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Sammy 老師 i


=> If his dad finds out, he is a goner.

=> This computer is a goner. The motherboard is fried.

=> The car crash was so serious that I thought she was a goner.

🤭中文裡的「身體不舒服」是指健康狀況要用not well / unwell才對sick也不完全對,因為那要有真正生病的症狀有的時候「身體不舒服」只是一下子的,比如頭痛、想吐、感到疲倦。

=> Debbie missed work today. She is unwell.

=> I’d rather stay home today. I’m not feeling well.

🤭大家常以為「手工(的)」是hand-made 一般台灣的/亞洲的店家都自稱是賣hand-made cookies事實上要叫home-made cookies才對這有些令人困惑,因為home-made不是指「家裡做的」嗎?如果你這樣以為,那才是錯的。其實home-made還有「自製的」的意思「手工餅乾」是自己做的餅乾,而不是工廠大量生產的因此要叫home-made cookies。

一家餐廳也可能賣home-made cake(s)表示是餐廳自製的,而非向外面買現成的。

hand-made這個字通常用在非食物類的東西「手工做的」表示品質較好比如地毯有所謂hand-made rug,鞋子有所謂hand-made leather shoes或是現在有很多的手工藝品,才可以叫hand-made

🤭jumbotron [ˋdʒʌmbotrɑn] 又叫jumbovision就是在美國運動賽事(特別是美式橄欖球、棒球)常見到的超大電視螢幕用來播出現場賽事或是埸邊花絮。

🤭debunk [ˋdiˋbʌŋk]/[dɪˈbʌŋk] 這個字在現在的網路文章、網路新聞和社群媒體上很常見。而且通常是它的過去分詞debunked為什麼呢?因為現在資訊過於發達,常有假消息或以訛傳訛的消息debunk這個字就是「證明…是假的」的意思我們常在文章的標題看到xxx Debunked! 就是「xxx 被證明是假的」的意思。不過要注意的是它跟流行語的「踢爆」不一樣因為「踢爆」是指揭穿別人的惡行,但是debunk這個字只能用在事情而且通常是一些myths, mysteries (迷思、神秘事件)。

=> The health myth “eating ice cream will make your cold worse” has been debunked.

=> The CEO debunked rumors about the merger.

🤭常聽到人家說Grow a pair. 這裡的pair是指一雙/一副什麼呢? 其實它是grow a pair of balls,字面上是「長一副睪丸出來」的意思用在別人(通常是男生)不夠勇敢時刺激人家的話也就是Be a man! / Man up! (像個男人一點吧!)它可以當祈使句,也可以放在句子裡當片語使用。

=> Don’t be scared of your boss. Grow a pair.

=> You need to grow a pair and stand up to him.


🤭go to town 不是字面上「去鎮上」的意思。它是指「盡情去做…」,像發瘋了一樣或是花很多時間/金錢/心力在某事上如果後面要講是什麼事的話,介系詞是用on。

=> The couple really went to town on their daughter’s birthday party.

=> The media went to town on the campus shooting.

=> I’m going to go to town on dessert today.


schmuck [ʃmʌk] 是「蠢蛋,笨蛋」的意思它是一個罵人或自嘲的字。

=> That guy is a real schmuck.

=> I feel like a schmuck.

🤭come true這個片語可以當成主動的,比如My dream finally came true.

但它也可以當被動:It’s like a dream (that is) come true. (come的過去分詞為come)。

可是在像He made my dream come true. 的句子裡它反而是因為make的關係而要用原型動詞(主動)這又是make的特殊句型了

🤭現在手機或電腦的螢幕擷取畫面,在英文裡叫screen grab或screen shot(寫成一個字或兩個字都可以)grab本來是「一把抓住……」的意思用在這裡指把螢幕呈現的畫面瞬間抓住它們是名詞,動詞要用take不過screen grab也可以直接拿來當動詞。

=> I took a screen grab of the conversation I had with him.

=> She took several screen grabs as notes to herself.

=> I just sent you the screen grab of the website I told you about.

=> The picture on Facebook was so funny that I screen grabbed it and sent it to Alice.

🤭search party容易直接照字面上譯為「搜尋派對」但實際上是「搜尋大/小隊」的意思指一群為了搜尋某人的人,通常是失蹤的人這裡的party是一群人,而不是玩樂的派對就像在餐廳會指一群四個人a party of four。

=> They organized a search party for the missing girl.

=> A search party found him dead under a bridge.

=> He led a search party that fanned out into the woods.(註:fan out是從一個點分散出去的意思)

🤭電視劇的重播叫rerun [ˋri͵rʌn] (= re + run)。

而停播了則要用被動的be canceled。至於復播則沒有什麼特別的說法,就是用「回來」be back。

=> I watched the rerun of Grey’s Anatomy.

=> My favorite show has been canceled. (= They have canceled my favorite show.)

=> I’m so happy (that) my favorite show is back.

🤭在英文裡有個字是upperclassman [͵ʌpɚˋklæsmən]可是它只能指高中三、四年級(美國高中是四年)或大學三、四年級的學生(複數是upperclassmen,女生則是upperclasswoman/upperclasswomen)但是這個字其實很少用,根據字典的統計是屬於使用率在百分之五十以下的字。

所以高中或大學會用各個年級的說法:freshman, sophomore [ˋsɑfmor] , junior, senior (高中之前則會用幾年級的說法)

=> He is a junior in my son’s school. (註:此人兒子還在高中或大學唸書)

=> He is an 8th grader in my son’s school. (他是我兒子學校8年級(國二)的學生。) (註:此人兒子還在學校唸書)

國外比較不講究這種學長姐文化,所以如果是稱呼對方,通常直接叫名字就可以了如果是向別人提起你的學長姐,通常會用 ___ year(s) ahead of me 的說法。

=> He was two years ahead of me in school.

=> I just found out (that) Lisa and I went to the same junior high school, but she was a year ahead of me.

=> A guy who was three years ahead of me in college happens to be a coworker.

=> She was two years ahead of me in high school.

如果是學弟妹就把 ahead of 改成 behind

=> He was a year behind me in college.

🤭「get off on the wrong foot」直譯是「用錯的腳下來/開始」


如果意思是一開始就處不好,主詞通常是兩個(或以上)的人如果意思是一開始就沒把事情做對,則後面通常是接by Ving (藉由…)。

=> Although we got off on the wrong foot, we were able to work out our differences.

=> He got off on the wrong foot by mixing the orders up.

=> I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I’m willing to start over.

🤭fall through 指失敗、沒有發生要注意的是它是不可拆開的動詞片語也就是說兩個字一定要在一起,不可以把受詞放在中間而且一定要用事情當主詞,不可以用人當主詞。

=> The business plan fell through.

=> A recent investment opportunity fell through.

=> Why did the merger fall through?

🤭「在傷口上灑鹽」在英文裡的說法是rub it in (someone’s face)或是rub salt into someone’s wounds指讓別人為自己的過錯或難堪的事覺得更糟,要注意在英文裡是用rub (搓揉)這個動詞。

=> You just had to rub it in (my face), didn’t you?

=> I feel bad enough already. Please don’t rub it in (my face).

=> Ted realizes he made a silly mistake. Don’t rub it in his face.

🤭freeze 是「結凍」的意思brain freeze就是指在吃冰時吃太快或吃太大口,一股寒意直沖腦門讓你忍不住想大喊「啊~ ~」的感覺相信大家都有這樣的經驗它是個名詞,算是在生活中還蠻常用的字也叫 ice cream headache只要吃冰有這種感覺發生時,就會看到那人抱著痛苦的表情喊。

=> I just had a brain freeze!

=> She never eats anything cold or iced because she hates the feeling of a brain freeze.

🤭「落井下石」是指在別人遭遇到不好的事情時,還加以陷害或打擊在英文裡有個很類似的說法,叫 kick someone when he is down 其中的 he is 要隨前面的 someone 來改比如 kick you when you are down不過要注意的是,它和「雪上加霜」可不一樣因為「雪上加霜」是指讓原本已經不好的情況變得更不好第一它不是指人,第二它不見得是陷害或打擊一般會說 To make things/matter worse, ……比如:She lost her job. To make things worse, the doctor told her she had cancer.

=> Not to kick you when you are down, but you still owe me 50 bucks.

=> A: Peter told the boss (that) it was Kevin’s fault (that) we missed the deadline.B: He sure knows how to kick a guy when he’s down.

=> My parents always told me not to kick a man when he’s down.

🤭facepalm [ˋfespɑm] 是個現在流行的字,尤其是在網路上我們知道face是「臉孔」,palm是「掌心」合在一起就是指用掌心拍擊臉孔、遮住眼睛的動作表示無奈、挫折感、失望、尷尬、驚訝等情緒有點像我們說「天啊……」、「那(些/個)人是怎麼了?」、「你一定是在開玩笑吧?」、「不!」時會出現的動作它可以當動詞,也可以當名詞,甚至可以當形容詞。

=> Here are some jokes that will make you facepalm.

=> He shook his head and facepalmed himself.

=> That is the most facepalm thing ever.

🤭come up on top 是個常在生活中或是運動比賽中會聽到的片語,其實它的意思就是在競賽中獲得優勝come up 表示「最後的結果是…」,而on top 則是「獲勝;在頂端」。

=> He was a little behind at first, but he came up on top.

=> With her dedication and hard work, no wonder she always comes up on top.

=> You are not going to come up on top if you don’t take your opponents seriously.

🤭像這種攤販和旅行時很多人會戴的腰包在 2017 年又開始流行了在英文裡它有個很可愛的名字, 叫 fanny pack為什麼要叫 fanny 呢?在英文口語用法中,fanny 是 「屁股」 的俗稱之一中文雖叫 「腰包」,因為我們覺得它是掛在腰的位置但老外覺得它因重量而垂下來的位置是剛好在屁股上方所以叫它 「屁股包」—fanny pack

很有趣吧!在英式英文中它叫 bum bagbum 也是「屁股」的意思。

=> I can’t stand guys carrying fanny packs.

=> Fanny packs are back in fashion in 2017.

🤭frown [fraʊn] 這個字在英文裡是動詞「皺眉頭、做出不悅的表情」的意思說一件事會讓人「皺眉頭、做出不悅的表情」,就是讓人不認同也就是社會大眾普遍不能接受的行為,但是又不到犯法的程度注意要用被動語態 be frowned upon。

=> Making sexual jokes at the workplace is often frowned upon.

=> A professor should not date his student. It’s usually frowned upon.

=> It’s generally frowned upon when you wear bright colors to a funeral.

=> An educated woman was often frowned upon back in the old days.

🤭「破音」在英文裡的說法是用動詞 crack 這個字crack 的原義是裂開、產生裂痕所以說一個人的聲音 crack 就是破音的意思注意它的主詞要用 voice 。

=> My voice cracks when I sing high notes.

=> The singer’s voice cracked during a live performance.

=> Her voice cracked because she had a bad cold.

🤭在這裡 edge 不是「邊緣」的意思,而是指緊張不安的情緒。

take the edge off 在電影或影集裡常聽到意思是使一件令人不愉快的事變得比較容易忍受消除緊張或其他不好的情緒像有時電影裡的人要去做一件,像是搶刧、殺人,或其他要冒險的事旁邊的人就會給他一杯酒叫他喝下去因為酒可以「take the edge off」。

=> Have a drink. It will take the edge off.

=> I usually go jogging to take the edge off before an exam.

=> He tried to take the edge off with a nice hot bath.

🤭put someone on the spot 是個英文中還蠻常用的片語,意思是當眾問某人一個問題或逼迫他當下做出決定,使他難堪、尷尬想像一下被當眾點名,所有目光都集中在你身上,就是這種感覺也可以用被動語態 be put on the spot。

=> He put Lisa on the spot by asking her why she didn’t want to get married

=> Don’t ever put me on the spot like that. It isn’t cool.

🤭「牙套」在英文裡的說法叫 braces [ˋbresɪz] 它都是用複數,動詞要用的是 wear。

=> She wears braces.

=> He wore braces for three years.

=> These days, a lot of people wear braces for cosmetic reasons.


=>She wears braces on her upper teeth.

但如果是指「裝上牙套」,則要用使役動詞 have braces put on 或是 get braces。

=> Jenny had braces put on last month.

=> The dentist suggested that I get braces. (註:suggest後面不可用suggest 人 to V 的句型,而且suggest that 人 要接原型動詞)

🤭suggest 這個字在使用時, 句型有兩種

一是用 suggest + 名詞或動名詞 (Ving)

=> David suggested having the party at his place.Mr. Thompson suggested an idea to the board.

另外一個句型, 是用在表示 ”建議某人去做某事” 時很。

多人以為可以直接說 suggest 人 to V比如 He suggested me to see a doctor.但事實上這是受到中文裡 ”去做...” 的影響, 是完全錯誤的文法

suggest 這個字根本不能這樣用在表示 ”建議” 這個意思的幾個字裡面 (suggest, recommend, advise)只有 advise 這個字可以用 advise 人 to V 的句型 (注意是動詞 advise 而不是名詞 advice)

=> He advised us to seek an expert’s opinions.

用 suggest 這個字來表示 ”建議某人去做某事” 時句型是: suggest (that) + 人 + 原形動詞

這是很多英文考試都愛考的題目, 因為它很特殊一般來說, “動詞 + that 子句” 裡, 子句的動詞時態必須配合前面真正的動詞比如要說 He said (that) he would come tomorrow.

但在 suggest 的這個句型裡, 不管 suggest 本身用的是什麼時態也不管子句裡的主詞是否為第三人稱單數(一般如果主詞為第三人稱單數, 在現在簡單式的肯定句裡, 動詞要加 s 或 es )that 後面子句裡的動詞一律要用原形比如: I suggested (that) Dan see a doctor. (O)I suggested Dan to see a doctor. (X)I suggested (that) Dan saw a doctor. (X)

至於為什麼會這樣? 是可以解釋的, 我們多益課也有教這其實是因為這裡的 that 子句中省略了一個字: should這個句型原本應該是: suggest (that) someone should + V should 後面該接的就是原形動詞, 只是這個句型經過時間的演變這個 should 到後來不知何故就被省略掉了但是這個 ”隱藏版” 的助動詞其實還是在那兒的, 只是我們看不見它於是造成乍看之下很奇怪的 suggest (that) + 人 + 原形動詞 的句型不過要注意, 若子句裡要用的是被動語態時就要變成 suggest (that) someone / something + be p.p. 的句型了(把被動語態裡的 be 動詞變成原形)大家一定要記得哦~

=> The doctor often suggests (that) he do more exercise.

=> I suggest moving the copier to the window.= I suggest (that) the copier be moved to the window.

=> The manager suggested postponing the meeting.= The manager suggested (that) the meeting be postponed.

🤭「白目」一詞源自台語,意思是搞不清楚狀況、惹人白眼這在英文裡有一個蠻貼切的翻譯:clueless clueless [ˋkluləs] 是形容詞,字面上的意思是「沒有線索的」

但在目前的英文流行語中,正好就是指搞不清楚狀況的人很多年前有部電影就叫 Clueless (台灣譯為「獨領風騷」)就是在講一個成天只知打扮玩樂的富家女的故事不過要注意,這個字只能用來講人。

=> Penny is so clueless. She doesn’t know the whole class hates her.

=> My mom is so clueless that she thinks Facebook is a school yearbook.(我媽白目到以為臉書是學校的畢業紀念冊。)


這在英文裡有幾個可以代換的說法如 a short version of ……, a Cliff’s notes version of……, 還有 …… for dummies。

首先 a short version of …… 比較容易理解,就是「……的簡短版本」再來是 a Cliff’s notes version of ……這個用法也許美國人較容易了解因為 CliffsNotes 以前是美國一家很大的出版社(現在被別人買走)它最有名的系列是把世界名著改寫成簡短的版本,給年輕的讀者或不想讀原著的讀者看所以 a Cliff’s notes version of …… 也是「簡短版本」意思,至於 ...... for dummies 也是一系列書的名字dummy/dummies 在英文裡是「笨蛋」的意思在英文書裡有一系列「xxx for Dummies」的書比如 The Internet for Dummies, Music Theory for Dummies都是把一些看似很複雜的東西用比較簡單的方式做解釋所以 ...... for dummies 也可以說是「懶人包」。

=> I e-mailed you a short version of the latest changes in Labor Laws.

=> I have the Cliff’s notes version of the new health insurance regulations. Would you like to take a look?

=> Here’s the new retirement policy for dummies in case you need it.

🤭媽媽:I made some killer lemon potatoes!學生:The potatoes are very sour? 媽媽:No, silly! “Killer” just means it’s very good.

的確,在英文裡也有這種說反話的例子像我們熟知的 mean (惡毒的;兇惡的) 和 sick (生病的) 都反而是「很好、很棒」的意思尤其是在近代的英文口語中不過要注意的是,killer 同時有形容詞和名詞的用法。

=> His new album is mean/sick! = His new album is a killer!

=> Your impression of President Obama is mean/sick!= Your impression of President Obama is a killer!

🤭很多人以為台灣這種由公寓大樓或平房組成的「社區」叫community因為在一般字典或教材裡的community這個字給的中文意思往往是「社區」殊不知此「社區」非彼「社區」台灣這種由同一家建築公司所興建的一棟或多棟公寓大樓(有些地方可能是獨棟房屋)所組成的「社區」通常外觀都一樣,使用同樣的公共設施,由同一家物業公司管理在英文裡要叫 apartment complex 才對 (complex [ˋkɑmplɛks] 此時為名詞,重音在前面別唸錯了)在此complex一字是集合體的意思community所指的「社區」主要指的是人所形成的團體、「社群」,而不是實體建物,通常不會有明確的界線和範圍有時是可以指某個區域沒錯,但它仍是指一群人共同生活的地區會是一大片範圍,而不會只有幾棟建築物。

=> They just bought a unit in the new high-rise apartment complex.

=> The security guards at our apartment complex are very friendly.


=> A: Henry claims that he was buddies with Mark Zuckerberg in high school.B: Well, we both know that he is a big name-dropper. God knows if that’s true.

=> Name-droppers are insecure about their own social status.


=> A: Did you have a good night’s sleep? B: I sure did.

=> A: Your mom is a great cook. (你媽很會做菜耶。)B: She sure is.

=> A: Can you show me how to get to the train station? B: I sure can. You had better take care of yourself because the government sure won’t.

=> That young man sure stole her heart.

在口語中也常出現sure as hell這個片語,意思是「絕對/真的……」。

=> He sure as hell won’t get a dime from me.

=> I sure as hell hate his guts.

🤭「吹牛」這個行為在英文裡有幾種說法如果是動詞的話,可以用boast、blow hot air、blow one’s own horn/trumpet等。

用boast和blow hot air通常指的是誇大不實的吹牛,blow one’s own horn/trumpet則比較是指誇耀或誇大自己的成就,不見得完全是假的,偏中文「自吹自擂」的意思(註:horn是「號角」, trumpet是樂器「小號」)不論中外都覺得這種行為要用「吹」這個動詞來表達,挺妙。

=> He is boasting about his achievements thirty years ago again.

=> He is just blowing hot air. I wouldn’t believe everything he says.

=> My boss enjoys blowing his own horn in front of young women.

假如有人在吹牛,也可以用名詞hot air來指他所說的話像是:That’s just a lot of hot air. 或 He is full of hot air. 所以如果有人在向你吹牛,而你想當面跟他說「聽你在放屁!」或是「你吹牛!」會說:You are (so) full of hot air!

更粗俗一點就會說:That’s a load of crap! / You are (so) full of shit!不過這樣講表示你不相信他所說的有時候有些人只是把事實加以誇大,比如別人只推了他一下害他跌倒,但他卻說別人把他打倒在地那就會說:(I think) You are exaggerating. (註:exaggerate [ɪgˋzædʒəret])

🤭stay put是個日常生活中常聽到用到的片語。

意思,是留在原地不要離開通常用在祈使句裡,叫別人不要亂動、離開叫別人stay put時意思和 stay where you are 一樣。

=> Stay put. Help is on the way.

=> Please be calm and stay put.

=> Stay put. I’ll be back with some water.

=> Stay put so I’ll know where to find you.

🤭「乩童」比較簡單的英文說法是 medium [ˋmidiəm] (靈媒) 或 shaman [ˋʃɑmən]

沒錯,medium就是平常用來指中號、中等的那個字因為它也有媒介的意思,所以靈媒就用這個字來表示,shaman本來指的是薩滿教的法師/巫師,但現在用來泛指能接觸到鬼神和亡靈的民間宗教法師,所以在廟裡幫人收驚或指點神明旨意的「師公/婆」也可以用這個字假如要說得更清楚一點,「乩童」是 Taoist spirit medium (道教的靈媒)或Taoist shaman。

=> I don’t believe what the medium told me.

