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0727[The Egg]Daniel(R+L)


> 字數

> "前""後" key words

> 預測詞性

> 單複數

💻amateur (a.)<=> professional

💻The figure for....

=> a 6- figure salary

=> a religious/ political/ historical figure

💻brief= concise= succinct<=> tedious---long and boring

💻cliché= corny= cheesy


💻bland= dull

=> bland diet= bland food

=> Chinese food is rather bland

=> He has a bland appearance

💻spiral (a.) 螺旋的

💻elliptical (a.)= oval (a.)

=> heart shape

💻recruiter= hire

💻milky way= galaxy

💻stellar 星星的

=> constellation 星座;星群

=> intersteller

=> astronomical (a.) 龐大的;天文數字的

=> The figures are astronomical.

=> Houses in Taipei are selling for astronomical prices.

💻successor (n.) 繼承人 successive (a.) 連續的

=> succeed= inherit (v.) 繼承

=> hereditary (a.) 繼承的;遺傳的

=> .... run in the family

=> royal succession

💻launch= release

💻investigate= make observation

=> look into

💻glance= glimpse= a quick look

💻enormous= tremendous= vast= substantial= immense= colossal= significant= gigantic

💻collaboration= cooperation

💻refine=> refinement

=> oil refinery

=> sugar refinery

=> pore refining 緊緻毛孔

=> porous (a.) 多孔的

💻anonymous (a.) 匿名的

=> unanimous (a.) 一致通過的

💻incentive= impetus= stimulus= motive

💻bibliography (a.) 參考書目

💻periodical (n.)定期刊物

💻journal (n.) 期刊

💻legitimate (a.) 合法的,適當的

=> legit (a.) (口)

💻profitable= lucrative

💻malfunction (v.)


💻mortal=> immortality


💻literate=> literacy<=> illiterate

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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