskɚ]

得過奧斯卡的人就是 Oscar winner只被提名卻沒得過的人則是 Oscar nominee [͵nɑməˋni]

得過兩次的人是 two-time Oscar winner。

=> Two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey offered his advice to young actors.

=> five-time Oscar nominee.

大家最關心的幾個獎項包括 Best Actor in a Leading Role (最佳男主角)Best Actress in a Leading Role (最佳女主角)Best Actor in a Supporting Role (最佳男配角)Best Actress in a Supporting Role (最佳女配角)Best Director (最佳導演), Best Picture (最佳影片) 等以上是獎項的正式名稱一般人則會說 Best Lead Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor /Actress。

要講一個人贏得奧斯卡的某個獎項可以用: win an Oscar for ... 的句型。

=> Colin Firth won an Oscar for Best (Lead) Actor.

要講是因哪部片而得獎, 是用 win the ... Oscar for his/her role in ... (片名)。

=> Colin Firth won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in The King’s Speech.

=> Colin Firth won an Oscar for his lead role in The King’s Speech.

”提名” 是用動詞 nominate [ˋnɑmə͵net]

=> Nicole Kidman was nominated for the Best Actress Academy Award for her role in Rabbit Hole.

=> Nicole Kidman was nominated as Best Acress for her role in Rabbit Hole

”頒獎人” 則叫 presenter [prɪˋzɛntɚ]

=> Oscar winner Sandra Bullock will be a presenter at this year’s Oscars.

”頒獎” 的動詞則是 present [prɪˋzɛnt]

=> Two-time Oscar winner Steven Spielberg presented the Best Picture award toThe King’s Speech.

🤭antebellum [ˋæntɪˋbɛləm] 這個字指的是 ”(美國)南北戰爭前的”

🤭講電池沒電了, 就是用 die (死掉) 這個動詞,所以如果已經沒電了, 就是 The battery / batteries died.或用形容詞 dead。

=> The battery is dead. / My cell phone battery is dead.

若是要講電池快沒電了, 則是用 ”快要死了” 這個說法,所以是 My cell phone battery is dying.也可以說 My cell phone battery is low.不過這個就不能用形容詞 dead 表達了,硬要講 My cell phone battery is going to be dead.

🤭”薯球” 的英文則是叫 tater tots [ˋtetɚ] [tɑt]

tater 也就是 potato 的另一種說法,而 tot 這個字的意思類似我們中文說的 ”小不點兒”指小孩或小小的東西。

常搭配牛排或雞肉吃的 ”薯泥”, 則是叫 mashed potatoes。

🤭下次若有老外買了東西要拿去退換貨你跟他說要拿 invoice 去給人家, 他一定會很困惑因為一般買東西拿到的那張是 receipt 而不是 invoice如果是公司對公司, 當然有時候是先出貨再收錢那張出貨時詳列明細的單子當然是 invoice。

🤭”不可抗力” 在英文裡叫做 an act of God / act(s) of God字面上的意思就是 ”上帝所做的事”指的就是像天災或戰爭這些無法以個人力量抗拒, 卻會讓事情無法進行的狀況,在許多合約中會有所謂的 an act-of-God clause (不可抗力條款)在台灣則多半是在考試或比賽時會看到這個詞。

=> The exam was cancelled due to an act of God.

=> There is an act-of-God clause in the contract stating that our company bears no responsibiliy should we fail to complete the project due to a natural disaster.

🤭但是在英文裡, 很少用中文裡說的 ”半年” 或 ”半個月” 這種詞所以不要直譯成什麼 half a year / half a month”半年” 在英文裡用 six months而 ”半個月” 是 two weeks。

但若要講 ”一年半” 的話, 則可以用 a year and a half 來表達了

或是用 one and a half years。

🤭”扮家家酒” 這種遊戲叫 play house。

=> Most little girls like playing house.Marriage is not playing house.

不過, 如果當名詞的話, playhouse 兩個字連在一起寫則是指上演舞台劇的劇院了。

🤭go to the movies, see a movie 以外還有一個說法是 catch a movie。

=> Would you like to catch a movie after work? 不過這個說法只能用 a movie。

🤭talk shop 其實是 talk about business 的意思, 也就是 ”談公事”。

=> Let’s enjoy the party tonight and not talk shop.

=> Ellen can’t stop talking shop, even at her own birthday party.

這個片語也可以把兩個字反過來, 變成名詞 shop talk 來用意思就是 ”關於公事的談話”,比如有時跟同事出去玩或出席宴會場合同事想一直講關於上班的事情,我們就可以說: No shop talk tonight, OK?

🤭“幸災樂禍” 的說法出奇地簡單它就是用 gloat [glot] 這個動詞,要講因為什麼事而幸災樂禍的話, 則是用 gloat over…

=> Are you here to gloat?

=> I’m sure he’s gloating over my failure right now.

=> Sally’s sister gloated over her failing business.

有趣的是, 在英文裡, “幸災樂禍” 只能當動詞用。



























































































































































































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