=> The kid’s grandmother took him to a shaman for his night terrors.

=> The shaman made him drink a mixture of water and burnt charm paper.


=> He kept sneezing.

=> They keep a record of visitors.

=> You can keep the money.

=> Her love for her children is what keeps her alive.

比較接近「保持」的意思時,英文裡應該要用片語keep up像是稱讚別人有好表現時會說Keep up the good work. 如果把兩個字分開,keep …… up 則是指把…保持在良好狀態。

=> Ted’s dad promised to buy him a new computer if he keeps his grades up.

要說「保持健康」、「保持清潔」時要說 stay healthy 和 keep …… clean 才對。

=> What do you do to stay healthy?

=> I take vitamins and exercise to stay healthy.

=> Keep your bedroom clean.

=> Please keep the restroom clean. (註:公共場所的廁所、洗手間叫restroom,居住場所的才是bathroom)

stay這個字主要指保持某種狀態,而使某人或某事物保持某種狀態則是「keep + 受詞 + 形容詞」,不能缺受詞。

=> How does she stay so young-looking?

=> “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” is one of the most famous quotes from Steve Jobs.

=> She seems to have trouble keeping her mouth shut.

=> It takes a lot of effort to keep such a big place spotless.

🤭曾經在某部電影中看到字幕把break wind翻譯成「開快車」,令人啼笑皆非,大家可別誤以為它是字面上「破風」的意思,進而以為和高速行駛有關,事實上break wind是「放屁」的意思哦!放屁當然也有好幾種其他說法像是 fart, pass gas 等break wind算是比較文雅的一種,大家別再誤會囉!

=> Our grandpa broke wind in the car.

=> The baby farted in his sleep.

=> He let out a silent but deadly fart.

🤭當有人說 It’s cold out. 時,其實就是指 It’s cold outside. 「外面很冷」也可以說 It’s cold out there/here. (看說話者是在室內還是室外)

be out cold 這個片語則要用人或動物當主詞,意思是說完全失去意識包括睡死了、昏過去、喝得太醉……各種情況在文法上是屬於用最後的cold這個形容詞去修飾主詞的用法,指在失去意識時的狀態。

=> I was out cold after three beers.

=> Look at the cat. He is out cold.

=> He was totally unaware of the earthquake. He was out cold.

=> The punch knocked him out cold.

=> I was so tired that I was out cold for twelve hours straight.

🤭「褲裙」這種服裝在英文裡有很多種說法包括skirt pants, culottes, wide-leg pants 等culottes [kjuˋlɑts] 本來是古時法國人穿的那種塞進靴子裡的褲子現在女裝的culottes指的是今年(2016)很流行的七分寬褲 skirt pants一般是統稱,可長可短。

wide-leg pants 則通常是比七分寬褲長一點的褲裙,也可能只是腿部略為寬鬆,但不到褲裙程度的長褲另外有一種叫flare pants,指的則是腿的下半部有喇叭褲樣子的褲裙,還有外面看來像短裙,裡面其實是短褲的那種短褲裙則叫skorts是裙子skirt和短褲shorts的合體字。在文法上要注意的是,以上這些說法都和所有褲子類的東西一樣,永遠要用複數要講幾條時則必須用它的單位字pair。

=> Culottes rule summer fashion this year.

=> Those skorts really accentuate Tammy’s great legs.

=> Where did you get those gorgeous skirt pants?

🤭troll [trol] 這幾年用來指喜歡在網路上刻意發表激怒別人的言論的人,也包含故意張貼「牛頭不對馬嘴」,和主題亳無關聯的留言的人,這個字也可以當動詞,指用以上方式刻意激怒別人、「鬧」別人原本 troll 當動詞是指一種釣魚方式,但當名詞也是北歐神話中笨笨的又長得很醜的食人巨怪。



=> I wouldn’t mind that comment if I were you. This guy is clearly a troll.

=> This person has been trolling me for days. I’m going to block him.

=> A dad trolls his daughter by recreating her sexy selfies and posting them online.

🤭mothball [ˋmɔθbɔl],moth 這個字本來是「蛾」的意思,因為樟腦丸所要防的蟲類之一是「衣蛾」,所以在英文裡用到這個字不過中文裡的樟腦是指樟樹的萃取物,原本樟腦丸應該是天然的樟樹萃取物做成的不過現在大部份便宜的樟腦丸是化學物質合成的(題外話:有時比較一下不同語言是從什麼角度為東西命名還蠻有趣的哦~)。另外由於現在用樟腦丸的人不多了,這個字也被用來指已經收起來不用的東西用法是 be mothballed 或 be put into mothballs。

=> The smell of mothballs is very pungent. (樟腦丸的味道刺鼻。)(註:pungent [ˋpʌndʒənt] )

=> My grandfather’s clothes always have the smell of mothballs. (我外公的衣服總是有樟腦丸的味道。)

=> The expensive blender I bought three years ago has been mothballed.

🤭說一個人有「玻璃心」是指此人很敏感、情緒上容易受傷,所以要嘛用形容詞sensitive (敏感的)。

=> She is very sensitive. / She is a sensitive person.

=> Her feelings get hurt easily.


=> These days, there is a popular phrase in Chinese: “glass heart” or “heart of glass.” Someone with a “glass heart” is someone who’s very sensitive or whose feelings get hurt easily.

=> 另外有個接近的說法叫emotionally fragile/vulnerable,指情緒脆弱但它通常除了容易受傷,也可以指情緒容易崩潰,或是容易對別人卸下心防等「玻璃心」其實沒那麼嚴重。

🤭「榮民」是台灣對退伍軍人的尊稱,在英文裡是用veteran [ˋvɛtərən] 這個字,

不過另外有一個跟它很像但比較長的字veterinarian [͵vɛtərəˋnɛriən]簡稱叫vet [vɛt],也是指一種人,叫「獸醫」,大家可別搞混囉,如果真的上過戰場會在前面加個war,變成war veteran,veteran這個字現在也引申用來指在某行業裡身經百戰,對各種狀況有豐富經驗的人在台灣我們口語上會用「老鳥」、「老手」、「老將」等詞。

=> My grandfather was a war veteran.

=> War veterans deserve our respect.

=> Veterans are eligible for free medical treatments at the veterans’ hospital.

=> Danny is a veteran in the advertising business.

🤭目前中文裡很流行講的「屁孩」,主要是指做了些讓人搖頭的行為的年輕人或小孩,在英文裡可以叫 spoiled brat [spɔɪld bræt]

🤭在指起司等食物很黏稠會「牽絲」時,英文裡是用stringy [ˋstrɪŋi] ,這個形容詞除了起司外也可以指像濃湯、醬汁或麵條等的黏稠狀態。

=> Look how stringy the pizza is. There must be a lot of cheese on it.

=> I don’t like the stringy texture of the noodles.

不過有時候食物壞了或是人在流口水也會出現「牽絲」的狀態那就不會用這個字,而是說它sticky [ˋstɪki] 「黏黏的」就好。

=> The fried rice has gone bad. Look how sticky it is when I pick some up.

=> The sticky drool hanging from the baby’s mouth is disgusting.

🤭現在在網路和手機上常會看到很多很「療癒」的圖片、影片或文章。在英文裡可以用形容詞therapeutic [͵θɛrəˋpjutɪk] 來表達(從名詞 therapy 「心理治療;治療方法」而來)。或是說它們 have a healing/comforting effect不過「療癒」這個詞最早是從日文來的在流行用語中演變成療癒心靈、讓心情獲得撫慰、內心快樂起來的意思所以如果硬要翻成英文,可以用以上方式表達但對老外來說很多可愛的貓狗圖片其實說cute就可以囉。

=> I love looking at cute animal pictures. They are almost therapeutic.

=> Looking at cute baby or animal pictures can produce endorphin. That’s why they have a comforting effect.

要注意的是,因為在中文和日文的流行語中也會用「療癒」來形容某人給別人的感覺(比如演員或歌手等)如果是指一個人所散發出的特質,則不能直接用以上說法形容而應該要講清楚,是此人「有一種……的特質。=> She has a calming/comforting quality about her. She has a calming/comforting effect on people.

=> There is something very calming/comforting about her.

🤭位如果去 google 打英文 Oscar snubs 就會看到搜尋結果裡有很多是電影或明星的清單,snub [snʌb] 這個字在這裡是當名詞,指應受肯定但被冷落或忽略的電影或電影工作者。其實這個字原本是動詞「冷落;怠慢」的意思演變成名詞,就是指受到冷落或怠慢的人及事物而在奧斯卡獎的snubs就是指原本應該被提名或得獎,卻沒有受到青睞的影片或是演員等相關人員今年的字幕翻譯人員譯為「遺珠」算是相當貼切的。

=> Some people consider Will Smith one of the major Oscar snubs this year.

=> One of the 2016 Oscar snubs is the movie Ex Machina.

🤭近幾年開始流行到台灣的「種睫毛」,英文叫 get/have eyelash extensions,則要配動詞get。

=> I’m going to get eyelash extensions. I don’t like my short eyelashes.(

=> Where did you get those gorgeous eyelash extensions?


=> Leah has eyelash extensions. That’s why her eyelashes always look perfect.

=> Having eyelash extensions means you don’t have to wear false eyelashes anymore.

以此類推,「接髮」就是 get/have hair extensions。

=> The stylist suggested that the bride get hair extensions.

=> My grandmother was surprised that I grew long hair overnight. I had to explain that I got hair extensions.

順道一提,「假睫毛」叫 false/fake eyelashes動詞的用法和穿脫衣服一樣「戴上」用put on (或是apply),「摘掉」叫take off (或是remove)已經戴著則是用wear。

=> Did you see those outrageous false eyelashes that girl was wearing?

=> I learned how to put on false eyelashes from Youtube videos.

🤭雖然out有時候有「用完」的意思,不過可不要誤以為luck out這個片語是「好運用盡」的意思。事實上它的意思正好相反,是指「非常走運;運氣很好」。

=> He lucked out and ended up winning more than five hundred dollars in the card game.

=> Just because you lucked out last time, doesn’t mean it will happen again.

🤭「詞性」的說法是 part of speech所以如果要問某個字在文法上的詞性要說:What part of speech is (the word) _____?回答時則是說:It’s a ______.

=> What part of speech is (the word) difficulty?(「difficulty」這個字是什麼詞?)It’s a noun. (名詞)如果談到詞類變化的問題,比如要表達difficulty是difficult一字的名詞變化則是說:Difficulty is the noun form of (the word) difficult.

🤭因此在英文裡的說法叫「保溫衣」,用的是thermal [ˋθɝm!] 這個形容詞如果是「發熱」的內衣,就叫thermal underwear (現在很多發熱衣都是穿在裡面的,各式內著都算),「發熱」的緊身褲就叫thermal tights / thermal leggings (也有人拿來流汗減肥用),只有上半身則叫 thermal top。

=> The website is having a winter sale on thermal underwear.

=> For people who get cold easily, thermal clothing is really helpful.

=> This jacket is made of thermal material. It preserves body heat and keeps you warm.

=> My sister bought a pair of thermal leggings to help her sweat. She hopes it will make her thighs look thinner.


在英文裡有句話是 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.字面上的意思是說蘋果熟成時不會掉在離樹太遠的地方,指孩子和父母往往是很類似的,不過這句話不一定都是負面的意思,假使父母和孩子都很好的話,也可以用這句話表示「虎父無犬子」當然大家也聽過簡單的 Like father, like son. 這句話一般翻譯成「有其父必有其子」但是它通常指的不是品格方面的類似而是一些習慣、行為/反應模式等。

=> A: Henry always makes a mess when he eats.

=> B: Like father, like son. I had dinner with his parents once. His dad was exactly the same way.

=> A: Research shows that children of criminals have a higher chance of becoming criminals themselves.

🤭「杏鮑菇」的英文名稱是 king oyster mushroom(s),也有其他說法像是 king trumpet mushroom, French horn mushroom 等。

=> I love deep-fried king oyster mushrooms.

=> We ordered extra king oyster mushrooms for the hot-pot.

=> King oyster mushrooms are meatier than regular mushrooms.(杏鮑菇比一般香菇厚實。)

🤭「照鏡子」其實就是「看鏡中的自己」所以英文說法是 look at oneself in the mirror

=> She loves looking at herself in the mirror.

=> My sister spends at least an hour a day looking at herself in the mirror.

=> Most people would look at themselves in the mirror when they are in an elevator.

=> You might want to look at yourself in the mirror before pointing your finger at other people.

🤭打電話叫外送或外賣食物有好幾種英文說法,其中之一叫 order in它指的是這樣的行為,相對於自己煮或外出吃飯。

=> I’m too tired to cook. Let’s order in.

也可以說 order …… delivery

=> We ordered pizza delivery for dinner yesterday.

=> 如果是到店自取或外帶的食物則叫做 takeout, takeaway, carryout等。


=> I got some Chinese food takeout for dinner. (我買了些外帶的中國菜當晚餐。)

🤭「樂譜/五線譜」的英文說法挺妙的,叫做 sheet music,能夠識譜或讀譜,就是會 read sheet music。

🤭現在台灣中文流行語中的「小鮮肉」,指的是年輕、體格好又有吸引力的男子,用英文來表達就是一個 young hunk ,hunk [hʌŋk] 這個字的意思是俊美有吸引力的男子,「通常」有健壯的體格而既然叫「小鮮肉」,則還必須年輕因此在英文裡叫 young hunk 是很貼切的翻譯。

=> My sister is obsessed with this young hunk from Korea.

=> Our new colleague is a young hunk fresh out of college.

🤭walk-in 字面上是「走進來」,其實這裡的 walk-in 指的是直接走進來的人也就是沒有事先預約的人比如有時候經過美髮美容院或診所,心血來潮或正好有需要就走進去了並沒有事先安排好要過去的時間,這樣的人就叫做walk-in。

=> We are fully booked today. Any walk-in will have to wait for a cancellation.

=> The receptionist told me we have a walk-in.

=> The clinic requires that you make an appointment. They don’t accept walk-ins.

不過 walk-in 也常當作形容詞來使用意思就是「(可以)直接走進去的」比如很多西方國家房子裡會有所謂的walk-in closet指的就是可以開門走進去,是整間房間的衣櫃,但它不見得是許多女生心目中夢幻的那種奢華衣櫃(電視或電影中那種一開門裡面就像精品店的衣櫃),有時可能只是在樓梯底下很像儲藏室的一個可放衣服或雜物的小房間,但它通常會有一般房間的門,另外也有所謂的walk-in clinic,指的就是不需要事先約診掛號的診所。

🤭偷聽別人說話的行為,在英文裡叫 eavesdrop [ˋivzdrɑp],它指的是刻意從旁聽取別人原本應該是私密的對話內容比如平時在公共場所,刻意很認真地想聽清楚旁邊的人在講什麼這就叫eavesdrop。

=> A: Did you hear what I just said? B: Sorry. I was eavesdropping on the couple beside me.

=> I eavesdropped on my boss having a fight with his wife on the phone.

=> I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I heard you mentioning the company I work for.

不過如果沒有要刻意去聽,只是因為人剛好在旁邊,加上說話者又沒有刻意迴避或講得很小聲而聽到別人的對話內容這叫 overhear [ ovɚˋhɪr],過去式是 overheard [ ovɚˋhɝd]。

=> I overheard a coworker complaining about working overtime.

=> I overheard Jenny’s conversation with her boyfriend. It sounded like they might be getting married.

另外如果是政府或執法單位等為了蒐證而進行的「竊聽」則是用 wiretap [ˋwaɪr͵tæp] (也可寫成 wire tap)也可用簡稱 tap 或口語上用 bug [bʌg] 這個字。

=> The police wiretapped/tapped/bugged the drug dealer’s cell phone.


=> His office is bugged.

bug 也可當名詞指「竊聽裝置」,另一個說法是wire電影或影集中常會有人身上戴了竊聽裝置去蒐集犯罪證據有人起疑時就會問他:Are you wearing a wire/bug?

🤭What are you thinking about? 和 What are your thoughts?

What are you thinking about? 是在問對方在想些什麼但是

What are your thoughts? 是在問對方對當下在談論的事情的看法也可以說 What are your thoughts/opinions on this?

🤭Walk it off 這個片語字面上的意思是「用走路的方式把它擺脫掉」,用在像是有人生氣、難過、吃太飽、腳稍微扭到……等各種生理和心理有不舒服的狀態時叫對方「走一走就會好了」。

=> A: Would you like to share a cab? B: No, thanks. I ate too much. I think I’ll walk it off.

=> You’re being too emotional right now. Maybe you should walk it off.

=> I’m too upset to talk right now. I think I’ll walk it off.

=> The soccer coach told the injured player to walk it off.

=> A: Are you OK? B: Yeah. I might have pulled a muscle or something. I’ll just walk it off.

suck it up是指不要抱怨,把苦吞下去的意思。

🤭有「戀童癖」的人,在英文裡叫 pedophile [ˋpidəfaɪl],所以要講一個人有戀童癖,就是說此人是一個pedophile。

=> He is a pedophile.

=> He is suspected to be a pedophile.

這種心理問題的名稱叫pedophilia [͵pidəˋfɪlɪə]。

=> He was diagnosed with pedophilia in his early 20s. (他在二十歲出頭時被診斷出有戀童癖。)

這個字的形容詞是pedophiliac [͵pidəˋfɪlɪæk]。

=> The child porn found on his computer suggests that he has pedophiliac tendencies.(在他電腦上找到的兒童色情圖片/影片顯示他可能有戀童癖傾向。)

🤭在國內外的新聞裡都不時會聽到囤積狂的案例和故事。一個捨不得把東西丟掉,喜歡把它們囤積起來的人就叫hoarder [ˋhordɚ],但hoarder不見得是已經有病態性囤積行為的人有時像老一輩的祖父母、爸媽只是因為節儉成性而捨不得把舊的東西扔掉他們可以稱為hoarder,但他們通常並沒有所謂的hoarding disorder (病態囤積症),因為那是真的像圖片裡到很誇張的地步,甚至會去外面撿東西回來囤積這是一種心理疾病,根據研究通常是因為太寂寞、感到不被關心,而需要透過囤積行為得到安全感另一種異曲同工的心理病態行為叫animal hoarding它是指家裡飼養了數量龐大的動物或寵物,已經超出照顧的能力範圍但仍不願少養一些,像有些獨居的人會養十幾隻到幾十隻的貓狗,這在心理學上也是囤積症的一種(人真的是很奇妙的動物,大家要多關心身邊的人)言歸正傳,如果你的朋友舊東西捨不得扔都留起來你可以開玩笑地說 You’re (such) a hoarder. 。或是描述自己的家人:My grandfather is (such) a hoarder.

假如你本身就是常捨不得把舊的或壞的東西扔掉的人可以為自己辯解:I’m not a hoarder. I’m just frugal. (我不是囤積狂。我這是節儉。)

現在更好的理由則是說自己green (環保的)表示是為了不增加環境(垃圾)負擔才不把東西丟掉。

🤭I’ve been wanting to tell you…… 是口語上很常用的片語意思是「我一直很想告訴你……」,後面通常接一個完整的句子,也可以接名詞或名詞片語這個句子用的是現在完成進行式,一般是用來表示從之前持續到現在,且仍正在做或將要繼續做下去的事平常文法書會教大家像 like, love, want, need 這些動詞是不能用進行式的但在口語上常有例外情況,麥當勞的 I’m lovin’ (=loving) it 就是如此,這個片語也是一個這樣的例子,不過理論和實際運用通常都存在著某些差異,這是很正常的當各位把基本功練好以後,要更上一層樓就是要學這些例外、特殊、教科書上學不到但老外生活中常用的到字詞和慣用語假如要表達「我一直非常想告訴你……」也可以把它改成 I’ve been dying to tell you……

=> I’ve been wanting to tell you (that) I really hate it when you crack your knuckles.

=> I’ve been wanting to tell you about my romantic encounter in Paris.

=> I’ve been wanting to tell you this: I don’t think he’s that into you.

=> I’ve been dying to tell you this all day. Your fly is down. (我今天一整天都好想告訴你,你褲子拉鍊沒拉上!)

🤭問人家買一個東西花了多少錢,較常用的正確說法是How much was it?(若是鞋子、褲子、眼鏡等一定要用複數的東西,或是多樣東西,則問How much were they?)用過去式的原因是這(些)東西已經買來了。另一個問法是How much did you get it for? (注意最後要加for )因為原本描述花費的句子應該是用 I got this jacket for $800.

