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Ceramics Terminology vocabulary

⚱️陶瓷原料 Ceramic Material

⚱️原材料raw material

⚱️斑點 speck

⚱️半透明 translucence, translucency, translucent

=> 不滲透的 nonporous

=> 不透明的 opaque

⚱️茶葉罐 caddy

⚱️單色的 monochrome

=> 多色的 polychrome

⚱️鍍金 gild

⚱️工藝品 artwork

⚱️考古學 archaeology

⚱️可塑的 plastic

⚱️模子 mould

⚱️漆器 lacquer work

⚱️配方 formula

⚱️耐熱 heat-proof

⚱️器皿 ware

⚱️青銅器 bronze work

⚱️人類學 anthropology

⚱️滲透的 porous

⚱️手印,指印 finger mark/ print

⚱️首飾盒 jewel case

⚱️四面體 tetrahedral

⚱️搪瓷,琺瑯 enamel

⚱️陶瓷的 ceramic

=> 陶瓷專家,陶瓷藝術家 ceramist

=> 陶工 potter

⚱️瓦 tile 碗 bowl

⚱️衛生潔具 sanitary ware

⚱️硬度 hardness

⚱️圓塊,雕球,瘤 knob

⚱️碧玉細炻器 jasper

⚱️薄胎瓷 thin china

⚱️彩陶器,釉陶 faience

⚱️赤陶 terracottas, red earthenware

⚱️青花瓷 blue and white porcelain

⚱️日用瓷 household china, table ware

⚱️無釉陶、陶瓷素燒坯biscuit, unglazed ware

⚱️雕刻 carving

⚱️浮雕 relief

⚱️轆轤車 jigger

⚱️碾磨 grinding

⚱️破裂 chip

⚱️嵌入 inlay, embed

⚱️篩子 sieve

⚱️窯 kiln

⚱️印花 stamping

⚱️釉上彩 overglazed color figure

=> 釉下彩 underglazed color figure

⚱️wheel-----Ceramic equipment that spins a lump of clay to form into a vessel.

⚱️pinch-----a hand building technique starting with a ball of clay; inserting you thumbs and pinching the clay to form thin even walls.

⚱️coil-----a hand building technique using rolled out ropes of clay; stacked in layers.

⚱️slab-----a hand bulding technigue made of thin sheets of clay.

⚱️drape slab-----a thin sheet of clay usually draped around of inside a bowl, plaster form or plate to form a vessel.

⚱️molding or modeling-----using your hands to shape, bend, add, or remove clay.

⚱️fire-----the process of placing the pots in a kiln and heating to a high temperature that the clay becomes ceramic.

⚱️kiln-----a furnace in which pots are fired.

⚱️bisque fire-----purpose of this process is to render the object more durable, while leaving it porous engough to absorb glaze, the first firing in the kiln before glaze may be applied.

⚱️glaze firing-----fuses the glaze to together in combination with the surface of the clay body, A firing cycle to the temperature at which the glaze materials will melt to form a glass-like surface coating.

⚱️gloss glaze-----Liquid decoration applied to bisque-fired clay which melts to form a glassy surface. 3 coats are standard.

⚱️clay-----particles of decomposed rock combied with water; a combination of decomposed rock including silica( sand) and alumina along with various minerals and decomposed matter.

⚱️slip-----made by mixing clay body with water; creates a glue to hold piees together.

⚱️score-----to make a series of shallow grooves in the edges of the clay to joiun two parts securly together.

⚱️wedge-----to work the damp clay witht the palms of the hands against a smooth surface, Mixing and de-airing clay by cutting is diagonally and slamming the pieces together.

⚱️leather hard-----the stage of drying when the clay is no longer workable by hand; you can 1) can not mold anymore 2) can still paddle (best time) 3) weld by scoring and slipping 4) makes smooth: by sponging and burishing 5) can incise/ curve and scrape.

⚱️bone dry-----dompletely dry, without and moisture at all; you can 1) burnish 2) can scrape 3) can sand 4) can underglaze 5) now you can fire

⚱️greenware-----clay projects which are airdried, but not yet fired.

⚱️bisque ware-----clay that's been fired once, is now white and ready to be glazed.

⚱️throwing-----..., shaping clay on a rapidly revolving wheel.

⚱️glaze-----a vitreous layer or coating on a piece of pottery; a smooth, glossy surface or coating.

⚱️needle tool-----clay tool with a sharp point and wooden handle.

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