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Oct. vocab

🙃orphanage (n.) 孤兒院,孤兒身份

🙃rogue[r'og] (n.) 惡棍,流氓,小淘氣(vt.)欺騙(vi.)遊手好閑

🙃prestigious [prɛst'ɪdʒəs] (a.)享有聲望的,聲望很高的

🙃ransom (n.) 贖金,贖身,贖回,敲詐,勒索(vt.)贖,贖身,贖回,勒索贖金

🙃churro (n.) 吉拿棒

🙃hysterical (a.)歇斯底里的,異常興奮的

🙃the outsider sees the game BEST.

🙃trampoline (n.) 跳躍床

🙃squish [skw[i^]sh] (n.) 咯吱聲,果醬(vt.)壓碎,壓爛(vi.)咯吱咯吱地走 ;

=> squash [skw'ɑʃ] (n.) 壓碎的東西,南瓜,擁擠嘈雜的人群(vt.)壓扁,鎮壓,壓制(vi.)被壓扁,發濺潑聲

=> squashy

🙃overwhelmed (a.)

=> overwhelming (a.)

🙃alarmingly clear

🙃vigilante justice 正義魔人

=> vigilante [v,ɪdʒəl'ænti] (n.) 義務警員

🙃binge (n.) 狂鬧

=> binge drinking

🙃abalone (n.) 鮑魚

🙃daring (n.) 勇敢,膽量

🙃intercolor 國際色彩流行協會

🙃entrepreneur [,ɑntrəprən'ɚ] (n.) 企業家,主辦人

🙃straddle (n.) 跨坐,觀望(vt.)(vi.)跨坐,兩腿叉開坐,觀望

🙃They are favorable to the proposal.

🙃You own me one dollars (change).

🙃opinionated (a.)固執己見的

🙃retrieve (vt.)取回,挽回,彌補,恢復,補償,回憶(vi.)找回獵物取回,恢復的希望

🙃lump (n.) 塊,瘤,很多,腫塊,笨人(vt.)使成塊狀,混在一起,忍耐,笨重地移動(vi.)結塊

🙃soup kitchen 慈善廚房

🙃staple (n.) 主要產物,常用品,主要要素,原料,訂書釘,鉤環(a.)主要的,重要的(vt.)分類

🙃cremated ashes (n.) 骨灰

=> cremate (vt.)燒成灰,火葬

=> cremation (n.) 燒,火葬

🙃midwife (n.) 助產婆

🙃tinted window

=> tinted (a.) 染色的

🙃knackered (a.) 疲憊的

🙃contradiction (n.) 矛盾,不一致;否認,反駁

=> contradictory (a.)反駁的,反對的,抗辯的正反對,矛盾對立

🙃celestial (a.)天的,天國的,天空的

=> Which celestial body do you feel most drawn to?

🙃apathetic [,æpəθ'ɛtɪk] (a.)缺乏感情的,缺乏興趣的,無動於衷的

🙃radical (n.) 激進分子,語根,基礎(a.)激進的,根本的,基本的,根的

🙃manipulative (a.)用手處理的,巧妙處理的,竄改的

🙃tenacious (a.)緊粘不放的,固執的,緊握的,不屈不撓的

🙃prevail [prɪv'el] (v.)壓倒,占上風,占優勢;說服,勸說

🙃balanceable (a.)可秤的;平衡的


=> retributive (a.)報應的

=> retribution (n.) 報應,懲罰,報復

🙃redeem (vt.)贖回,挽回,恢復,償還,履行,補償


🙃sign up

=> apply

=> enroll

=> registration

=> process of registering

🙃intimidate (vt.)威脅,恐嚇,脅迫

🙃ration out 按定量配給

🙃interracial (a.)人種間的,人種混合的

🙃ovation [ov'eʃən] (n.) 熱烈歡迎,大喝采,大受歡迎

🙃What brings you here?

🙃flamboyant (a.)輝耀的,華麗的,火焰似的

=> flamboyance (n.) 華麗,火焰

🙃midday nap 午睡

🙃arbitrary ['ɑrbətr,ɛri] (a.)任意的,恣意的,專制的

🙃norm (n.) 基準,模範,標準,智力水準,平均數

🙃training wheels

🙃pinky swear

🙃retreat (n.) 休息寓所,撤退,隱居,退避,避難所(vi.)撤退,隱退,放棄,向後傾(vt.)退(棋)

🙃pathetic [pəθ'ɛtɪk] (a.)悲哀的,可憐的,感傷的

=> pathetical (a.)感傷的;可憐的

=> pathetically (ad.)悲哀地,哀傷地,感傷地

=> pathic (n.) 被害者

🙃treasure hunt 尋寶遊戲

🙃lido 露天游泳池

🙃germaphobe 潔癖者

🙃warrant (n.)正當理由,根據,証明,批准,憑証,許可証,委任狀(vt.)保証,辯解,擔保,批准

🙃reconciliation (n.)調停;一致

🙃restoration 和解

🙃protection order 保護令

🙃life sentence 無期徒刑

🙃plaintiff (n.) 原告

🙃personal property

🙃visitation (n.) 探視

🙃sort out sb.'s priorities 分出輕重緩急

🙃You should move out rather than keep dwelling on your previous relationship.

🙃valiant (a.)英勇的勇敢的人

🙃radiant (a.)發光的,明亮的,輻射的,容光煥發的

🙃glisten (vi.)閃亮,輝耀光輝,反光

=> glistening

🙃look back

🙃a great/ good deal of... 許多的

🙃recollect= recall (vt.)再集合,恢復,振作(vi.)再集合

🙃I was so surprised that the purse could still fetch over $10,000.

🙃broker= agent (n.) 掮客,經紀人

🙃hatred (n.) 憎恨,仇恨,憎惡

🙃grounds for divorce

=> ground= reason

🙃sedentary (a.)久坐的,坐慣的,土生的慣於久坐的人

🙃He's a timid person.

🙃job hop

🙃It's my all time favorite.

🙃kneel [n'il] (vi.)跪下,跪著

🙃unprovoked (a.)未受刺激的,無正當理由的,無謂的

=> an unprovoked attack on her character.

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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