這樣的句型其實各位在檢查這種問句時有個很簡單的方法,先想簡答時的答案如果換成完整的句子通不通或文法對不對,比如要回答How much這個問題,簡答時可直接說eight hundred dollars但若恢復成完整的句子,I got it 接 eight hundred dollars 變成 I got it eight hundred dollars卻少了一個字,是不完整及不正確的句子

(同樣道理,也不能說I got married 28 years old.所以問How old did you get married? 也是錯的,而要說 How old were you when you got married?)

「這件外套是我花八百元買的」要說I got this jacket for eight hundred dollars. 才對所以問句的最後也要加for才對「你買這個多少錢?」是How much did you get it for? 而不是How much did you get it?此外也可以問:How much did you buy it for?

🤭因為 on sale 指的是物品,某物on sale是說此物以折扣價出售中。比如可以說 Children’s clothing is on sale this week. (兒童服飾本周有折扣。)

如果說The department store is on sale. 意思會是這家百貨公司要以折扣價出售了要表達某家百貨公司在舉行打折活動正確的說法是:The department store is having a sale.或是 There is a sale at the department store.

=> SOGO (Department Store) is having a Mother’s Day sale.

=> Almost every department store has sales around Christmas time.

=> There is a sale on electronics at that department store. I’d like to check it out.

=> Several department stores are having their anniversary sales now. Some make-up products are going as low as 50% off.

🤭cold turkey 當然不是字面上「冷火雞」的意思它前面常接 go 或 quit 這兩個動詞。

所謂 go cold turkey 或 quit cold turkey 是指一下子就突然戒掉癮頭或習慣「說戒就戒」,而不是慢慢的減少次數至於為何有這種說法?有一說是因為冷火雞肉是常用來即食的肉品,不需要特別加熱處理所以用它來指立即戒掉某事另一說是因為這個詞最早是用來指戒毒癮的人(特別是海洛英)他們在一開始戒毒時會經歷身體發冷和起雞皮疙瘩的症狀,所以叫「冷火雞」。

=> Wayne quit smoking cold turkey.

=> I’m going to go cold turkey on chocolate.

=> I really admire Brenda for quitting cold turkey.

🤭當你表達了自己的看法或見解,而別人用 Spot on! 來回應你時,意思就如同 Exactly. / Precisely. 表示完全贊同,「你說的一點也沒錯」另外口語中也常用 Right on! 這個說法更俚俗一點的街頭說法是 Word!不過,如果把這兩個字連起來變成 spot-on它就成了形容詞「精準的」。

=> His impression of President Obama was spot-on.

=> The interviewer was impressed by her spot-on analysis of the industry.

當英文裡說某人是 spot-on 或 right on the money 時意思是此人的表現相當稱職,完全做到了該做的事。

=> Miles Teller was right on the money in Whiplash.(邁爾斯•泰勒在「進擊的鼓手」一片中表現十分稱職。)

🤭handsy [ˋhændzi] 這個字是由「手」hand 加 sy 後變成的俗語形容詞(因為是較新的口頭俗語字,所以很多一般字典會查不到)。意思的確和手有關,指一個人愛「毛手毛腳」手不安份到處亂摸別人(通常是異性或此人有「性」趣的對象)圖片裡就是前陣子美國副總統拜登在別人就職演說時莫名其妙地按摩起人家老婆的肩膀,還在她耳邊說悄悄話……

=> I was talking to this guy at a bar the other day when he suddenly got handsy with me.

=> Several female students have accused this teacher of being handsy.

=> The manager is known for being handsy with young female employees.

=> Sometimes there is a fine line between being handsy and showing affection by touching people.(有時「毛手毛腳」和藉由碰觸表達情感之間的界線是很模糊的。)

🤭在電影或影集中常聽到當一群人要上車外出時就會有人(經常是小孩)會喊:Shotgun! 或 I’m riding shotgun!意思其實是說他想坐駕駛旁邊的位子,這個說法源自美國的西部拓荒時期當時有很多載運金錢或貨物的馬車會遭到搶劫於是常在駕車者的旁邊會有一名持槍人員保護,後來就變成是指坐在汽車駕駛旁邊的位子我們把它加以變化。

=> She is riding shotgun.

🤭各種泳衣褲,不分男女也不分款式,統稱為swimwear (集合名詞不可數)。

其中女生穿的整套或一件式的泳衣叫swimsuit 或 bathing suit(注意 bathing 要唸 [ˋbeðɪŋ] 而不是 [ˋbæθɪŋ],因為只有動詞才會加ing 而它的動詞是 bathe [beð],名詞才是 bath [bæθ] ),非一件式的泳衣又有 bikini 和 tankini 這兩種bikini 是大家熟知的「比基尼」,也就是長得很像胸罩和三角內褲的兩件式泳衣而 tankini 則是上半身較為保守,像背心式的泳衣,但下半身一樣是三角褲式的如果要單指泳衣的上半身和下半身,可以說 xx top 或 xx bottom比如成套,但不是 bikini 也不是 tankini 的上半身就叫 swimsuit top下半身(通常是短褲或小短裙)則是 swimsuit bottom而 bikini 和 tankini 的上下半身也就叫 bikini/tankini top, bikini/tankini bottom男生通常只穿泳褲 短褲式的男性泳褲叫 swim shorts 或是 swim trunks三角的泳褲則叫 swim briefs 或是 speedo (注意 shorts, trunks, briefs 和長褲、牛仔褲一樣一定要用複數,因為即使一條也是兩個褲管,但 speedo 這個字則指一條時要用單數。它和Coke一樣原本是大廠廠牌名,後來變成此種泳褲代稱)

🤭如果是開車兜風,英文裡是用 go for a drive 這個片語,

但若是騎機車則是 go for a ride。

=> Would you like to go for a drive in my new car?

=> We went for a drive along the coast.

=> She’s going for a ride on her boyfriend’s new motorcycle.

=> The couple went for a romantic drive around the lake.

有些人不知道其實drive可以像這樣當名詞用像我們可以說:It was a long drive home. (回家的車程很漫長。)但是改用ride當名詞則表示是坐別人開的車(搭便車或計程車等)所以 It was a long ride home. 則是說坐公車、火車、計程車或搭別人開的車回家這趟路很漫長,那如果是坐飛機的航程很漫長呢?這樣就要用 flight 這個名詞了所以當你坐了很久的飛機才到家,或是時間沒有很久,但因某些因素讓你感到很痛苦不愉快(比如要轉很多次機或遇到不好的人/事)就可以換成 It was a long flight home.

🤭I’m onto you. 這句話的意思是「我已經盯上你了」。意思是警告別人你已經知道他心懷不軌或將做出不好的事,而你將會密切注意他的行為,希望他會因此知難而退暗示他最好小心一點,別真的做壞事被你逮到,比如警察對可能將要犯罪的人說 I’m onto you.或是 I’ll be watching you. 意思就是要他最好打消犯罪的念頭,因為警察已經盯上他了基本上這是 onto 這個介系詞的用法我們也可以換掉主詞和受詞,仍是「盯上……」的意思。

=> The police have been onto this crime ring for some time.

=> The government is onto him for tax evasion. (他因為逃稅已被政府盯上。)

🤭指食物或飲料口感「澀澀的」,英文說法是用astringent [əˋstrɪndʒənt]這個形容詞

=> This tea has an astringent aftertaste. (這茶喝了以後會留下澀澀的口感。)

另外也可用它的名詞 astringency [əˋstrɪndʒənsi] 來指澀澀的口感。

=> Tannin is the chemical that contributes to the bitterness and astringency in tea.

=> Certain kinds of red wine would usually taste a little astringent.

=> I don’t like guavas because they often taste astringent.

🤭「整理墓地」可以說 clean up / tidy up the gravesite

「上墳」可以說 pay one’s respects at 某人的 gravesite

「焚燒紙錢」是 burn joss paper / burn ghost money

「燒香」是 burn incense

「祭品」則是 food offerings

「磕頭」一詞已和港式飲茶的dim-sum一樣變成廣東話進入英文的外來語它就叫 kowtow [ˋkaʊˋtaʊ]。

🤭ripped 這個字在時下日常會話裡常聽到,特別是在很多明星的訪談或和健身相關的內容裡,這個字原本是動詞rip [rɪp] 「撕破;扯破」的意思ripped是把它的過去分詞當形容詞的用法,本來是指被撕裂/扯破的但現在常用來指經過健身鍛鍊後,擁有線條分明的肌肉的體態像是六塊肌或手臂的肌肉。很多電影明星都需要為了角色而練出肌肉所以常會聽到他們講 ripped 這個字,通常前面搭配be動詞或 get, look 等動詞。

=> The movie star got ripped for his new movie.

=> You look ripped! Have you been working out?

=> The gym instructor gave me a few tips on how to get ripped.

至於為什麼要用這個字來指擁有線條分明的肌肉的體態呢?那是因為在這裡的用法接近cut、chiseled [ˋtʃɪz!d] (用鑿子雕刻出的)指肌肉的線條像是用切割、雕刻出來的一樣清晰分明。

不過大家要注意的是另外有一個常用的片語叫 be ripped off多了一個字以後意思差很多,是指被人「敲竹槓」被人以欺騙的方式付出超出一般行情的金錢。

=> I got ripped off on these sneakers I bought at the night market.

=> The street vendor tried to rip us off.

也可以把 rip-off 當名詞指被敲竹槓而買下的東西。

=> That laptop was a rip-off. (那台筆電買貴了。)

🤭rub someone’s fur the wrong way 字面上的意思是「逆著毛(生長的方向)撫摸」,有養過貓狗的人應該知道牠們是不喜歡被人逆著毛摸的這樣牠們會不舒服,甚至可能被摸到火大而攻擊你所以它指的是把某人惹火了,使他/她不高興有時也是指某人讓你沒來由的討厭他/她。

=> A: You don’t seem to like Sheryl much. B: Yeah. She just rubs me the wrong way.

=> Everything I say or do seems to rub him the wrong way today.

=> The politician’s arrogance has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

另外大家可以順便學的是如果要講一個人很奇怪,讓你有「毛毛的」感覺可以說:He creeps me out. / He gives me the creeps. 還有有時我們可能覺得和某個人「磁場」不合,沒有原因的就是直覺上不喜歡一個人這叫做 She sends the wrong vibe. 字面上的意思是說此人散發出的「頻率」、「訊息」不對。

🤭「公仔」的英文說法叫 action figure,它們通常是根據漫畫、卡通、電玩、電影角色所做成的人像模型,不過像 Hello Kitty 這些不是動作英雄的公仔也可以用這個詞或是用 figurine [͵fɪgjəˋrin] 。

=> My cousin collects Superman action figures.

=> One of my high school buddies has a big collection of action figures.

=> Collectibles like action figures can turn out to be a great investment.

=> I bought my niece a set of Hello Kitty figurines for her birthday.

🤭I’ll be damned. 字面上是「我將被詛咒」,可是究竟是什麼意思呢?這是個在美式口語中蠻常出現的句子,但是跟詛咒一點關係也沒有它其實是個表達驚訝的句子類似中文裡的「真想不到」、「不會吧?!」、「見鬼了」、「要死了」等前面常加個語助詞 Well。

=> Well, I’ll be damned. Stupidity is alive and well.意思就是說「真想不到愚蠢(的行為)還是處處可見。」當你聽到一件難以置信、令你訝異的事時就可以用這句話也可以把它放在你要講的事情前面( damned 唸作 [dæmd] )。

=> I’ll be damned! My boss is on the news for drunk driving!(不會吧?!我的上司因為酒駕上新聞了!)

=> I’ll be damned! The bride is wearing a black wedding dress!(不會吧?!新娘居然穿黑色的婚紗!)

=> I’ll be damned. I didn’t expect to see him here. (真想不到他會出現在這裡。)

要注意的是有時候在 I’ll be damned 後面會再接 if 的子句那個時候意思就變成「我絕對不會……」(字面上是說「如果我……就不得好死」)。

=> I’ll be damned if I lend him another penny. (我絕對不會再借他一毛錢。)

=> I’ll be damned if I ever let you do that to me again.

🤭I’m going to sit this one out. 這句話在生活中很常用到用在拒絕別人邀請你一起做某件事的時候,字面上的意思是「我要坐在一旁等這件事結束」實際上是指「這一次我就先不參與了」比如有人向你邀舞但你不想跳,就可以說 Thanks, but I’m going to sit this one out.或是有朋友約你一起出去遊玩,但你不想去,也可以用這句話所以基本上就是在說 No, thanks for asking. (不了,多謝邀請。)

🤭如果要講自己是做大夜班的工作,就是 I work the graveyard shift.

🤭不過叫一個男人son of a gun 其實是好的意思類似中文說的「好傢伙」、「好樣兒的」它原本是罵人用的 son of a bitch 比較婉轉好聽的版本,但現在多半是一種親暱的稱呼前面常會加個 You。

=> You son of a gun! I can’t believe you did it!

=> Ted, you son of a gun! Congrats on the promotion!

🤭英文裡說某件事 go south 時,當然不是字面上「往南方走」的意思,而是指此事失敗,或情況變糟的意思至於為什麼要用南方而不是其他方向呢?那是因為南方一般是朝下的,所以有走下坡、變差的意思。

=> If the deal goes south, we’re going to lose a lot of money.

=> His business plan went south, and he went bankrupt.

=> No one expected the surgery to go south.

🤭「點名」的英文說法是 roll callroll 這個字在此指的是名冊 (平時較常指「捲狀物」或動詞「滾動」、「捲」)roll call 可指「點名」這個行為,搭配使用的動詞是 do。

=> The economics professor always does the roll call at the end of the class.

=> Fortunately, I made it to the classroom before the roll call.

但是 roll call 也可以指點名這件事發生的時候,搭配的介系詞是at或during。

=> When the teacher calls your name at roll call, you should answer “Present.”(當老師在點名時叫到你的名字,你應該回答「到」。)

=> Jason happened to be in the restroom during roll call.

另外大家可以順便學一下 payroll 這個詞它指的是發放薪資的名冊,也就是該領到薪資的人的清單有些外包、兼職或打零工的人也許不會被列在常態薪資給付的名單上這時就可以說:He is not on our payroll. (他不在薪資給付名單上。)而負責發放薪水的單位則叫 payroll office。

🤭「保溫瓶」的英文說法是 thermos bottle 或是簡稱為 thermos,thermos [ˋθɝməs] 這個字是一家公司特有的註冊產品但後來因為太普及,市佔率高而成為此種產品的統稱,當作統稱時則不必大寫所以「保溫杯」就是 thermos cup / thermos mug,但星巴克的「隨行杯」則是叫 tumbler [ˋtʌmblɚ]本來指的是平底而且沒有把手的酒杯。

🤭「小平頭」這種髮型的英文說法是 crew cut。

🤭Touché! 它也有稱讚人家某句話說得好的意思,不過是用在指人家說的那句話「一語中的」、「一針見血」的情況。

🤭「春聯」的英文說法是 spring couplet,couplet [ˋkʌplɪt] 指的是兩句一組的對句或對詩,不過不太熟悉中國文化或習俗的老外也許會仍不知道它是幹嘛用的,這時候也可以叫它 Chinese New Year couplet。

=> My grandfather wrote a few spring couplets for Chinese New Year.

=> The famous calligrapher gave away some of the spring couplets he wrote.

🤭「這件襯衫有三種顏色(可供選擇)」老外較常用的講法是The shirt comes in three colors. ,另外也可以說 The shirt is available in three colors. ,我們再換一下,如果要講「這件外套有三種尺寸」呢?那就是The jacket comes in three sizes.

改成問句要問店員這件襯衫有幾種顏色就是How many colors does this shirt come in?或 Does this shirt come in any other colors? (這件襯衫有其他顏色嗎?)這句也可以說Is this shirt available in any other colors?

另外在買東西時如果有附贈品,則是用 come with…… 這個片語。

=> The toy doesn’t come with batteries.

=> The bag comes with a shoulder strap.

=> A: Where did you get that nice-looking make-up pouch? B: It came with the lipstick I just bought.

🤭這種在短時間內大看特看某電視劇(或不同/多部劇)的行為叫 binge-watch,binge [bɪndʒ] 這個字是動詞也是名詞,是指狂做、猛做某件事像狂吃、猛喝、大玩特玩都可以用它也就是在短時間內大量地吃、喝、玩或做某件事節食的人有時會稍微休息一天,放縱地吃喝一下,那一天就叫 binge day。

=> I binge-watched the entire second season of House of Cards last weekend.

=> I’m going to binge-watch my favorite Korean TV series during Chinese New Year.

=> Binge-drinking is common during the holiday season.

🤭washlet 原本是日本知名衛浴公司 TOTO 的免治馬桶註冊品名,但現在連不是他們家做的免治馬桶也被統稱為 washlet,否則嚴格說起來「免治馬桶」的英文應該叫 electric toilet seat (插電馬桶座)。

🤭電腦或機器突然停止運作這種「當機」在英文裡是用動詞 crash [kræʃ] 這個字來表達。

=> My computer crashed before I saved the file.

=> The system crashed several times during the testing.

在「當機」之後,重新開機或再次啟動系統是用 reboot [riˋbut] 這個動詞。

=> I had to reboot my computer after I installed the new version of the software.

不過「當機」表示電腦根本無法繼續運作,無法用一般程序重新開機而必須手動將電源關掉並重新開機這又叫 hard reboot 或 cold reboot在正常情況下依操作系統程序重新開機則叫 warm reboot。

crash 這個字還有許多其他意思像是飛機墜毀、車輛撞毁也都是用這個字,可當動詞也可當名詞。

=> The plane crashed into the ocean on its way to Cairo.

=> Her parents died in a car crash when she was five.


=> I’m going to crash at a friend’s place tonight.

而只是用來睡覺過夜的地方則叫 crash pad。

=> The apartment is just a crash pad. He only spends the night there when he has to work past midnight.

🤭Nice touch! 也是日常生活中經常用到和聽到的片語用來稱讚別人在某件事上的巧思,或是在做一個東西時使作品更棒更完美的某個細節,比如一道菜因為添加了某種調味料或使用某種技法而變得更好吃,就可以對做這道菜的人說 Nice touch! 來讚美他的手法或巧思或是送人家一份禮物之外,又寫了一張文情並茂的卡片使這份禮物更特別更有意義這也可以用 Nice touch! 來讚美送禮的人這個片語的用法除了直接把這兩個字當作一句話來使用以外也可以延伸放入一個句子裡。

=> Blowing a kiss at the end of the video was a nice touch.

=> The rose petals on the stairs were a nice touch, but Dan went overboard when he filled the bathtub with Champaign.

=> Flying Gwen’s parents in to witness the proposal was a nice touch.

🤭throw someone under the bus 這個片語最近幾年很流行在美國電視劇和電影中經常聽到它,字面上的意思是「把某人丟到公車下面」可想而知那個人會有悲慘的下場它指的是原本要和別人一起做某件事但卻為了保護自己的利益而出賣別人,比如同事和你說好要一起去找上司抱怨某事,結果在上司面前你的同事卻把整件事推到你頭上說這全是你的想法,是你一個人想抱怨,跟他無關這就叫「被丟到公車下面」了這個片語也可以用被動語態被出賣的人就是 be thrown under the bus。

=> I can’t believe Jeremy threw me under the bus like that. He told his parents that it was my idea to take his father’s new car out for a spin.

=> Julie was thrown under the bus when some of the people who signed her petition claimed that she forced them to.

=> The prime minister threw the mayor under the bus by telling the media that he never agreed to a budget increase.

🤭「光療指甲」這種東西叫做 gel nails [ dʒɛl nelz ]。

🤭要表達「這一帶治安不好」,必須轉個彎「換句話說」,「治安不好」就是有很多犯罪事件/活動因此可以用 There is a lot of crime in this neighborhood. 來表達反之,若要表達「治安很好」就換成 There is very little crime in this neighborhood. 注意此時的 crime 是不可數名詞。

🤭You never know. 這句話是生活中很常用到的句子,但比較少接觸英文真實生活會話的人可能會誤解意思它字面上的意思是「你永遠不知道」不知道什麼呢?其實它的意思是「這很難說/這可說不定」,或是中文流行語中的「搞不好哦…」用在講凡事都有可能出現令人意外的結果或發展或是用來鼓勵別人的一句話。

=> A: That girl is way out of my league. (我一定追不上那個女生的。)B: You never know. You could be just her type.

=> A: I should probably just give up on the lottery. I’ve never won anything. B: You never know. One of these days you might hit the jack pot.

=> A: How did the job interview go? B: I think it went well, but you never know.

=> A: Will you be home for dinner today? B: I think so, but you never know. Things tend to come up at the last minute these days.

