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😪適配 (fitting), 合度/ 符合法度 (fitness)

😪簡傻設計 (keep it simple and stupid, KISS)

😪使用者親和性 (user friendly) 與適用度 (usability)

😪error free, mistake-proofing, fail-safe

😪容錯設計或防呆設計 (Poka/ Baka Yoke, dead-man device)

😪行為塑造約制 (behavior-shaping constraint)

😪SHELL model: Each component of the SHELL model (software, hardware, environment, liveware) represents a building block of human factors studies within aviation.The human element or worker of interest is at the centre or hub of the SHELL model that represents the modern air transportation system. The human element is the most critical and flexible component in the system, interacting directly with other system components, namely software, hardware, environment and liveware.

😪全觀 (holism)

😪實徵資料 (empirical data)

😪實用主義 (pragmatism)

😪HCI (Human Computer Interface)

😪產品責任 (product liability)

😪分類法 (taxonomy)

😪故障保安設計/ 失當仍安 (fail- safe (FS) design)

😪免誤設計/ 容錯設計 (error- free design)

😪失誤預防設計 (prevention design)

😪失誤排除設計 (exclusion design)

😪失馭控制器 (deadman's control)

😪平均故障時間 (mean time to failure, MTF)

😪成層變項 (stratified variable)

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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