🤭去工作面試很順利,心裡覺得應該會中但是不想把話說得太早或太樂觀而招致失望這時如果身邊的人說「唉呀,你一定沒問題的,一定會中的啦」之類的話時為了不想得意忘形而招致厄運,要叫別人不要講這樣的話就可以說 Don’t jinx it. 假如別人問你面試是否順利你也可以說:I don’t want to jinx it, but I think I have a pretty good shot.(我不想把話說得太早,但我覺得成功機率蠻大的。)或是像明天計劃要出遊,看到今天天氣不錯,就說了「看來明天天氣應該也會不錯」之類的話結果第二天變天了,下大雨影響了出遊計劃或興致就可以說:I think I might have jinxed it. 意思是「我想我可能把話說得太早,結果招致壞運氣而毁了這件事」所以基本上 jinx 這個字就是用來指在事情尚未發生前就因為把話說得太滿、太好最後反而招來厄運而有不好的結果。

🤭中文裡的「激將法」在英文裡可以用 reverse psychology來表達,所以這個詞字面上的意思就是「反向心理學」。

=> Dan tricked his roommate into buying everyone drinks using reverse psychology.

=> She is good at using reverse psychology to get what she wants.

=> He successfully talked his brother into investing in his business with reverse psychology.

=> Reverse psychology is often an effective technique to get children to do certain things.

🤭lottery 指的並不是那張「券」,而是這種遊戲/活動的名稱,也就是說它的意思其實應該是「彩券遊戲」所以我們當然不能說「我買了一個彩券遊戲」那張有號碼的紙,也就是彩券,英文裡是用 ticket 這個字「我昨天買了一張彩券」要說 I bought a lottery ticket yesterday. 才對。

🤭假如要和 plate 做區別的話,dish 通常是較深的盤子,用來裝較有湯汁的食物,但它不如碗深,且直徑比碗大,有些裝冰淇淋或水果的小碗在英文裡也是用 dish 這個字,裝肥皂的也是叫 soap dish但是在「洗碗」do dishes 這個片語裡,複數的 dishes 是指各式裝盛食物的器皿也包括碗和其他餐具所以大家不要就字面解讀為「洗盤子」這道理其實就像中文裡說「洗碗」,事實上也是包括盤子和各式餐具,純粹只是因為生活習慣和文化不同而用不同字眼去表達(就像英文的 coffee table 在中文裡是「茶几」一樣)相對來說,plate 就是較淺較平的餐盤主要用來放置從鍋子或較大器皿取出來的食物以供個人享用像西式自助餐盛裝食物或放牛排的盤子就是 plate,一般在電視影集或電影裡老外餐桌上每個人面前的盤子也是 plate,一個和 plate 拚法很像的 platter(注意發音很不同,plate [plet],platter [ˋplætɚ] )它指的是分菜用的大淺盤,通常是略長的橢圓型盛裝大份量的肉食或其他食物,大家再把食物夾到自己的plate上享用至於 saucer [ˋsɔsɚ] 指的則是茶杯或咖啡杯下面的小碟子或是裝醬油等以供沾取的醬料碟另外就是「飛碟」的原始講法也是用這個字,叫flying saucer現在則是叫 UFO (unidentified flying object「不明飛行物體」) 較多。

🤭You have outstayed your welcome. 是句下逐客令的話表示你在這裡已不再是受歡迎的客人。


就可以客套地說:I think I (may) have outstayed my welcome.


🤭「限水(措施)」的英文講法是 water rationing,rationing [ˋræʃənɪŋ] 這個字指的是在資源缺乏時所做的調節分配比如在糧食不夠時就要省著吃,算好每人或每餐最多能吃的量去進行分配這就叫 food rationing不論是眾人一起分配或自己分配自己每天或每餐能吃的量都可以用這個詞。

=> We are entering the first phase of water rationing next week.

=> The government has announced a water rationing plan, effective November 1.

=> During phase-one water rationing, water pressure will be reduced between 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM.

=> We might be able to get through the water crisis if a good water rationing plan is in place.

🤭像是 have a poor/terrible sense of direction,be bad/terrible with directions所以如果要說自己是個路痴可以說:I have a terrible sense of direction. 或是:I am very bad / I am terrible with directions. (注意在兩句裡 direction 一個要用單數(因為此時不可數),一個要用複數)要再補充說明,可以接著說:I get lost all the time. (我老是迷路。)還有像是:I can’t tell which way’s which. (我搞不清楚東西南北。)I have trouble reading maps. (我看地圖有障礙。)

🤭working holiday visa 打工度假簽證

必修 (compulsory) 學分 (credits)

  • marketing, MKT 行銷

  • human resources, HR 人力資源

  • information technology, IT 資訊科技

  • public relations, PR 公關

  • research and development, R&D, RD 研究與開發

  • After a long day of work, I like to veg out in front of the TV at home. 工作一整天後,我只想回家在電視機前耍廢。

🤭outnumber 是指在數字/數量方面勝過對手

outsmart 是指在智力計謀上勝過別人

outperform 是在表現上勝過比較的對象而

outdo 這個字本身就是「勝過;超越」的意思,

所以 You have outdone yourself. 這句話通常是用來稱讚別人的好話,表示他這次的表現比以前更好,超越了他自己之前的水準。比如你之前吃過朋友做的菜,這次她又做得更好吃就可以跟她說 You have outdone yourself (again/yet again.)其他各種事情只要對方表現又更上一層樓,我們都可以用這句話來誇獎。

不過有時這句話當然也會被拿來當反話諷刺別人,比如某個人平常就已經常做錯事或做壞事,結果又做出更糟的事也可以用這句話來表示他這次又捅了更大的簍子,當然我們也可以把主詞 you 和後面的反身代名詞 yourself 改成其他人,但都是要用現在完成式。

=> The athlete has outdone himself yet again. He just set a new world record.

=> The infamous actor has outdone himself by assaulting a police officer.

🤭straight shooter 指一個說話很坦誠直接的人。

=> I’m a straight shooter myself, so don’t worry about offending me.

=> My uncle Ned has always been a straight shooter.

=> Being a straight shooter sometimes gets him into trouble at work.

🤭禁不起別人搔癢或有類似的身體接觸就會笑個不停,這種「怕癢」在英文裡是用形容詞 ticklish [ˋtɪklɪʃ] (怕癢的) 來表達所以「我很怕癢」就是簡單的 I’m (very) ticklish. 就好了當然也可以在後面加上部位。

=> I’m (very) ticklish under my arms/armpits.


=> My feet are very ticklish. 或是:A lot of people have ticklish feet.

搔別人癢的這個行為/動作就叫 tickle。

=> The mother is tickling her baby.

不過這個字也可以當名詞用,意思就是指這種受到刺激而發癢的感覺,像是有時我們喉嚨不舒服會癢癢的想咳嗽就可以說:I have a tickle in my throat. (我喉嚨癢癢的。),但這種癢和皮膚癢的說法是不一樣的,如果是想抓的皮膚癢或想揉的眼睛癢要用形容詞 itchy [ˋɪtʃi]。

=> My back is very itchy.

=> Our skin and eyes get itchy when they’re dry.

而「抓癢」的動作是用 scratch [skrætʃ] 這個字「揉眼睛」則是用 rub [rʌb] 這個動詞。

=> He kept scratching his nose until it became very red.

=> Stop rubbing your eyes.

🤭「上下舖」的英文講法是 bunk bed。

=> Our two children share a bedroom and sleep in a bunk bed.

=> I sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed.

=> My son slept in a bunk bed for the first time when he was at the summer camp.

不過現在有一種為了節省空間而設計的床舖很像上下舖,但下層不是床而是一個可以放桌椅或變成遊戲區的空間這種床叫 loft bed。

🤭因此 It’s on the house. 意思是「(這個東西)由店家請客/免費招待」

賭博有句話叫 The house always wins.

另外如果是在講美國的政治時,the House 指的是他們的眾議院,也就是 the (United States) House of Representatives 的簡稱。

🤭很多人在要表達中文裡「去…(做某事)」就以為英文裡都可以用to V的句型,事實上這還是要以英文是否有此文法句型而定,如果是祈使句要叫別人快點去做某事,應該要說 Hurry and ……才對比如標題裡的「快去把爐火關掉!」要說 Hurry and turn off the stove! 才正確,因為意思是要叫別人「動作快一點」「並且」去把爐火關掉如果用 to V 會是 in order to 的縮略寫法大家雖然會覺得在中文裡解釋成「快一點是為了去把爐火關掉」好像講得通,事實上英文裡並沒有 Hurry in order to turn off the stove 這樣的用法。像要叫人快點起床也是 Hurry and get up,不是 Hurry to get up不過,雖然在祈使句裡並沒有 Hurry to V 的句型,如果不是祈使句而是一般時態的句子倒是可以此時 hurry 是一般動詞「動作匆忙」的意思。

=> She hurried to catch the train.

這裡的 to 就是 in order to (為了……) 的意思了。

另外也可以用 hurry to + 地點。

=> We hurried to the airport.

以上兩例的 hurried也都可以用 rushed 取代另外常有人問到 hurry 和 hurry up 有何不同?答案是在祈使句裡,叫別人動作快一點時沒有什麼不同加了一個 up ,只是在口語上多了一種生動的語氣但若不是在祈使句裡,指「動作匆忙」時,則是不能加 up 的。

🤭雖然很多時候英文裡的確是用 of 這個介系詞來表示「…的…」像是 the date of the wedding (婚禮的日期)、the president of the company (這家公司的總裁)等,但在講某個問題的答案時,要用的介系詞卻是 to。

=> Do you know the answer to the question?才對


=> solution to the problem

=> window / door to …… (通往…之窗/門)

=> This job will open a window/door to great opportunities.

=> ticket(s) to ……

=> I bought two tickets to the rock concert.

🤭「人渣」這個詞在英文裡也有個非常接近的說法,叫 dregs of society (或 dregs of humanity),dregs [drɛgz] 本身就是「殘渣」的意思 (指此意要用複數)而 humanity [hjuˋmænəti] 在此指的是「全人類」,所以說一群人是 the dregs of society / dregs of humanity 「社會/人類的殘渣」和中文裡說的「人渣」、「敗類」幾乎是對應的翻譯了,但要注意的是,這個講法是用來指一群人,不能指一個人若要指一個人可以用 scum / scumbag 等說法scum [skʌm] 也有「渣滓;浮垢」的意思。

=> Dregs of society like them belong in prison.

=> Once considered a role model for teenagers, the pop star is now being called “scum” by some people because of the rape charge.

=> A large amount of our tax dollars is spent on providing free food and shelter to the dregs of society like those criminals.

🤭“Let me get back to you (on that.)” 意思是「我晚一點會(針對那件事)回覆你」用在當下無法給對方一個肯定的答案或決定時也可說 I’ll get back to you (on that.) 。

=> A: Would you like to see a movie together this weekend?

B: My sister might be in town for a visit. Let me get back to you on that.

=> A: The total amount doesn’t seem right. Could you double-check it for me?

B: Sure, let me finish this and get back to you.

=> A: I think some of the numbers in this research data might have been misprinted.

B: You might be right. I’ll check with my assistant and get back to you.

🤭calculate [ˋkælkjə͵let] 這個字也可以指心機的算計。

=> Hiring his brother-in-law for the position was a calculated move.

=> She is always calculating how to get ahead.

🤭英文中要表達「搬去(某人家)和某人住」,是用片語「move in with 某人」。

=> She moved in with her boyfriend.

=> Kenneth moved in with his parents after he lost his job.

假如指情侶兩人要一起搬去一個地方展開同居生活,則是 move in together。

🤭「裙帶關係」在英文裡的說法是 nepotism [ˋnɛpətɪzəm],不過中文裡的「裙帶關係」原本是指透過家族裡的女性成員的婚姻關係而得到官職,而英文的 nepotism 這個字則是泛指透過親戚關係而在政治圈、生意、職場上到到好處的做法和現象。這個字起源於天主教的教宗或大主教指派自己的姪子擔任紅衣主教的做法。

=> Rumor has it that he got the promotion through nepotism.(有人謠傳他是透過親戚關係才被升職的。)

=> Nepotism is still pretty common in the workplace. (透過親戚關係而得到好處在職場上仍然很常見。)

=> Although he was hired for the position through nepotism, he turned out to be a great leader.(雖然他是透過親戚關係才得到這份職位,但事後證明他是位很棒的領導者。)

🤭turn in 這個片語最常見的意思是「呈交」不過有很多人不知道 turn in 的另一個常見意思,那就是「就寢」和我們一般說的 go to bed 是一樣意思,但比較文雅。

=> I’m really tired. I think I’m going to turn in early.

=> My parents rarely turn in after 10 PM.


如果在 turn in 中間放一個人當受詞的話「turn 某人 in」通常是把某人交給警方或檢舉,

此人若是放反身代名詞 (myself, yourself, himself……)則是「自首」的意思。

=> The man turned himself in after he killed his wife.

=> She turned her son in after she realized what he had done.

當這個意思時則一定要將人放在 turn 和 in 的中間。

🤭I am finished. / I’m finished. 意思是完成了。某事比如東西吃完了、工作做完了、報告寫完了……此時的 finished 是當形容詞用,表示「完成(某事)的」

。另外「人 + be + finished」也有「完蛋了」的意思,比如若情侶中一人說 We’re finished. / We’re done. 或 I’m finished / done with you. 意思就是兩人的關係玩完了,要分手了闖了大禍之後說 I’m finished. 意思就是「我完(蛋)了」。

=> Patrick is finished in this business. 則是說「派翠克在這行是玩完了/無法繼續在這個行業立足了」

「be done」這個片語也有完成某事的意思所以 I’m finished. = I’m done.

Are you finished with the computer? = Are you done with the computer?

要講「完蛋」的話要加個介系詞,「be done for」才是「完蛋」。

=> He is done for.

另外也可用「be done Ving」表示不會再繼續做此事了。

=> I’m done being nice to her.

=> She’s done helping her brother out.

🤭All he does is playing computer games.

乍看之下,在 be 動詞後面接動名詞似乎是很合理的。問題出在前面當作主詞的子句中有個 do使它成為一個特殊句型要講「某人做的事就只有……時」,在be 動詞後面必須接原形動詞才對。這在一般的英文文法中是個大忌,但偏偏這個句型非如此不可。

=> All I did yesterday was sleep.

如果講 All I did yesterday was sleeping. 反而是錯的,或是 All he has done is lie to people who love him. (他所做的就只有對愛他的人說謊。) 講 All he has done is lying to people who love him. 反而是錯的。

=> All I want to do is stay in bed.


=> Sleeping was all I did yesterday.

=> Lying to people who love him is all he has done.

=> Staying in bed is all I want to do.

🤭「苦瓜」的英文說法是 bitter gourd [ˋbɪtɚ gord ]或 bitter squash [ˋbɪtɚ skwɑʃ ]。

🤭The shop has opened for ten years.(X) open 在當動詞時,是指「打開」或「開幕」它是個一次性的動作,從打開或開幕的那刻起就進入了「開著」、「開放」的狀態所以當動詞用時,不能用在代表持續性的現在完成式,只能用過去式 The shop opened ten years ago. 若要表達這家店到現在已營業了十年,就應該把open當作形容詞來用指對外開放、營運的狀態,才能用現在完成式,但應該要說 The shop has been open for ten years. 另外也可以說 The shop has been around for ten years. (around 在口語上有「存在」的意思)。

🤭吃下東西後的打嗝,在英文裡的說法是 belch [bɛltʃ] 或 burp [bɝp],有另一種「打嗝」是不自主的橫隔膜痙攣常常是因為吃東西太快或呼吸不順造成那種打嗝,在英文裡叫 hiccup [ˋhɪkəp]也是動詞兼名詞,這種打嗝通常會連續發生好幾次,所以常用片語 have the hiccups 來表達。

=> I ate too fast and had the hiccups.

🤭「獎狀」的英文說法是 certificate of merit [sɚˋtɪfəkət əv ˋmɛrɪt ]

🤭要問今天是幾月幾號一般會說:What’s today’s date? 或 What is the date today?而不是 What date is (it) today?因為那會和問今天星期幾的 What day is (it) today? 實在讓人不容易分清楚。

🤭“Close, but no cigar.” 這句話乍看之下會讓人摸不著頭腦,不過它的意思其實就是說對方猜測的很接近了,只是不完全正確或者是很接近成功,但最後還是差了一點而失敗。所以雖然 “close” 但卻還是得不到獎品 (雪茄是獎品的象徵),這個說法比較有可能的來源是因為在 20 世紀中的時候很多遊樂園會把雪茄當作民眾玩遊戲贏了的獎品,所以比如在射汽球時差一點就可以贏到獎品主持遊戲的人就會說 Close, but no cigar! 這樣略帶幽默的話。

A: Did you hear? Alice is getting married!

B: What?! I didn’t even know she was seeing someone. Did she get pregnant or something?

A: Close, but no cigar. She just really wants to have children, and she happened to meet the right guy.

🤭大家要注意,meet 這個動詞單獨使用,後面接人當受詞時意思是「認識;遇到」。

=> Ted gets to meet a lot of single women at wedding parties.

=> I met some very interesting people at the conference.

但是若是要指和別人相約會面,應該要用 meet with 這個片語才對,所以「我每周末會和朋友見面」要說 I meet with my friends every weekend.

另外也可說 I get together with my friends every weekend.

假如和認識的人事先未安排好而巧遇,則是用 ”>run into…. / bump into…. 。

=> I ran into / bumped into a high school classmate at the supermarket.

主動去拜訪、探視別人則應該用 visit 這個字。

=> I visited my grandma in the hospital last weekend.

=> How often do you visit your parents / grandparents?

如果只是表達「見到」,那就用 see 這個字即可指的是沒有特地安排的見面,只是因為雙方同時在某個地方。

=> I see Lisa at work five days a week.

=> Since she moved away for her job, she’s only seen her parents every few months.

🤭“Don’t even get me started.” 這句話字面上的意思是「不要讓我開始」,開始什麼呢?它指的是接續對方的話,開始抱怨某個人或事物比如你朋友跟你說某餐廳服務不好,而你也有很多關於那家餐廳的抱怨就可以說:Don’t even get me started. (注意 started 是加了 ed 的),有時在美式口語中會濃縮成只有兩個字 Don’t even.


🤭丙烯,英文的講法是propylene [ˋpropəlin]也可以叫 propene [ˋpropin]。

甲烷 methane [ˋmɛθen] (沼氣主成分,也常在爆炸意外或工程意外中提到)

乙烷 ethane [ˋɛθen]

乙烯 ethylene [ˋɛθəlin] / ethene [ˋɛθin]

丙烷 (也就是一般家庭用的天然氣) propane [ˋpropen]

丁烷 butane [ˋbjuten]

🤭要表達熱衷某件事,口語上也會用 buff [bʌf] 這個字來指「…迷」。

=> My father is a history buff.

=> Lena is an opera buff.

=> My hobby is collecting vinyls. (我的嗜好是搜集黑膠唱片。)

🤭「全勤」的英文說法是 perfect attendance

不過 banknote 指的是紙鈔,另一個口語說法叫 bill

我們常和存摺一起用的印章則是叫 personal chop / personal seal / personal stamp

🤭假如是不小心睡過頭,會用 oversleep 或 get up late 來表達。比如因為不小心睡過頭而遲到,會說 I overslept. 或 I got up too late. ,這時候就不能說 I slept late / slept in. 不然人家會以為你是故意晚起而遲到的哦!

🤭“You brought this on yourself.” 這句話的意思是「這是你自找的」。

🤭My hands are tied. 這句話字面上的意思是「我的手被綁住了」,用在因某些不得已的因素,能做的事情有限的情況像是別人要請你幫忙,但因某些限制你所能做的有限就可以說:I’d love to help, but my hands are tied. 當然所有格的部份也可以換成其他人,像 his, her 等。

=> The new president is eager to make some changes, but his hands are tied.

=> The prime minister’s hands are tired because his party is the minority in congress.

=> I’d help you if I could, but as you can see, my hands are tied.

🤭Her dad was dead three years ago. (她父親三年前過世了) 這句話錯在哪裡呢?雖然包含 ……ago 這種時間副詞片語的句子要用過去式沒錯,但 dead 這個形容詞是指死亡的狀態,如果搭配 was 這個過去式的be動詞的話,意思會變成此人只有在過去是死亡的,現在已經不是了,但目前科學還沒發達到可以讓人死而復生,所以這當然是不可能也不合理的所以這句話應該要用 die (死亡)這個一般動詞的過去式才對。Her dad died three years ago. 才是正確說法。

🤭「基本工資」在英文裡的說法是 minimum wage [ˋmɪnəməm wedʒ]它指的是法律規定的最低工資,前面通常要加定冠詞 the。

順便教大家,salary 這個字通常指的是月薪或年薪

wage 則可指長期或短期的固定薪資,比如周薪


🤭「堤防」在英文裡的說法是 levee [ˋlɛvi],它是個可數名詞如果要講堤防潰堤了,是用動詞 break 或 burst(注意 burst 的過去式和過去分詞仍是 burst )。

=> The levee broke/burst during the last typhoon. ,另外要注意的是 levee 指的是把水擋住而豎立起來的堤防部份如果要指的是很多人沿著堤防騎腳踏車或慢跑的地方要說是「在堤防上方的自行車道/步道」比如 the path on top of the levee 或 the levee-top path。

=> There is a jogging path / bike path on top of the levee in my neighborhood.

=> On a clear day, there are couples watching the sunset on the levee-top path.

🤭“That’ll do.” 這句話的意思是「這/那樣就可以了」,它有時是用在當別人完成某件事後,一個勉為其難的讚美或肯定,所以當別人做了某件事,但表現沒有特別好,或是你刻意不想過度讚美他就可以說 That’ll do.。這句話的另一個用法是在別人為你做的某件事已經足夠,或是你不想要更多的某個東西時。比如熱情的朋友想多給你一些水果,但你覺得已經夠了,不想要更多也可以說 That’ll do. Thank you. 另外要和這句話做個比較的是 That’ll work.它的意思則是「這/那樣應該行得通」,比如有人提出了某個問題可行的解決方法我們就可以說 That’ll work. 。

🤭「輸不起」在英文裡的講法是說此人是個 sore loser [sor ˋluzɚ],sore 這個形容詞平常多半是當「痠痛的;疼痛的」之意像「我喉嚨痛」是說 I have a sore throat.肌肉和眼睛痠痛也是用這個字,不過因為它有很多意思,其中一個就是「生氣的;惱火的」所以一個輸不起的人就叫 a sore loser。

=> Bill is such a sore loser. He got really upset when he lost at poker yesterday.

🤭make do 乍看之下似乎是個不合文法的片語,因為一般是不能把兩個動詞直接這樣放在一起的,不過它的確是口語上一個蠻常用的片語,意思是湊合著用;想辦法勉強使用或撐下去過日子,二次大戰時英國政府出的一本小冊子叫Make Do And Mend,內容是教當時婦女怎樣在物資有限的情況下想辦法過日子,像是怎樣把破的衣服補好再穿,而且不會看起來太窮酸難看。mend [mɛnd] 的意思是「修補;縫補」

🤭do me a solid 這個片語其實是個簡稱,這句話原本應該是 do me a solid favor,用在想要別人幫你忙,但那件事可能會麻煩到人家的時候,或是其實不是太麻煩的事,只是想要聽起來很客氣的講法。

=> A: Could you do me a solid, Dan?

B: Sure. What is it?

A: Could you take this to HR, please?

🤭“Let’s agree to disagree.” 這句話字面上的意思是「讓我們同意彼此意見不同」,用在和別人意見相左,且無法達成共識的時候是化解衝突的一個好用句,其實意思是說:既然我們無法達成共識,那就讓我們尊重彼此可以有不同意見吧。

🤭「衛生棉」在時下英文中的講法是 maxi pad [ˋmæksi pæd ],其他比較「文雅」的稱呼有:sanitary pad。

🤭「簽字筆」在時下英文中的講法是 Sharpie [ˋʃɑrpi] 或 Sharpie marker

不過「簽字筆」也可以用原始的講法 marker pen

而油性的簽字筆則叫 permanent marker

( permanent [ˋpɝmənənt] 意思是「永久性的」)

一般的原子筆是 ball point pen

鋼筆則是 fountain pen

白板筆是 whiteboard marker

台灣很多人愛用的「中性筆」則是 gel ink pen

另外有一種老師改作業愛用的細頭水性「簽字筆」是 rolling ball pen。

🤭“Cut it out!” 是個生活中很常用到的句子,意思是「停止,別鬧了!」,用在制止別人胡鬧、吵鬧的時候像是小孩或寵物在吵鬧或調皮時,就可以對他們說Cut it out! 別人一直在吵你或煩你時也可以用。順道一提,cut out 這個動詞片語原本是「把…切割下來」的意思比如從一張紙剪下一個圓型就是 cut out a circle / cut a circle out of the paper但如果是將原本為一個整體的東西切斷,則是 cut off。

=> He cut off his finger by accident. (他意外切斷了手指。)

=> The police cut off the power of the factory.

🤭Get on it. 則是個命令句,意思是叫對方趕快去辦你要他辦的事,不過因為它是個命令口氣的句子,通常是上司或長官對下屬用的,除非是開玩笑的口吻,否則不要對朋友或同事這麼說哦……

=> A: How’s the proposal coming along, David?

B: I need more information on our competitors’ products.

A: Get on it, then. I want to see it on my desk by Friday.

“I’m on it.” 是個生活中很常用的句子



就可以回答:I’m on it.

有時也可以簡略到只剩兩個字:On it.

=> A: John, will you get the proposal ready by three o’clock? B: I’m on it.

=> A: Crap. We’re out of milk. B: I’m on it.

=> A: We’re going to need more chairs for the party. B: I’m on it.

🤭Your wish is my command. 表示「遵命!我馬上去做!」

🤭「名媛」在英文裡的說法是 socialite [ˋsoʃəlaɪt]

🤭「腸胃炎」在一般生活中的口語說法是 stomach flu [ˋstʌmək flu](醫學專有名詞是gastroenteritis [͵gæstro͵ɛntəˋraɪtɪs] 但一般人很少會用這個字,講了很多人可能也聽不懂)

=> I called in sick this morning because I have the stomach flu.

=> I have only been eating congee and bread for the past two days because of the stomach flu.

「拉肚子」叫 have the runs

(也可用diarrhea [daɪə`riə] 這個字,但它也是醫學名詞)

「想吐」是 feel sick / feel nauseous [ˋnɔʃəs]

另外還有 feel like throwing up / feel like vomiting 等說法

如果已經吐了那就用動詞 vomit [ˋvɑmɪt]、puke [pjuk]、throw up 等

「腹痛」是 have stomach pain / have abdominal pain

🤭「I beg ……」字面上的意思是「我乞求…」但其實是非常正式、客氣的一種用語像沒聽清楚別人講話,或不敢相信對方會說出這樣的話想請對方再說一遍時,會說:I beg your pardon? 字面直譯的意思為:「我可以乞求你的原諒嗎?(很抱歉要麻煩你再說一遍)」我們今天要教大家的這句:I beg to differ. 是用在不贊同別人意見時的客氣說法,differ [ˋdɪfɚ] 這個字是動詞「持不同意見;和…不同」的意思(大家注意這個字的正確唸法重音在第一音節)所以 I beg to differ. 字面的意思是「我很抱歉要和你持不同意見」意思和 I’m sorry, but I disagree. 一樣但是更文雅一些當你要表達不同看法,但又不想造成衝突或尷尬時「I beg to differ.」。

=> A: I think we should hire more salespeople.

B: I beg to differ. We should train our current ones better.

🤭nanny cam 隱藏式攝影機,另一個說法是 hidden camera,通常是指在賣場等公共場所或整人節目裝的那種不過大家會在美國影集或電影裡聽到他們用 nanny cam 來指有些女生裝在包包裡偷拍別人的隱藏式攝影機「針孔式攝影機」有個比較專業的講法:pinhole camera,但在日常生活中比較少用這個說法。

=> The police scanned the politician’s office for hidden cameras installed by his opponent.

=> She put a nanny cam in her purse to gather evidence.

=> The domestic helper was caught on nanny cam hitting the old man.

🤭為了看醫生而「掛號」並不是用 register 這個字,而是用片語:make a doctor’s appointment (注意要用所有格)比如:I made a doctor’s appointment for my stomachache. /I cancelled my doctor’s appointment online.,注意如果要表達預約的看診時間,介系詞是用 for,而不是 in / at / on。

=> I made a doctor’s appointment for next Monday. (如果改成 on Monday,意思會是指掛號這件事是周一發生的)

=> I made a dental appointment to get my teeth cleaned.(我掛了牙醫診所的號要去洗牙。)

🤭photobomb 指的是一個破壞照片畫面美感或目的的人、動物或任何東西,當作名詞用假如有張照片背景裡破壞畫面的東西超好笑,很「經典」我們就可以說:(That’s the) Best photobomb ever! 在網路上也有很多人會在被破壞的照片上加註所謂的 photobomb level來表示被破壞的程度/等級比如會寫:Photobomb Level: Expert (專家等級)也有時會在後面寫上破壞畫面的人、物類別,像是 Photobomb Level: Dog。但這個字也可以當動詞,就是指去破壞別人的照片畫面造個句:My brother enjoys photobombing. He always makes funny faces behind me when I’m having photos taken. (註:這裡有個大家常犯的錯,就是不能說 when I’m taking photos因為那樣會是指說話者自己拿著相機在拍別人或某物,如果弟弟是站在拍攝者的後面並不會破壞畫面要說 I’m having photos taken 才對,指的是說話者自己被別人拍照)我們也可用個最近流行的「自拍」selfie [sɛlfi] 這個字來造句:My brother enjoys photobombing my selfies. (我弟很喜歡在我自拍時出現在背景裡破壞畫面。)不過 photobomb 這個字更常加 ed 用在被動句型,指照片被不速之客破壞了在完整句子中前面要加 be 動詞或 get 這個動詞:be / get photobombed現在網路上大家常分享照片,假如你原本打算拍一張美美的照片但背景卻正好出現垃圾車你就可以在照片上寫上 “Photobombed!” 意思是你的照片被破壞了完整的句子應該是 I was / I got photobombed!

🤭「少數服從多數」的英文講法是一個很短的句子:Majority rules.

=> A: I don’t think Joe’s leadership skills are good enough to lead our team.

B: I agree with you, but majority rules. He got the most votes.

🤭「肚臍」的英文俗稱說法是 belly button,有另一個較正式的說法是 navel [ˋnev!]。大部份的人的肚臍都是向內凹的,這種肚臍俗稱叫 innie [ˋɪnni],但少數人的肚臍是向外凸出的,俗稱叫 outie [ˋaʊti]哪天如果好奇在閒聊時想問人家的肚臍是哪一種就可以說:Is your belly button an innie or an outie?或是哪天和朋友去游泳,發現他/她是少數肚臍向外凸出的人就可以說:You have an outie!

🤭nitpick [ˋnɪtpɪk] 這個字是個動詞,意思是過度挑剔、吹毛求疵接近中文裡說的「雞蛋裡挑骨頭」不過英文裡這個詞的由來和頭蝨有關因為,nit 這個字的本義是指頭蝨在頭髮上產的卵,所以 nitpick / pick nits 本來指的是古早時期父母在為小孩除頭蝨時必須仔細撥開頭髮,徹底清除所有蟲卵的行為,後來引申為現在這個意思。

=> Part of an editor’s job is to nitpick writing flaws.

=> We shouldn’t waste our time nitpicking when the deadline is approaching.(

一個喜歡吹毛求疵,挑別人毛病的人就叫 nitpicker。

=> My mom is a nitpicker. She would have me rewrite her birthday card if I didn’t write in a straight line.(我媽是個愛挑剔的人。假如我在給她的生日卡裡把字寫歪了,她會要我重寫。)不過要注意的是,nitpick / nitpicker 是略帶負面意味的字所以和台灣的中文流行語中說的「龜毛」不全然相同因為「龜毛」有時是正面的意思,指一個人要求完美那就應該用 a perfectionist [pɚˋfɛkʃənɪst] 。

🤭get rid of …… (「擺脫、丟棄…」)在這個片語裡 rid 是當名詞用,不過它也可以當動詞而 riddance 就是它的名詞形式,也是「擺脫、清除」的意思“Good riddance!” 字面上的意思就是「走得好!/ 擺脫得好!」用在擺脫掉不喜歡的人或是丟棄不想要的東西時,比如你覺得朋友的男/女友不是個好人,配不上你朋友當你得知他們終於分手時,就可以對你的朋友說 Good riddance!討厭的同事離職或被開除,或是一台常出問題的電腦終於報廢必須換新時也可以說這句,有時也會聽到 Goodbye and good riddance! 這樣的說法意思類似「再見!你這個爛人/爛貨!」(對著終於擺脫的討厭的人或物講)另外也可以在 Good riddance 後面加 to + 名詞。

=> Good riddance to your bad luck!

=> Good riddance to that crappy computer!

🤭在指一名男子是同性戀者時,不可以說 He is a gay. 此時 gay 這個字要當作形容詞。

🤭「虛線」在英文裡的說法是 dotted line。

🤭“run a tight ship” 指的是一個主管或領導人以很嚴格的方式來管理下屬,有時也用來指家裡的爸爸或媽媽管全家人管得很嚴。

=> I heard that the new sales manager runs a pretty tight ship.

=> Ted’s mom runs a tight ship. He has to be home by ten o’clock.

🤭”打馬賽克”在英文裡叫 pixelate [ˋpɪksəlet ] (使...圖素化) 或 blur [blɝ] (使...模糊)這兩個字是動詞, 所以要講某人的臉或某東西 ”被打上馬賽克” 就要用被動語態。

=> The kangaroo’s private parts were pixelated / blurred.

=> In the video, the witness’ face was pixelated / blurred, and the voice was altered.

=> I can’t believe they even pixelated the baby’s private parts.

=> Due to the gory nature of the film, certain scenes contain pixelated parts.

🤭杯套就是 sleeve [ sliv ] ,要講得清楚一點的話它是 coffee cup sleeve。

🤭自動筆的筆芯叫做 lead 或 pencil lead (不可數)(注意 lead 在此要唸 [lɛd] , 是名詞 ”鉛” 的意思)

🤭”放下身段” 一般是指職位/地位較高或自尊較強的人採取較低姿態來和人應對或做事在英文裡有兩種表達法: humble oneself 或 swallow one’s pride。

=> The star player has to learn to humble himself and show some team spirit.

=> The manager swallowed his pride and apologized to the janitor.

=> There are times when you have to swallow your pride and do what’s necessary.

有個容易被混淆或誤以為是 ”放下身段” 的講法是 lower oneself

lower 當動詞的確有 ”降低” 的意思, 但它並不是指放下身段


並不是 ”放下身段”

而且通常是 lower oneself to someone’s level (把自己降到某人的層次)

=> Dana refuses to lower herself to Pam’s level by gossiping about her.

🤭lawyer up 的意思就是 ”找好律師”, 把律師請妥準備好的意思。

=> The CEO has lawyered up for the embezzlement charges.

=> The family can’t afford to lawyer up.

=> He’d better lawyer up because they are not going to let him get away with this.

🤭”狂犬病” 的英文說法是 rabies [ˋrebiz ],要講得了狂犬病, 搭配的動詞和一般病痛一樣是 have。

=> The dog has rabies.

=> The rat died of rabies.

另外也可以用它的形容詞 rabid [ˋræbɪd ] (患狂犬病的)

=> The rabid dog was put down.

得了狂犬病的動物會口吐白沫, 英文叫 foam at the mouth。

=> The rabid dog was foaming at the mouth when they found it.

🤭”他殺” 的英文是 homicide [ˋhɑmə͵saɪd ]

genocide [ˋdʒɛnə͵saɪd ] 種族屠殺, 集體屠殺

patricide [ˋpætrɪ͵saɪd ] 弒父行為, 弒父者

matricide [ˋmetrə͵saɪd ] 弒母行為, 弒母者

🤭所謂 ”關禁閉”, 一般是因為在軍中或獄中做錯事而被處罰它叫做 disciplinary confinement [ˋdɪsəplɪnɛri kənˋfaɪnmənt ]disciplinary 是形容詞 ”懲戒的, 紀律的”, 從名詞 discipline “紀律” 而來confinement 則是名詞 ”監禁, 囚禁”, 從動詞 confine “限制, 監禁” 而來兩者合起來就是指作為懲處的一種監禁。

另外有一種在精神病院或監獄裡的單獨監禁叫 solitary confinement,在口語中用 “the hole” 來指單獨監禁的房間。

🤭“Way to go!” 這個片語常在美式英文的日常會話中聽到它的本意是稱讚別人 ”做得好!”,在別人有很好的表現時就可以對他說 Way to go! 來讚美他或幫他打氣。不過它有時也會用在諷刺別人的時候,比如別人講錯話或搞砸某件事時, 也可以對他說 Way to go!但這時的意思就變成 ”你還真是會說話啊~/你還真厲害啊~(能把這件事搞砸)”。

🤭”霜淇淋” 的英文叫 soft serve 或 soft-serve ice cream(注意 soft-serve 當形容詞時中間應有一槓),一個巧克力的霜淇淋甜筒就是 a soft-serve chocolate ice cream cone,如果只是巧克力霜淇淋可以直接說 a chocolate soft serve,一般常見的巧克力和香草雙色的霜淇淋叫 chocolate and vanilla twist soft serve( twist 是 ”扭轉” 的意思, 也有 ”些許味道” 的意思, 在此為名詞)。

=> I bought a chocolate soft serve from a street vendor.

=> My favorite soft-serve flavor is chocolate and vanilla twist.

🤭”公主病” 在英文裡可以用 princess tendencies 來表示。

She has a (false) sense of entitlement. [ɪnˋtaɪt!mənt] (不過這個詞也可指男性, 指的是任何自以為應該得到特殊待遇的人)

🤭所以 go viral 字面上的意思是 ”像病毒般蔓延”,它指的是某人或物透過社群網站或軟體廣為流傳而造成轟動比如一個在 Youtube 或臉書上被人大量點閱, 推薦, 轉載/分享而爆紅的影片或人, 物我們就可以說這個人, 物或影片 went viral( go 是這個片語中的動詞, 所以時態要從 go 這個字來表現)。

=> This video has gone viral on Youtube. (這個影片已經在 Youtube 上爆紅)

=> Videos of the Japanese cat Maru have gone viral.

=> Nude photos of the movie star have gone viral in the past week.

=> The company is hoping that the promotional video will go viral and boost sales.

🤭”啃老族” 一詞在英文裡有一個說法是 parasite single(s),如果是已婚但經濟上卻仍仰賴父母的年輕夫妻, 就叫 parasite couple(s)。

=> My friend Jake is a typical parasite single. He still depends on his parents financially.

另外在歐美國家, 有一詞叫 boomeranger(s) 或是 the boomerang generation

boomerang [ˋbumə͵ræŋ] 這個字原本是 ”迴力鏢” 的意思

用這個字是因為它指的是已成年離開家, 卻又因為一些因素搬回家和父母同住的人

一個這樣的成年人叫 boomeranger ( = boomerang + er )

一群這樣的人叫 the boomerang generation (指在此世代這種情況很普遍)

🤭choice beef 就是指上等牛肉美國的牛肉常看到上面寫 US Choice 或 US Prime這是美國自己的分級制度,雖然 prime 這個字也是 ”頂級的” 的意思,但標示為 Prime 的通常是賣到高級餐廳的牛肉, 而 Choice 則是在一般超市賣場賣的牛肉。

🤭”黏人” 這個行為在英文裡要用形容詞 clingy [ˋklɪŋɪ] 來表達。

=> Teresa’s youngest daughter is very clingy.

=> My cat is very clingy. She follows me around.

🤭假如是一個笑話, 一篇文章, 一本書, 一部影片, 照片等內容很低俗的 ”沒水準” 叫 distasteful。

=> Nobody laughed at Jack’s distasteful joke.

但這個字不會用來指人一個人如果缺乏文明社會應有的禮儀, 這種 ”沒水準” 叫 low-class,比如在大庭廣眾下挖鼻孔, 高聲喧嘩, 大聲打嗝或放屁, 把鞋子脫掉等(在老外眼裡台灣人動不動就大聲忘情地打嗝是他們很難接受和理解的 ”沒水準” 行為),意思是 ”低下階層的”當然在現在社會這和教育程度或財力無關,主要是指此人的表現像個未開化的野蠻人一樣,像在看電影時講手機這種人, 並不是 low-class這種 ”沒水準” ,就是 rude (沒禮貌),但是要講一個人沒有品味或品味很差的 ”沒水準”在英文裡是說此人沒有 class 或 taste。

=> Roger is a man with no class / no taste (whatsoever).

🤭要形容一個行業或情況起落很大, 好的時候很好, 差的時候會很差,這種 ”大好大壞”在英文裡叫做 feast or faminefeast [fist] 的意思是盛宴, 大餐而 famine [ˋfæmən] 這個字是 ”飢荒” 的意思,所以字面上就是指 ”不是吃大餐就是鬧飢荒”, 表示狀況很兩極化,這三個字也可以中間用兩槓串在一起當形容詞用 (feast-or-famine)。

=> Working in this business is feast or famine.

=> The feast-or-famine situation will not improve until the company has a steady number of clients.

=> The country’s economy has been feast-or-famine in the past decade.

🤭藝人的 ”藝名” 英文叫 stage name。

🤭Sean 這個名字要唸 [ ʃ ɔ n ]。

🤭虱目魚它有個很可愛的名字 milkfish (也可把兩個字分開), ”虱目魚丸” 的話, 它就是 milkfish ball(s)”、虱目魚丸湯” soup with milkfish balls。

🤭“福袋” 有一個說法是 grab bag,字面上的意思是 ”一把抓了就走的袋子”,但問題是 grab bag 可能指很多種東西除了這種用均一價買的 ”福袋” 之外,也可以指應付緊急事故的急救包、或裝逃生必備用品的袋子,或辦派對時贈送客人的禮品袋等,也有可能只是商家裝好固定組合商品的優惠組在英文裡, “福袋” 這東西最清楚的講法, 應該是 surprise grab bag / mystery grab bag。

🤭”瘦肉精” 的英文說法是 lean-meat agent(s),agent 這個字在這裡的用法有 ”化學作用物” 的意思,像 cleaning agent 就是指有清潔作用的化學物。

🤭for crying out loud 的意思還可以用 for God’s sake / for Christ’s sake 等應用。

=> For crying out loud, can you turn off the alarm already?

=> Can we get some help here for crying out loud?

🤭”鼻屎” 叫 booger [ˋbʊgɚ] , 是可數名詞

”眼屎” 叫 sleep (你沒看錯, 這是 sleep 這個字鮮為人知的一種意思) (不可數)

但是也有很多老外不知道原來 sleep 有這個意思所以很多人會用口語的講法, 像是 dry stuff, crust, crusty stuff, dry crap (at the corner of the eye)

🤭“學徒” 是 apprentice主要是跟著師傅學習某種職業技能的人, 跟是不是在學學生無關比如去學印刷, 修車, 水電等的人。

另外還有一種 ”工讀生” 叫 trainee (受訓者),就英文字來看, 跟是不是在學學生也沒有關係,任何人都可能是 trainee, 是在儲備受訓階段的員工,這種人要邊做邊學, 像飯店或高級餐廳的服務生,要跟著正式人員一起做, 但錢比較少或沒錢,期滿學會了就會變成正式員工。

有些大專生在畢業前必須到自己主修的專業領域去實習, 才能畢業,這種 ”實習” 叫 practicum (英系國家叫 work placement)

=> I’ll have to do my practicum at a hospital before I graduate.

和 internship 不同的是, practicum 是教育學程的一部份,而 internship 則不一定是畢業的要求。

🤭”小人” 在英文裡的說法是用 weasel [ˋwiz!] ,這個字它原本指的是 ”黃鼠狼” 這種動物。

🤭”除濕機” 的英文說法是 dehumidifier [͵dihjuˋmɪdə͵faɪr]。

🤭win the battle, lose the war 指的是雖然一時佔上風, 長遠來說卻是吃虧的比如和上司起爭執, 也許當下吵贏了, 結果卻因此種下惡因而導致失業或在工作上更大的障礙。

=> The stock market might look better now, but investors should be careful not to win the battle, lose the war.

=> If he hadn’t gotten the promotion, he wouldn’t have to be legally responsible for this incident.

🤭”防腐劑” 的英文說法是 preservative [prɪˋzɝvətɪv]

”乾燥劑”統稱叫 desiccant [ˋdɛsəkənt],從動詞 desiccate (使變乾, 去濕) 而來。

🤭”美食街” 可千萬別照中文直譯成什麼 delicious food street 哦~ 像百貨公司或購物中心裡”美食街” 的英文是 food court。

🤭keep / have someone on a short / tight leash,所謂 ”用很短的狗鍊牽著此人走”, 就像用短的狗鍊去牽狗一樣目的是讓狗沒辦法自由地走太遠, 稍微走遠一點脖子就會被勒住了,用在人身上是指嚴格控制某人的行為, 也就是台灣中文流行語中說的把此人 ”管得死死”。

=> A: Why don’t we ask Paul to join us for a beer after work?

B: I don’t want to get him into trouble. His wife keeps him on a short leash.

🤭”不忍心” 做某事在英文裡的講法是: don’t / doesn’t / didn’t have the heart to V。

=> I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.

=> He doesn’t have the heart to hurt her feelings.

但是要注意的是, 這個片語只能用在否定句不要以為改成肯定句 have the heart to V 就是 ”忍心...” 的意思哦~

🤭”我酒量不好” 就是 I can’t hold my liquor very well.

🤭all in good time 這句話是用在別人很心急, 希望某件事快點發生,而等得不耐煩時勸人家不要急, 等時候到了它自然會發生的意思。good 在這裡不能解釋為 ”好的”, 而是 ”恰當的” 的意思。

=> A: I’m the only girl in my class who doesn’t have a boyfriend.

B: All in good time, sweetie.

=> A: Why hasn’t Julie called me yet? It’s been three days.

B: All in good time. I’m sure she will.

另外, in one’s own sweet time, take one’s own sweet time 也是 ”慢慢來” 的意思。

=> He will come around in his own sweet time.

=> I’m sure your teenaged son will mature in his own sweet time.

=> The cashier took her own sweet time to ring me up. (那名收銀員慢吞吞地幫我結帳)(在這句話裡是諷刺的口氣)

🤭”好心沒好報” 在英文裡的說法是: No good deed goes unpunished.

有時這句話也被濃縮成 No good deed. 三個字而已, 母語是英文的老外都會懂意思

=> A: I tried to give Maria some fashion advice, but she got offended.

B: Well, no good deed (goes unpunished).

=> A: I offered my seat on the bus to a senior gentleman, but he got upset with me.

B: You know what they say. No good deed goes unpunished.

🤭just so you know 這個片語可以放在句首或句尾,搭配你要告知對方的事情,意思是 ”(只是)讓你知道一下”任何事情都可以, 不一定是秘密, 但不能用在非常重要的事情上。

=> Just so you know, our store will be closed tomorrow for the holiday.

=> Mr. Silverman will have a new assistant next week, just so you know.

🤭一件內層舖了羽絨的厚大衣就是 down coat,夾克式的就叫 down jacket。

🤭Shut your pie hole!就是要你閉嘴的意思, 等於 shut up。

🤭pull an all-nighter (有時會照發音寫成 all-niter, 但不是正確的寫法) ,指的就是整晚沒睡。

=> You look really tired. Did you pull an all-nighter?

=> I think I’ll have to pull an all-nighter to finish all this work.

🤭mama’s boy 媽寶

🤭”辦公室戀情” office romance,這種情形就可以用 be frowned upon 來形容字面上的意思是這種事會令人 ”皺眉頭”, 也就是不悅, 不高興用來指不被眾人或團體所接受的行為。

=> Office romance is frowned upon in this company.

🤭Happy belated birthday!

Merry belated Christmas!

Happy belated Valentine’s Day!

🤭acquired taste, 意思是後來才培養出的味道或喜好表示一開始並不喜歡或難以接受, 後來花點時間才喜歡上的人事物。

=> A: I don’t like Frank. He’s kind of weird.

B: Well, he is an acquired taste, but once you get to know him, he’s not bad.

=> A lot of people don’t like durians, but to me they’re an acquired taste.I have grown to like them.

=> A: How do you like Picasso’s art?

B: It’s an acquired taste.

🤭stag 這個字本來指的是 ”公鹿”

所謂的 go stag, 意思是指一名男子單獨出席, 不帶女伴

比如: Ted is going stag to the party. His girlfriend is out of town. (去外地)

A: Who are you taking to your sister’s wedding?

B: No one. I think I’ll go stag.

所以 a stag party 就是指純男性的聚會

現在都是用來指 bachelor party, 也就是男性在結婚前和友人所辦的單身派對

又叫做 stag night 或 stag do




這樣的周末就叫 stag weekend

例: My brother’s planning a stag weekend with his buddies in Rio.

🤭“Say when” 是什麼意思呢? 它不是真的要你說出 when 這個字,而是用在要幫別人倒飲料或抓取某種份量的東西時(如盛湯或抓取糖果等)告訴對方 ”好了 / 夠了 就跟我說” 的意思。如果老外跟你這樣說的話當這個東西的份量到了你要的程度時, 你就該跟他說 “OK, that’s fine / that’s enough”,Say when 是生活中很實用的慣用語,不過注意在講這兩個字時, when 的語調要上揚。

🤭skinny dip 指的是 ”裸泳”, 也可指裸體泡溫泉。

🤭hush-hush 中間用兩槓連起來, 變成一個形容詞意思是指很神秘, 大家的絕口不談的事。

=> The whole operation is very hush-hush. We don’t know what’s going on.

=> The details of the contract are hush-hush. We are not allowed to say anything to the media.

🤭clammy 這個字現在的意思就是黏黏的, 一整個讓人不舒服的感覺它不一定是濕的, 有時是像口水乾了以後變得黏黏的, 但通常是冰涼的,比如握到一個人的手, 結果掌心冰冷又因為手汗而黏黏的就可以說它是個 clammy handshake。

=> He had a clammy handshake. I think he was very nervous.

=> Frogs have clammy skin.

🤭如果在開槍射擊時, 距離目標很遠, 當然就不易打中,所以當人家說某件事是 a long shot 時意思就是它成功的機率不高, 不太可能發生。

=> A: Bill is gonna ask Jenny out.

B: Well, it’s a long shot, but you never know.

=> Their plan to finish the project in two months is a long shot, but worth a try.

=> When Jake talked about opening a bakery, everyone thought it was a long shot, but he managed to pull it off.

🤭要講一個人 ”自作主張”, 自己擅自做出決定, 沒有事先得到別人的同意,在英文裡的講法是 take it upon oneself (to V)。

=> I didn’t know what kind of coffee you’d like, so I took it upon myself to order latte for you.

=> James took it upon himself to cancel the meeting.

=> I can’t believe she just took it upon herself to sign the lease.

🤭henpeck 就是指妻子或女友對男人強勢地 ”碎碎唸” 或嘮叨個沒完。

=> Tom was henpecked to death after he bought that cell phone.

=> He always gets henpecked when he comes home late.

🤭大家可別誤以為 Speak for yourself 就是字面上的意思 ”為你自己發言”事實上這句話是用在不同意別人的看法時指 ”那是你個人一廂情願的想法”, “那是你這麼認為(我並不這麼想)”。

=> A: This restaurant is terrible.

B: Speak for yourself. I happen to think it’s great.

=> A:Why are people making a big deal out of unpaid holidays? I don’t mind taking a few more days off.

B: Speak for yourself. I’d rather work 40 hours a week and make more money.

🤭”裝死” 在英文裡的講法就是 play dead

”裝病” 也是用 play sick

”裝闊” 叫 act rich

“裝窮” 就是 act poor

”裝笨” 則可以用 play stupid 或 act stupid (口語中也常把 stupid 換成 dumb)。

=> Dennis taught his dog to play dead.

🤭in a pickle 意思是此人陷入困境。

=> President Obama has been in a pickle since the day he got elected.

=> He found himself in a pickle when Lou told him about his affair because he’s good friends with Lou’s wife too.

🤭raise the bar 是指一個人因為表現傑出, 而把這種事情的整體水平拉高了,當一個人表現很好時, 我們就可以對他說: You certainly raised the bar!或是 You have raised the bar (again)! 來稱讚他

=> A: John’s presentation was simply brilliant.

B: Yes. He certainly raised the bar for the rest of us.

=> This cake is absolutely divine. You really raised the bar.

🤭Count your blessings. 其實這句話是要人抱著感恩的心, 好好想一想生命中美好的人事物這些我們很幸運能擁有的人事物就是 blessings。

=> After the accident, I think we should all count our blessings.

=> A: I really hate my job.

B: Maybe you should stop complaining about every job you’ve had and count your blessings.

=> A lot of people don’t even have jobs these days.We should count our blessings and be grateful.

🤭養樂多的唸法是 [ˋjɑkʌlt]用 yogurt 做成的飲料, 可以叫 a yogurt drink,很多人以為養樂多只是液狀的 yogurt事實上它們的做法不太一樣,對於一般人來說, 跟他們解釋養樂多是一種 yogurt drink 就夠了,但如果要用比較專業, 比較正確的說法養樂多是一種 probiotic drink,probiotic [ˋpro baɪˋɑtɪk] 是指含有益生菌, 可幫助腸道消化的東西。

🤭“Gag me!” 是年輕人在日常口語中蠻常用的一句話,gag 這個字當作動詞時指的是把別人的嘴塞住, 讓他無法講話或發出聲音“Gag me!” ,本來應該是 Gag me with a spoon! 這句話字面上是叫人家用湯匙把你的嘴巴堵住好端端的幹嘛這樣咧?其實是因為這句話是用在表達 ”噁心” 的時候可能是看到或聽到了什麼讓你覺得噁心的東西或事情, 讓你很想吐,所以叫別人趕快把湯匙塞進你嘴裡, 讓你不至於吐出來。

=> A: Did you see the low-cut top Jack’s mom was wearing?

B: Gag me (with a spoon)!

=> A: It looks like that actress just had another face-lift. (拉皮)

B: Gag me (with a spoon)!

🤭要形容一個人煩躁不安的樣子 (比如出現咬指甲, 抖腳, 走來走去等動作),就可以用這個字的形容詞 fidgety 來描述。

=> Ed always gets fidgety when his mother-in-law visits.

🤭joint 這個字在口語中也有 ”場所” 的意思

blow this joint 的意思其實是指 “leave this place” 離開這個地方

比如: I’m really bored here. Let’s blow this joint.

不過, 因為 joint 這個字在口語中也可以指 ”大麻” (另外有 pot, weed 等說法)


把 blow this joint 解釋為 ”抽大麻”

但大家要知道它原本的意思是前面說的 ”離開這個地方”

🤭deadbeat 這個字在電視或電影中常被翻譯錯字面上看起來是 ”死的節拍”,所以很多人誤以為它講的是 loser, 沒出息的人但其實它指的是一個欠債不還的人, 或是一個懶鬼。要說一個人很懶時, 除了講 He is so lazy. 也可以說 He is such a deadbeat.在美國文化裡常聽到所謂的 deadbeat dad / father指的是離婚後沒有按時付贍養費的父親。

🤭口語中常對別人喊的 “Busted!” 是指 ”逮到你了!”就像台灣流行中文裡說的 ”吼~ 被抓到囉!”,是逮到別人做不該做的事時的玩笑話比如朋友要減肥, 你卻逮到她偷吃巧克力, 就可以對她說: Busted!也可以用在整句話裡, 像: Jack is so busted.意思是說 Jack 因為做了不該做的事, 被人家發現了, 這次會很慘。

=> Mike is so busted this time. The boss caught him stealing money.

逮到別人做不該做的事, 要對他說: “你這次完蛋了”, 也是 You are so busted!

不過 busted 這個字也可以用來講一個東西壞掉了所以就是 broken 的意思。

=> My cell phone is busted. / I think the copier is busted.

🤭要講一個東西很礙眼, 在英文裡是用名詞 eyesore,看到會讓你覺得 ”眼睛痛”的東西, 就是 ”礙眼” 的東西。

=> That building is a real eyesore.

=> Some people might think this is art, but to me it’s just an eyesore.

=> Can we get rid of that old chair? It’s such an eyesore.

🤭煮得不夠久則是 undercooked

🤭That’s how I roll 這句話的意思是 That’s my style”這就是我的行事作風”。

=> A: I really liked the way you stood by your principle today.

B: That’s how I roll.

=> A: It was really nice of you guys to help out at the homeless shelter.

B: Thanks. That’s how we roll.

🤭kaput 這個字原本是德文裡的 kaputt,現在被吸收進來成了一個口語用字, 唸做 [kəˋpʊt]意思有很多, 比如 ”完蛋了”, “壞了”, “毁了” 等等,有時候一個人要形容自己真的完蛋了, 就會誇張地說:I’m done, finished, kaput!就是用三個不同的字來講 ”完蛋了”。

=> If I don’t finish this report by tomorrow, I’m kaput!

=> I think the computer is kaput.

🤭”放馬過來” 在英文裡的說法其實很簡單, 就是 “Bring it!” 或 “Bring it on!”。

🤭當別人諸事不順, 人生陷入最低潮時, 我們就可以安慰他說:When you hit bottom, there’s only one way to go.或是 When you hit bottom, the only way to go is up.就是在幫人打氣加油, 告訴他接下來事情一定會開始好轉的, 因為這已經是最糟的狀況了。

🤭a hole-in-the-wall / hole-in-the-walls 在現代口語中是指小而不起眼的地方說它小到, 不起眼到就像 ”牆上的一個洞”現在多半是指餐廳。

=> Jack took me to a hole-in-the-wall for dinner.

=> The street is filled with hole-in-the-walls offering all kinds of food.hole-in-the-wall


=> Jade Garden is a great hole-in-the-wall dim-sum restaurant.

=> We went to this hole-in-the-wall place for lunch, but I was pleasantly surprised.

不過要注意的是, 在英國, a hole-in-the-wall 也可能是指自動提款機各位可能在電影裡或出國時看過, 國外的提款機很多真的是裝在 ”牆上的一個洞” 裡很特別的是, 如果是指提款機時, 複數就會是 holes-in-the-wall把表示複數的 s 加在前面的 hole 那裡在指小餐廳時, 複數會用 hole-in-the-walls。

🤭”法令紋” 在英文裡比較簡單的說法有 smile folds, laugh folds, smile lines, laugh lines 等。

=> She has really deep smile lines / smile folds.

=> The plastic surgeon recommended a facial filler for my smile folds.

🤭Eat a piece of humble pie 是講一個人 ”得到了謙虛的教訓/學到謙虛的道理”。

=> The team ate a piece of humble pie when they lost the championship game.

=> David ate a piece of humble pie when he failed the English exam.

=> My boss ate a piece of humble pie when the client pointed out his mistake.

🤭問一個人: Who wears the pants in your family?就是在問他家裡面當家作主的人是誰。

=> My mom wears the pants in our family.

=> I think Miranda wears the pants in the family.

=> Husbands don’t always get to wear the pants in the family anymore.

🤭“as good as it gets”意思就是說 ”最好的情況也就只有這樣了”。

=> You should take the offer. This is as good as it gets.I won’t regret my decision.

=> I think this is as good as it gets.I think you should buy it.

=> The price is as good as it gets.

我們也可以把 good 換成 badas bad as it gets 就是說最壞的情況就是這樣了, 不可能再更壞了。

=> Don’t worry. This is as bad as it gets. It won’t get any worse than this.

=> The food tonight is as bad as it gets.

=> Do you think the economy is as bad as it gets, or it will keep getting worse?

🤭“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”(棍棒和石頭也許會打斷我的骨頭, 但言語永遠無法傷害我)

意思就是教人如何面對別人惡意的言語傷害那只是言語文字, 不像棍棒石頭真的會傷害人, 所以聽聽就算了, 別當一回事在日常口語中, 大家會把這句話濃縮成只剩下 “Sticks and stones.”一樣,是用來叫別人不要對他人的言語傷害太在意。比如有人當著你的朋友或家人的面說了很難聽的話或嘲笑他/她你就可以說 “Sticks and stones.”意思類似我們中文裡叫人家 ”別理那種人”。

🤭有人問你 Are you decent? 時, 千萬不要誤會那不是在問你是否是個正派的人,這句話其實是用在要進入別人的房間或浴室時用來問裡面的人是否有穿好衣服, 以免看到不該看的而尷尬。比如各位如果有外國室友或朋友在房間裡或浴室裡,但你不得已要進去拿東西或跟他/她說話,卻又怕他/她衣冠不整不方便見人或開門就會在進去前先問: Are you decent? (也可說 Are you dressed?)。萬一各位是房間裡的人, 被問到這句時可以回答: Yes, I’m dressed. 表示你是穿好衣服的也可以說: No. Wait just a second. Let me get dressed. 來表示你需要一點時間把衣服穿好。

🤭”坐月子中心” 在國外也慢慢出現了,它的說法是 postpartum care center 或 postnatal care center,也可以把 center 換成 facility [fəˋsɪlətɪ] (在此指 ”場所”)

”產後憂鬱症” 就是叫 postpartum depression (P.P.D.) 比較多因為主要是媽媽憂鬱而不是小孩憂鬱(不過也可以叫 postnatal depression)。

🤭說一個人 too cool for school 是講一個人自以為很酷, 對其他人或社會規範一副不屑不甩的態度。

=> So you think you’re too cool for school? Just wait until your mom gets home.(你以為你很酷是吧? 等你媽回來你就知道了)

=> Paul thinks he’s too cool for school. That’s why he is late for work all the time.(Paul 以為自己很酷不用守規矩. 所以他才老是上班遲到)

=> A: Jack is always playing computer games at work. Doesn’t he worry about getting caught?

B: Well, he thinks he’s too cool for school.

A: Yeah. Just wait until someone tells on him.

🤭但中文裡要表達的 ”我公司”, 往往只是指自己上班的地方,並不是真的指自己擁有的公司把 ”我公司” 直接譯為 my company, 就是中式英文的錯誤說法,跟你不熟的老外會以為你是公司的老板,所以, 不要說: My company is on Ren-ai Road.而該說: My office is on Ren-ai Road.,也不要以為 office 就只能指一間工作的房間它其實也有工作場所的意思,我們大部份的人都不是公司老板, 不要亂用 my company 這個說法頂多可以講 our company, 但通常是對別人介紹你服務的公司時用的如果你要把 ”我公司” 當作一個地點時, 只要你不是公司老板, 就該說 my office。

🤭講一個人穿著 birthday suit, 就是指此人裸體, 沒穿衣服。

=> We saw Jack in his birthday suit by accident.

=> The drunk politician was caught on camera wearing his birthday suit at a bar.

🤭a walk in the park 指的就是一件很容易辦到的事,也可以說是 a piece of cake。

=> This is as easy as a walk in the park.Don’t worry.

=> It will be a walk in the park.

要講一件事不容易, 不輕鬆, 則是說它是 no walk in the park。

=> Running a successful restaurant is no walk in the park.

🤭像台灣這種強制性的兵役叫 mandatory military service(mandatory [ˋmændə͵torɪ] ),或是 compulsory military service (compulsory [kəmˋpʌlsərɪ] )它的動詞是用 fulfill,所以要講一個人正在當兵就是: He is fulfilling his mandatory military service.

=> Men under 40 in Taiwan have to fulfill the mandatory military service.

另外我們可以順便學一下 ”徵兵制” 這個字 conscription。

=> The low birth rate is affecting the nation’s conscription rate.

=> Female conscription is practiced in Israel.

它的動詞是 conscript (重音在後面), 口語中也可以用 draft 這個字。

=> He didn’t join the army voluntarily. He was conscripted / drafted.

名詞 ”被徵兵的人” 也叫 conscript (重音在前面)。

=> All new conscripts were asked to take an I.Q. test.

🤭I can’t put my finger on it. 意思是無法明確的”指”出, 說出到底是什麼, “說不上來”放在句子裡, 要注意前半句裡通常要有個 something比如你覺得一個東西吃起來怪怪的, 但又說不出是哪裡怪就可以講: Something gives the food a funny taste, but I can’t put my finger on it.

=> Something about your hair looks different, but I can’t put my finger on it.

=> There’s something weird about Ray, but I can’t put my finger on it.

🤭crash course 指的是速成課程, 在短期內讓你學會一種東西,像電吉他的速成課標榜在八周內可以學會 (八周也蠻久的耶...)。

=> The school is offering a crash course on/in French cooking.

=> There is a crash course on/in English conversations at the community college.

”密集課程” 的說法, 叫 intensive course,密集只是把原本的長時間壓縮集中成較短的期間總時數,也許是一樣或差不多的所以當然和 ”速成” 不一樣。

=> I enrolled in an intensive course on/in accounting last summer.

🤭如果有人欣然去做別人不願意做的事或是對於失敗, 一般人會覺得難為情的事用大方的態度面對就可以稱讚他: You’re a good sport!

=> Gina’s a good sport. I wouldn’t be able to work with my ex-husband’s new wife.

=> Dave’s a good sport. He managed to finish the race even with a broken ankle.

🤭yours truly 本來是寫信時在簽名處用的敬語,就像 Sincerely, Sincerely yours 等所以當人家說 yours truly 時, 指的就是他/她自己是 me, myself 的意思。

=> You’ll have to work with yours truly. (=with me)

=> He was introduced to the CEO by yours truly.

=> Tom is going to the Christmas party with yours truly.

🤭要表示文字以亂碼的方式顯示, 無法閱讀, 可以用形容詞 garbled [ˋgɑrb!d]。

=> The text of your e-mail is garbled.I received a garbled message.

=> The text appeared garbled.

也可以用 garbled text 來指以亂碼呈現的文字。

=> There is a lot of garbled text on the web page.

=> How can I fix garbled text?

=> E-mails written in Chinese always show up as garbled on this computer.

🤭一個笨手笨腳的人, 在現在的流行口語中是用 klutz [klʌts] 這個字,比如自己常不小心打破東西或撞到, 跌倒就可以自我解嘲地說: I’m such a klutz.當然也可以講別人: You are / He is such a klutz.

🤭”魚尾紋” 英文叫 crow’s feet(crow [kro] 就是烏鴉)。

=> My mother is starting to get crow’s feet.

=> I’m starting to see / show crow’s feet (around the corners of my eyes).

=> This eye cream claims to smooth out crow’s feet.

🤭電話上的 ”米” 字鍵, 在英文裡是用 ”星星” star key 來表達也可以叫 star sign

而井字鍵則是叫 pound key / pound signpound 原本應該是 compound (複合的)。

🤭”你想得美!” 在英文裡就是叫 You wish!也可以說 In your dreams! 或是 Dream on!

🤭big time 是 ”真的...”, “很...” 的意思, 指在程度上很嚴重。

=> Jack screwed things up big time. = Jack really screwed things up.(Jack 真的把事情搞砸得很嚴重)

=> He pissed his boss off big time. = He really pissed off his boss.(他真的把他的老板惹火了)

不過這兩個字偶爾也有別的意思像 hit the big time 是指功成名就。

=> She is the first Asian singer to hit the big time in the U.S.

有時這兩個字用一槓連起來當形容詞big-time 指很成功的, 大牌的。

=>a big-time lawyer 就是知名的大牌律師,也可以說是個 hot-shot lawyer 搶手的律師。

🤭”土狗” 的說法是 mutt [mʌt]只要說: He / She is a mutt. 就好了,

指混種動物或人也有另一個字叫 mongrel [ˋmʌŋgrəl],不過現在很少用問老外他的狗是哪一種時, 可以說: What breed is your dog?

如果牠是有兩種或多種狗的血統可以說: He / She is a cross between ... and ...

=> He is a cross between a golden retriever and a husky.

🤭布料的”透氣”其實很簡單, 就是用 ”呼吸” 這個動詞。 breathe大家要特別注意唸法是 [brið]和名詞 [brɛθ] 不一樣比如去買衣服可以問店員: Does this material/fabric breathe?(這種材質/布料透氣嗎?)

或 This material doesn’t breathe. 這種材質不透氣.

要講某種材質很透氣就是 This material breathes well.The shirt is made of a material that breathes well.

🤭“with all due respect” 是用在要對別人說出一些可能會冒犯他/她的話時比較會用來對長輩或上司講意思是 ”雖然我很尊重你, 但是......”中文裡常譯為 ”恕我直言, ....”。

=> With all due respect, I think you made the wrong decision.

=> With all due respect, you’re not really the person in charge here.

🤭向別人刻意打開或脫下衣物展露私密部位的行為英文裡用 flash 這個動詞, 用法是 flash + 人稱代名詞受格 / flash at 一般名詞對象。

=> The guy across the street just flashed me!

=> There was a pervert flashing at women in the street.

🤭promiscuous [prəˋmɪskjʊəs] “濫交的” 男女都可用, 指常隨便和人發生性關係的人。

🤭”礦泉水” mineral water

”泉水” spring water

”蒸餾水” distilled water

”過濾水” purified water

”氣泡水” sparkling bottled water

”鹼性離子水” ionized Alkaline water

”竹炭水” 則是 charcoal-filtered water

”淡水” 叫 freshwater

”冷開水”, 指的是室溫下沒有加熱的水 room-temperature water

🤭a comb-over 指的就是有些開始秃頭的男性刻意把後面或側邊的頭髮留長, 然後往另一邊或前面梳企圖遮蓋秃掉部份的髮型,像川普這種往前梳的, 也可以叫 a comb-forward。

=> That guy has a serious comb-over.

=> I’d rather shave my head than have a comb-over.

=> Comb-overs never work on bald men.

🤭”楊桃” 叫 star fruit (=starfruit)

”蓮霧” 是 wax apple,其他名稱包括 jambu fruit, rose apple, java apple, bell fruit 等等。

🤭觸控筆叫做 stylus [ˋstaɪləs],在以前它指的是像針筆的金屬筆頭, 或黑膠唱片的唱機上那枝唱針,它的複數可以用 styluses 或 styli [ˋstaɪ laɪ] (像這種結尾的字都源自拉丁文, 複數時結尾就從 us 變成 i比如 ”仙人掌” cactus 的複數也是 cacti )

=> I got a stylus for my new smart phone.

=> It is easier to write on a small touch screen with a stylus than with a finger.

🤭街上來往的人潮就叫 foot traffic。

=> The store is at a terrible location with hardly any foot traffic.

好的動線就是 good / great / smooth traffic flow

不好的動線是 poor / terrible / interrupted traffic flow

在泛指這種東西時, 把它當不可數名詞。

=> An important part of interior design is making sure there is good traffic flow.

但是在單獨指某一個地方或和某一樣東西有關的動線時, 它又變成可數名詞。

=> The living room has a smooth traffic flow.

=> The restaurant has a poor traffic flow.

=> The design allows (a) smooth traffic flow into the living room.

如果要講某個東西妨礙了動線, 動詞要用 interrupt 這個字。

=> The coffee table interrupts the traffic flow into the living room.

=> The food stands interrupt the traffic flow around the stadium.

🤭”松木” 叫 pine [paɪn]

”檜木” 叫 (Chinese) cypress [ˋsaɪprəs]

”樺木” 叫 birch [bɝtʃ]

”(冷)杉木” 叫 fir [fɝ]

”橡木” 叫 oak [ok]

”楓木” 叫 maple [ˋmep!]

”胡桃木” 是 walnut [ˋwɔlnət]

”(櫻)桃木” 是 cherry

”紅木” 是 mahogany [məˋhɑgənɪ]

”櫸木” 叫 (Chinese) elm [ɛlm]

”柚木” 叫 teak [tik]

”雪松/西洋杉/香柏木” 叫 cedar [ˋsidɚ]

”藤” 則是叫 rattan [ræˋtæn]

這些字都可以直接放在一個東西的前面當作形容詞用比如一張藤椅就是 a rattan chair紅木做的桌子就是 mahogany table櫸木地板就叫 elm floor也可以用 be made of ... 的句型。

=> The table is made of mahogany.

🤭把嘴唇嘟在一起像要親吻的樣子在英文裡是用 purse 這個動詞 (沒錯, 它也是指女生的皮包那個字)用法是 purse one’s lips, 或把它變成 p.p. 當形容詞用。

=> She always purses her lips when she poses for photos.

=> A lot of men find her pursed lips and innocent look very sexy.

但若是因為不高興而擺臭臉的嘟嘴, 噘嘴, 就要用 pout [paʊt] 這個動詞了。

=> She is pouting in the corner because her mom wouldn’t buy her a new cell phone.

另外它的形容詞 pouty 是用來形容像 Angelina Jolie 那樣有點外翻的厚唇,很多女明星會去打玻尿酸豐唇, 就是為了要擁有 pouty lips。

🤭”冬瓜茶” 叫 white gourd tea 並不完全正確,因為它裡面並沒有放茶葉比較正確的說法是 a (sweetened) white gourd drink。

🤭”沒救了” 就是用 hopeless (沒希望了) ,不論是開玩笑地說還是認真地說, 都是 You’re hopeless.也可說自己: I’m a hopeless romantic / optimist. (我是無可救藥的浪漫主義者 / 樂觀者),當然, 在感到極度挫折時, 也可能會說: This is hopeless.。

🤭“皮膚科醫生” 是 dermatologist [͵dɝməˋtɑlədʒɪst]

”小兒科醫生” 是 pediatrician [͵pidɪəˋtrɪʃən]

”耳鼻喉科醫生” 是 ear, nose, and throat doctor或簡稱叫 ENT doctor (它也有一個專業的說法, 但連對老外都太難, 很少人在用叫做 otorhinolaryngologist )

”眼科醫生” 是 optometrist [ɑpˋtɑmətrɪst] (配眼鏡但非醫生的人則叫 optician )

”婦產科醫生” 叫 obstetrician [͵ɑbstɛˋtrɪʃən]

(細分的話, 婦科醫生叫 gynocologist [͵gaɪnəˋkɑlədʒɪst]而產科醫生叫 obstetrician )

”泌尿科” 醫生叫 urologist [jʊˋrɑlədʒɪst]

”心臟科” 醫生叫 cardiologist [͵kɑrdɪˋɑlədʒɪst]

”腦及神經科” 醫生叫 neurologist [njʊˋrɑlədʒɪst]

”癌症腫瘤科” 醫生叫 oncologist [ɑŋˋkɑlədʒɪst]

”腸胃消化科” 醫生叫 gastrologist [gæsˋtrɑlədʒɪst]

”心理醫生” 叫 psychiatrist [saɪˋkaɪətrɪst] 或 therapist [ˋθɛrəpɪst](psychiatrist 比較是醫院裡那種做科學診斷的, therapist 則比較是談話型的)

”風濕關節炎科” 醫生叫 rheumatologist [͵ruməˋtɑlədʒɪst]

”腎臟科” 醫生叫 nephrologist [nɪˋfrɑlədʒɪst]

”內分泌科” 醫生叫 endocrinologist [͵ɛndokrɪˋnɑlədʒɪst]

廣義來說, 內科醫生就叫 physician [fəˋzɪʃən]外科 (動手術的) 叫 surgeon [ˋsɝdʒən]

🤭That is not my M.O. 就是在說 ”那不是我的作風”指那不是此人的行事風格, 或會做出的事。

(M.O. 這兩個字母原本是拉丁文的 modus operandi 這兩個字翻成英文就是 mode of operation)

=> I could just sit back and watch him suffer, but that is not my M.O.

=> It looks like the serial killer has changed his M.O.

=> From what I understand, that is not her M.O.

🤭coffee cake 只是 ”配咖啡吃的蛋糕”,意思一下而已, 不是花俏的 ”咖啡口味” 蛋糕真正要講 ”咖啡口味的蛋糕”, 應該用 coffee-flavored cake。

🤭”陷害” 在英文裡有兩種說法一個是用動詞 frame [frem]。

=> He insisted that he was framed. (他堅稱他是遭人陷害)

另外一個說法是用動詞片語 set up不過 frame 和 set up 其實不太一樣frame 是指把一個人沒做的事栽在他頭上(它本來的意思是一個框架),而 set up 是指設了一個局讓人掉進去。

=> He set me up. (他陷害我) 是指他設了一個局讓我做錯事。

=> He framed me. 是指他明知某件錯事不是我做的, 卻硬說是, 或是使情況看來不利於此人的清白。

🤭”塑化劑” 就是跟它有關, 叫做 plasticizer [ˋplæstə͵saɪzɚ]

而 ”起雲劑” 則叫 clouding agent(s)

=> You should stay away from drinks like that for a while. They might containa toxic plasticizer called DEHP.

🤭一般講為貓狗結紥, 口語中是直接用 fix 這個字, 公母都可以用比如: Is your dog fixed? 就是問 ”你的狗結紥了嗎?” (用被動語態)

=> Some people think the government should pay to have stray dogs fixed.

不過比較正確的講法是, 公的動物用 neuter [ˋnjutɚ] (閹割) 這個字而母的用 spay [spe] (割除卵巢)

=> Our cat is already neutered. / spayed. / fixed.

把動物 ”安樂死” 則是用 put down 這個片語。

=> The vet suggested putting the sick cat down.

也有難一點的用 euthanize [ˋjuθə͵naɪz] 這個字。

=> We had our dog euthanized. / put down.

🤭皮膚上的 ”繭” 在英文裡是叫 callus [ˋkæləs],而且這個字是可數名詞, 所以只有一個的話要加 a很多個就用複數 calluses它的動詞搭配的是 have, develop, grow, build up 等。比如已經長了繭, 就用 have。

=> I have a callus on the side of my middle finger.She has nasty calluses on her heels.

用 develop 就是指它的形成。

=> Guitar players often develop calluses on their finger tips.

有些吉他手為了讓手不會太痛或一直流血, 會刻意讓手指長繭那就可以用 grow, build (up) 這兩個動詞。

=> I’m trying to grow / build (up) calluses on my fingers so they won’t hurt whenI play the guitar.

🤭heads up 乍看像是動詞片語, 但其實它是個名詞意思是給人家的資訊或警告,中間應該要用一槓連起來寫做 heads-up而且很特別的是, 前面通常要加 a後面用介系詞 on 接名詞, 表示是關於什麼事情的, 或是用 that 接子句。

=> Could you give me a heads-up on tomorrow’s meeting?

=> I want to give you a heads-up that I’ll E-mail the information you need this afternoon.

=> Could you give me a heads-up when the boss gets back?

🤭”節哀” 在英文裡是說 My condolences. (複數)

condolence [kənˋdoləns] 這個字本來就是弔唁, 慰問的意思,但是和 ”恭喜” 一樣, 在使用時要用複數,也可以說: My condolences go out to the families that lost their loved ones in the earthquake.

要注意的是, My condolences 只能用在家中有人死亡,如果是發生別的不幸事件, 只要說 I’m sorry (to hear) about what happened.另外也可以說 My sympathies. [ˋsɪmpəθɪz] 但那是比較正式, 不帶感情的說法。

🤭“成績單” 的說法是 report card雖然也可以叫 school report / school report card,但 school report 有時也可能是指 ”學校的報告”。

🤭用在知道對方經歷一些悲傷或辛苦的事情時比如對方家中發生不幸, 或是最近工作上特別辛苦不順就會用這句話 “How are you holding up?” 來表達對他的關心。

🤭”續集” sequel [ˋsikwəl]

”前傳” prequel

🤭“had it coming” 而且都是用過去式,意思是此人 ”自找的”通常是在有不好的事發生在某人身上, 而說話的人覺得這是由於此人自己的行為造成的。

=> A: Did you hear about Carl’s accident?

B: (With) The way he drives, he had it coming.

=> A: Tracy just got fired.

B: Well, I’m not surprised. She’s taken too many days off lately.You know she had it coming.

🤭”酒測” 的基本說法是 sobriety test

路邊隨機抽檢的酒測叫 a random sobriety test

在台灣一般是用儀器測出呼吸中的酒精濃度這種方式叫 breath test (breath [brɛθ])

而那個儀器叫 breathalyzer [ˋbrɛθə͵laɪzɚ] (也可拚作 ~lyser)

要講一個人沒通過酒測, 就跟考試一樣, 是說 fail the breath test / fail the sobriety test

=> He failed the breath test and got a huge fine for drunk driving.(

從呼吸測出的 ”酒測值” 簡稱叫 BAC (blood alcohol content),後面也可以再加 level 這個字或是用 BAL (blood alcohol level) 取代。

=> In the U.S., it is illegal to drive with a BAC (level) that is 0.08% or higher.(數字 0.08% 要唸 point “oh” eight percent )

在美國有很多種所謂的 field sobriety tests (現場實地酒測, 不靠機器)就是大家在電視上看到的, 叫人走直線, 反覆用手指碰鼻子, 單腳站立, 或數英文字母等,為避免酒駕被抓而事先找的 ”指定駕駛” 叫 designated driver( designated [ˋdɛzɪg͵netɪd] ),至於台灣流行的口號 ”喝酒不開車, 開車不喝酒”在英文裡就只要說 Don’t drink and drive. 或 Don’t drive drunk. 。

🤭在美國, 常可以聽到 DUI 或 DWI 這兩個說法, 在指酒駕,

DUI 是 driving under the influence 的縮寫,這裡所謂的 influence (影響) 指的是酒精的影響。

而 DWI 則是 driving while intoxicated 的縮寫,字面上的意思是 ”在酒醉的情況下開車”,這兩個說法都是酒駕的法律罪名,所以也可以說 He was arrested for DUI / DWI.至於酒駕的處罰, 如果是被罰暫時不能開車會說 have/get someone’s driver’s license suspended。

=> He was charged with DUI and had (=got) his license suspended for three months.

如果累犯最後被永久吊銷駕照, 則是把 suspended 換成 revoked。

=> His driver’s license got revoked due to a series of traffic violations.

🤭一個掃別人興或潑別人冷水的人是用 downer 這個字。

=> Ernie is such a downer. He always finds the worst things to say.

=> Don’t be a downer. You should be happy for her.No one likes a downer. Try to say something cheerful.

🤭crash a wedding, crash a party 指當不速之客, 沒有受邀而擅闖別人的婚禮或宴會,並不是什麼 ”毀了一場婚禮”。

=> She crashed her ex-boyfriend’s birthday party.

crash 這個字在口語裡還有 ”故障; 停止運作” 的意思像電腦突然當機了, 就會說: My computer just crashed.

crash 還有 ”過夜” 的意思。

=> I crashed at a friend’s place last night.Can I crash at your place for the night?

=> I’m so tired I can crash right here against the wall.

=> He crashed on the couch last night.

最熟悉的用法還是在指車禍, 空難car crash 就是車子相撞, 而且造成車子撞毀無法運作的車禍,所以通常是挺嚴重的意外, 常造成死傷如果只是輕微擦撞, 只造成車子一點凹痕這種車禍就不能叫 car crash, 而是 fender-bender或是說 a minor car accident,同樣地, 用 plane crash 來指空難的話, 也是指飛機墜毀這種意外(當然會叫 ”空難” 的也通常是這種)

注意有一個和 crash 長得很像的字叫 crush它是指把東西壓碎, 弄碎。

=> She crushed the pill with a spoon.

它也可引申為擊碎, 摧毀, 像 Her cold remarks crushed his confidence.(她無情的言語粉碎了他的信心)

還有在口語中, have a crush on someone 是指暗自迷戀某人。

=> She has a crush on her literature professor.

🤭”修片” 這件事在英文裡叫 airbrushing

=> This photo has clearly been airbrushed.

🤭a paper cut 是指被紙割傷的傷口。

=> That’s a pretty nasty paper cut. You should probably put a Band-Aid on it.

🤭參加競賽贏得第一名可以說 win first prize / win first place注意不能加冠詞 the, 加了反而是錯的 (雖然平時序數前要加 the )還可以說 finish in first place, place first。

runner-up 指的是除了冠軍者外, 剩下的人裡排名最高的

所以第二名者反而是叫 the first runner-up

第三名者則是 the second runner-up

🤭call the shots 這個片語原本是軍中使用的,意思是長官下令士兵開槍。但現在這個片語是用來指當家作主, 負責做決定所以和 be in charge 的意思。

=> Who calls the shots here?

=> You don’t get to call the shots here. Tom is the one in charge.

🤭”豐年祭” 是 harvest festival

🤭”血管” 統稱為 blood vessel(s) [blʌd ˋvɛs!]

”動脈” 的說法是 artery [ˋɑrtərɪ] / arteries (複數)

”靜脈” 是 vein(s) [ven]而 ”微血管” 則是 capillary [ˋkæpəlɛrɪ]

”點滴” 叫 intravenous drip 或 intravenous injection , 簡稱 I.V. / IV( intravenous [͵ɪntrəˋvinəs] )

這個字裡面的 “ven” 這個部份就是從靜脈 vein 而來的,要講 ”打點滴” 就是 have an I.V. injection。

=> The doctor ordered an IV injection for the patient.

=> He had to stay in the hospital and have an IV injection.

🤭”票根” 的說法是 ticket stub,stub 這個字有很多意思, 它可以指一個東西殘餘的一段或一截,因此票根用到了這個字,它也可以指煙蒂或樹被砍掉後剩下的短短樹幹。它的形容詞 stubby 就是用來指矮胖的人 ,我們可以用 ticket stub。

=> Don’t throw the ticket stub away. You can enter a lucky draw with it.(票根不要丟. 可以用來參加抽獎.)

🤭”烏魚子” 這玩意兒在英文裡叫 mullet roe (mullet [ˋmʌlɪt] 就是這種魚的名稱, 人家的正式名字是鯔魚roe [ro] 就是魚卵, 魚子)。

🤭write one’s own ticket 這個片語的意思是說一個佔有絕對優勢的人能夠依自己的需求開出自己要的條件, 不怕別人不接受, 自己當家作主比如當紅的明星或當權的政治人物, 最受歡迎的作家, 成功的企業家等。

=> With the huge success of his new book, the writer can pretty much write his own ticket now.(pretty much 是口語用法, 指幾乎, 差不多)

=> The singer is so popular now that she can write her own ticket.

=> I hope that someday I will get to write my own ticket and not have to put up with this crap.

🤭如果是指家中的狗貓等寵物的撒嬌親暱動作在英文裡最接近的是 (be) being affectionate,affectionate [əˋfɛkʃənət] 這個字是形容詞, 意思是流露(親密的)感情的比如你的小狗正在跟你撒嬌就可以說 He / She is being affectionate.至於為什麼要用 being affectionate 而不直接用 He / She is affectionate 這樣的說法則是因為像這種形容詞所講的狀況不見得是常態,小狗只是此刻在撒嬌, 流露親密情感。

=> He is resting his head on my lap.

=> She is rubbing (her head) against me / my leg.

要講一個人在撒嬌的話, 則會用動詞來表達像是 butter someone up 這個片語,butter 一般是名詞 ”奶油” 沒錯在這裡當動詞, 指 ”抹奶油”butter someone up 字面上的意思就是 ”在某人身上抹奶油”表示像在做菜時在鍋子上先抹一層油做準備一樣做一些事或說一些話讓此人開心, 以便逹到某種目的所以用 butter someone up 這個說法, 是一種有目的的撒嬌。

=> My daughter was trying to butter me up with a big hug and compliments.

但是中文裡的撒嬌, 有時也會用在比較複雜而 ”耍心機” 的情況,比如一個女生明明可以自己搬東西, 但卻故作嬌弱, 向男生撒嬌, 希望男生可以幫她做事這種撒嬌就要叫 act vulnerable (故作情感上的脆弱) 或 act helpless (故作無助)。

=> She was acting (all) helpless, hoping he would offer some money.(她向他撒嬌, 希望他能給她一點錢) (這裡的 all 是口語上的加強語氣用法)

但是當然也可以說 She was being (all) affectionate, hoping he would offer some money.這樣講就變成是說這個女生做出親暱的舉動, 而不是故作無助了。

🤭benefactor [ˋbɛnə͵fæktɚ]指的是一位出於善心幫助別人的人中文裡的 ”貴人” 其實是對幫助者的美稱, 英文裡則沒辦法表達出 ”貴” 的這層意思,benefactor 這個字也可以用來指捐善款的人,要注意的是, 如果要對著你的貴人說 ”你是我的貴人” 時不會直接說 You are my benefactor. benefactor 通常是用在把貴人當作第三者介紹時用的,如果你要對著一個幫助你的人說 ”你是我的貴人”可以說 You helped me tremendously. (你幫了我很多) / You really helped me a lot.或 You are my guardian angel. (守護天使)再誇張一點可以說 You’re my savior. (你救了我)You are the answer to my prayer. (你是上天派來幫我的)

🤭”工友” 在英文裡叫 janitor [ˋdʒænɪtɚ]不過都是指男性台灣有很多公司會請外面的打掃阿姨, 英文裡就叫 cleaning lady,飯店裡打掃房間的則是叫 housekeeper。

🤭拒絕別人除了用 reject 的主動用法之外, 也可以用 blow someone off 這個片語。

=> He offered to buy the woman a drink, but she blew him off.

如果是在工作場合提出想法或建議被打槍, 也可以用 be rejected只是主詞會是物而不是人。

=> My idea was rejected.

另外一個說法是 be shot down。

=> My idea was shot down.

主動用法則是 shoot down, 過去式剛好也是 shot down。

=> The manager shot down every single one of my ideas.

🤭kudos [kudoz] 這個字是希臘文, 意思是讚美或名望,所以對一個人說 Kudos to you 就是表示很佩服他, 覺得他很棒的意思美國人在講這句話時, 常配合把雙手手掌心向外舉起, 反覆做類似膜拜的動作象徵對對方的崇敬。

=> I heard about your promotion. Kudos to you!

=> A: Margaret is going to prepare a meal for 50 people by herself.

B: Kudos to her!

kudos 也可以單獨使用, 不過這個字本來就是有 s 的, 不能以為是單數就把它拿掉。

=> Adam deserves some kudos for the project he just finished.

🤭situation 要搭配的介系詞是 in,situation 指的是一個已經形成的局面, 而人陷在這個局面裡。

=> I’m not sure what to do in this situation.

=> Anyone in this situation would feel lost.

=> The situation is out of control.

circumstance 這個字在當 ”情況” 時, 要用複數, 而且搭配的介系詞是 under,circumstances 指的是外在種種條件和因素。

=> Under these circumstances, I have no choice but to quit.

=> We decided to lay off some workers under these circumstances.

另外還有一個字叫 scenario [səˋnɛrɪ͵o], 介系詞也是用 in,它指的是在推演或解釋某種原理時所設想出的 ”情境”, “處境”或有時是 ”場合” 的意思。

social scenario 就是 ”社會環境” 或 ”社交情境”。

=> What would you do in this scenario?

=> The psychologist created a social scenario to observe how these people interact with each other.

🤭a pocket dial 就是指把手機放在口袋裡, 結果不小心按到而播號出去的狀況這種經驗相信大家多少都有過。

🤭”鬢角” 在英文裡叫 sideburns (通常用複數)。

🤭”瀏海” 在英文裡的說法是 bangs (要用複數)。

🤭一個叫 go-to guy 的人, 就是一個大家有事都會去找他幫忙解決的人,所以才叫 “go-to” guy 。

=> Rob is the go-to guy in this neighborhood.

=> If you need any help, he’s your go-to guy.

=> When it comes to car repairs, Fred is the go-to guy.

🤭”踹共” 指的是要某人公開說明自己的行為 (通常是惡行),叫此人出來把事情講清楚的意思,在英文裡, 若要找一個最接近的說法應該是用 justify oneself (yourself, himself ...)或是 justify one’s (your, his, her…) actionsjustify 這個動詞就是指做出合理, 能令人信服的解釋。

=> The angry public is asking the mayor to justify himself.(憤怒的群眾要求市長為自己的行為做出合理的解釋.)

=> We ask that the person in this video come forward and justify his actions.

🤭spokesman 發言人, 代言人,如果是女的也可以說 spokeswoman, 不分性別也可統稱叫 spokesperson注意後面的介系詞是用 for。

=> The company plans to hire a movie star to be the spokesperson for their new product.

另外, 產品的代言人也可以叫 face, 但介系詞用 of。

=> Nicole Kidman is the new face of Omega’s Ladymatic watches.

🤭The game is his to lose. 或 The competition is hers to lose. 這指此人勝券在握, 如果真的輸了的話, 會是他自己失常造成的意思所以是好的意思, 說這個人幾乎是贏定了。

=> Given how well the team has been playing this season, I’d say that thechampionship is theirs to lose. (從此隊這一季的優異表現看來, 我認為他們會贏得冠軍.)

-> According to the poll results, it looks like that the election is his to lose.(從民調結果看來, 這次選舉他似乎贏定了.)

🤭”抓耙子” 指一個打別人小報告, 告發別人的人,這樣的人在英文俗語裡是用 rat (老鼠) 或 snitch 這兩個字來稱呼比較正式的說法是 informer,而警方的 ”線民” 則是叫 informant去告別人的密, 有好幾種說法像是: tell on someone, rat on someone, rat someone out,blow the whistle on someone 等。

=> Kelly is upset because her sister told on her.The driver ratted the gang leader out (to the police).

=> He made a deal with the D.A. and ratted on his boss. (D.A. 是指檢察官)

=> One of the factory workers blew the whistle on the union leader. (union 工會)

🤭戲劇演員的替身, 在英文裡叫 body double 或 stunt double,stunt 這個字指的是特技動作, 所以特技演出人員叫 stuntsman/stuntswoman(注意連在一起寫時, stunt 要加 s但也可以分開寫成 stunt man, stunt woman, 此時則不能加 s )

不過, “分身” 和 ”替身” 當然不一樣”分身” 在英文裡有 (evil) twin, clone 等講法像有時候別人會以為在某地看到的人是你, 但其實那只是跟你長得像的人你就可以開玩笑說: That’s my evil twin. (邪惡的雙胞胎, 是個出自電影的常用語)或是 That’s my clone. (複製人),doppelganger [ˋdɑpəl͵gæŋɚ] 是個最近很流行的字它本來是德文字, 但現在直接用來當英文指的是很某人酷似的人,所以上述的情況就不適合用, 因為用 evil twin, clone 當然只是玩笑話長得跟你很像的人。本來就是你的 doppelganger它是事實, 就沒有玩笑的意味了這個字現在常用來講有 ”明星臉” 的人, 指和某明星長得很像的人。

=> He really looks like Tom Cruise. = He is Tom Cruise’s doppelganger.

若在路上看到一個和自己長得像的人, 就可以說: That’s my doppelganger!

🤭要叫老外做好垃圾分類, 直接用 recycle 這個字當動詞就好。

=> Don’t forget to recycle.

recylce 本身雖然是指回收再利用,可是其實一般垃圾分類是指把塑膠品, 金屬, 紙張等另外放不能再利用的東西都是放在一起所以只要叫他們 recycle, 他們就知道要特別把那些東西挑出來另外放了”垃圾分類” 有另一個說法是 sort garbage,sort 本身是 ”整理”, 所以跟老外說: You have to sort your garbage and put it in the right bins.

🤭任何想拍照留念或照片中的畫面都可以叫 a Kodak moment,所以當碰到你覺得想拍照紀錄下來的畫面時除了講上次教的 “Photo op!” 之外也可以說: This makes for / This is a great Kodak moment! (這是個很值得拍照留念的畫面!)。


My = Mercury [ˋmɝkjərɪ] 水星, 這個字同時也有 ”水銀” 的意思,在羅馬神話裡, Mercury 是個信差, 也是天帝宙斯的私生子之一,它的形容詞 mercurial [mɝˋkjʊrɪəl] 現在多半用來形容一個人情緒多變, 陰晴不定。

Very = Venus [ˋvinəs] 金星, 也是愛神維納斯的名字。

Educated = Earth 我們的地球, 又叫 ”藍色星球” (the blue planet)地球是從太陽數過來的第三個行星也有人叫它 the third planet from the Sun,十多年前美國有個很紅的影集叫 Third Rock from the Sun,字面上的意思就是 ”從太陽數過來的第三顆石頭”台灣譯為 ”外星人報到”內容就是在講有一群外星人來到地球, 為了觀察我們而偽裝成地球人,卻常常因為不懂我們的文化和人情世故而鬧笑話。

Mother = Mars 火星, 也是神話中的戰神火星又稱 ”紅色星球” (the red planet)。

Just = Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] 木星, 也就是天帝宙斯 (Zeus) 在羅馬神話裡的名字。

Served = Saturn [ˋsætɚn] 土星, 也是通用汽車 (GM) 一款車子的名字Saturn 在神話中是宙斯的老爸。

Us = Uranus [ˋjʊərənəs] 天王星, 大家有沒有想過它為何要譯為 ”天王” 星呢?其實是因為 Uranus 在神話裡是宙斯的 ”阿公” (爺爺)老外有時會拿這個名字來開玩笑故意把它唸做 Your anus (你的屁眼) 兩個字 ( anus 是 ”肛門” )也算是記住它名字的另類方法吧~

Nine = Neptune [ˋnɛptjun] 海王星, 因為他就是神話中的海神

Pizzas / Pies = Pluto 冥王星, 這個神就是管死後世界的沒錯不過 Pluto 也是大家從小看的迪士尼卡通裡的那隻狗 ”普魯托” 的名字

My very educated mother just served us nine pies.

變成九大行星: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto。

🤭pink eye 其實就是大部份人都得過的結膜炎。

🤭要告訴人家自己長了針眼就是 I have a sty.

sty 這個字其實很有趣因為它也有 ”豬圈” 的意思 (也就是關豬隻的地方)有時一個地方很髒很亂, 也可以用 pig sty 來形容像: Your room is like a pig sty!

🤭“You said it!” 這句話的意思其實就是 That’s right! / You’re right!

=> A: It sure is hot today!

B: You said it!

=> A: Karen looks really pretty today, doesn’t she?

B: You said it!

🤭當自己發現有一個適合拍照的良機, 可以喊 Photo op! ( op / opp [ap] = opportunity 機會 )

比如有一堆好朋友在, 或是在很美的花朵前

喊了 Photo op! 之後, 就要趕快擺好姿勢, 讓別人幫你照相了。

🤭講一個人很 ”敬業”, 在英文裡有兩種說法

一是說此人 have a (very) strong work ethic / have a (very) good work ethic( ethic [ˋɛθɪk] 一套道德觀; 道德標準)

=> John got promoted because of his strong work ethic.

要注意的是, 常有人誤以為 work ethic 是指中文裡說的 ”職業道德”,可是它其實指的是敬業的態度”敬業” ,也可以用比較簡單的說法, 叫 take one’s job seriously字面上的意思就是 ”很認真地看待工作”。

=> The movie star insisted on performing his own stunts.

=> He has always taken his job very seriously.

🤭showstopper 指整場表演中最精彩的部份, 或是表現最棈彩的一個人,就是因為太精彩了, 所以讓觀眾讚嘆和鼓掌不斷, 而使得整個表演暫時中斷了要等大家安靜下來才能繼續進行,因此才叫它 showstopper現在它也被用來指任何吸引人或受歡迎的事物兩個字分開寫成 show stopper 也可以。

=> She is quite a showstopper.

=> His performance was a real showstopper.

=> She has a showstopper of a smile.

=> The yellow flowers against the black background are a showstopper.

🤭FAQ (frequently asked questions)

🤭E-mail 裡的Re 是 regarding (關於)

🤭a velvet teddy bear 指此人是溫和, 親切, 令人想親近和擁抱的。

🤭vice 是用在最高地位的首長,會用 vice 來指 ”副xx” 的情況不多, 大概只有 vice president (副總統; 副總裁)還有 vice chairman (副主席), vice chancellor (副總理) 等。

deputy [ˋdɛpjətɪ] 所指的 ”副xx” 是一種職務代理人, 位階僅次於最高長官,當正牌的老大不在時, 此人就可以暫代老大的職務來做決定和負責任, 權力和老大相當通常用在政府機關首長, 和最高首長之下的其他主管比如 deputy mayor (副市長), deputy governor (副州長)deputy sheriff (副警長), deputy chief (副的部處首長, 局長等)deputy director (副主任, 副館長, 副~長)deputy dean (副的大學學院院長) 等。

associate [əˋsoʃɪ͵ət] 則多半用在學術機構的 ”副xx”此種人所擁有的權力少於老大, 無法取代老大做決定和負責除了地位和權力以外, 在資格或年資方面也不如老大像 associate professor (副教授), associate researcher (= research associate) (副研究員)associate editor-in-chief (副主編)最後, 用 assistant 這個字則多半是因為此種副手所扮演的是 ”協助” 老大的角色比如 assistant manager (副理), assistant professor (助理教授)assistant director (副導演) 等等。

比較麻煩的是像台灣的銀行有什麼 ”協理”, “副理”, “襄理”在英文裡, 依組織的不同, “協理” 有時就是 director有時是 assistant vice president (又稱 AVP)”副理” 是前面講過的 assistant manager而再低一階的 ”襄理” 則是 junior manager。

🤭像人家要去考試, 應徵工作, 參加競賽時的 ”加油”, 是可以用 Good luck! 表達或是加句: I have faith in you! / You can do it!

但如果是一個人或隊伍正在比賽或做某件事時, 旁人敲邊鼓喊的 ”加油! 加油!”除了喊 Go, go, go 叫他努力衝刺外也可以用 Go get them! (= Go get ‘em!) 這樣的說法 (get ‘em 是講快時的連音)

Show them what you’ve got!或粗俗一點的 Go kick some ass!

🤭conserve 這個字有時也會被翻為 ”保存”,它指的是把某種東西留起來供日後使用, 使日後不會面臨沒有這個東西的問題所以在講 ”保育” 時, 用的就是 conserve因為像保育熱帶雨林或野生動物, 就是把它們留下來, 以後還看得到, 接觸得到講 preserve a rainforest 是指讓它保持在良好狀態,而 conserve a rainforest 則是保護它不被砍伐殆盡,conserve water, conserve energy 則是指要節約使用,但意思仍是留一些下來, 使這些東西不會被耗盡最後, reserve 平常是 ”預訂”, 像訂餐廳位子, 飯店房間等它指的是把某個東西預先保留起來, 不讓別人使用它當名詞時, 重音在最前面, 唸 [ˋri zɝv]意思是儲存備用的東西比如一筆預備金, 儲備選手, 預備軍人等,另外像加拿大和美國的印地安保”護”區 (也譯為保留區),在加拿大叫 Indian reserve, 美國則是用 Indian reservation 這樣的說法。

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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