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🗒incident (n.) (令人不快的)事件

=> without incident 事情進行順利

=> The meeting went without incident.

🗒persistent (a.) 持續的

🗒dull ach 隱隱的痛

🗒a sharp pain (n.) 刺痛

🗒address (n.) (特殊、隆重場合發表的正式) 演說、致詞

🗒lecture (n.) (學術性或針對某專題) 演講、授課

🗒commercial (n.)

🗒assignment (n.)(通常在一段期限內完成的) 學校或工作任務

🗒base (n.) (具體事物的) 底部、基座

🗒basis (n.) (抽象事物,例如理論的) 基礎;每

=> on a daily/ monthly/ annual basis

🗒boldness (n.) 勇敢;魯莽

🗒bravery (n.) 面對危險毫無畏懼;強調行動上

🗒courage (n.) 憑藉意志面對危險;精神上的

🗒patron (n.) 主顧客、老顧客;贊助者

🗒character (n.) 後天

🗒personality (n.) 天生

🗒limited offer 限量供應

🗒end- of- season sale 換季特賣會

🗒going- out- of- business sale 結束營業大拍賣

🗒companion (n.)

🗒CEO (chef executive officer)

🗒general manager 總經理

🗒contestant (n.) 參賽者、角逐者

🗒status (n.) (某特殊情況、爭論或討論的進展) 狀態、情況;社會地位

🗒conscience (n.)

=> keep a clear conscience

🗒consciousness (n.) 知覺;清醒

=> The boy regained consciousness after receiving medical attention.

🗒guilt (n.) (道德上的) 罪過;內疚;= crime

🗒sin (n.) (宗教與道德上的) 罪;原罪

🗒on duty 上班

🗒passionate (a.) 情緒激昂的

=> make a passionate speech

🗒finish (n.)(v.)

🗒surroundings!!! (n.)

🗒environment (n.)=> 做自然時要加the=> the environment

🗒error [formal]=> in error

=> The policeman shot the man in error.

🗒mistake [informal]=> by mistake

=> Paul went into the ladies bathroom by mistake.

🗒evidence (n.)(v.)

=> evident (a.) 明顯的;明白的

=> evidently= obviously= apparently

🗒bomb a test 考試搞砸

🗒flunk 不及格;當掉

🗒cheat sheet

🗒for instance= for example

🗒exercise (cn.) 練習題 (n.) 運動

🗒by fate 命中注定

=> I was by fate that I met my wife.


🗒mercury (n.) 水星

🗒venus (n.) 金星

🗒Jupiter (n.) 木星

🗒saturn (n.) 土星

🗒uranus (n.) 天王星

🗒neptune (n.) 海王星

🗒plateau (n.) 高原

🗒basin (n.) 盆地

🗒sandbar (n.) 沙洲

🗒have an interest in sth. 對某事有興趣

🗒epic (n.) 史詩

🗒poem (n.)

=> poet (n.) 詩人=> poetry (n.) (總稱) 詩

🗒squeak 老鼠的吱吱聲

🗒bellow; moo 牛的眸眸聲

🗒hiss 蛇的嘶嘶聲

🗒neigh; whinny 馬的嘶叫聲

🗒bleat 羊的咩咩叫

🗒crow 公雞地啼叫聲

🗒oink (n.) 豬叫聲

🗒relation (n.) (兩個群體或國家之間 ) 的關係

🗒salary (n.) (年,月) 薪

🗒wage (n.) (日,時) 薪

🗒socks (n.) (短) 襪

🗒stockings (n.) (長)襪

🗒influence (v.)(n.)

🗒rise to the challenge/ occasion 迎向挑戰

🗒reach for the stars 試圖完成一項很艱難的任務

🗒pilgrims (n.) 香客

🗒ask (v.) 一般的詢問

🗒inquire (v.) [formal] 詢問

=> inquire into 調查

🗒question [formal] 審問;質疑 (真實性)

🗒assure 像某人保證某事會發生

=> assure+ sb.+ that. +CL.

🗒ensure 確保某事會發生

=> ensure+ N./ that CL.

🗒avoid+ N./ V-ing

=> avoid sb./ sth. like the plague

🗒prevent... from+ v-ing

🗒ban (v.)= prohibit (官方) 禁止

=> ban+ N.

=> ban sb. from V-ing/ N.


=> forbid sb. to do sth.

=> forbid sb. from doing sth.

🗒blush (v.) (因不好意思而)臉紅

🗒flush (v.) (因情緒、運動或生病而)臉紅

🗒blanch (v.)(用滾水) 燙

🗒grate (v.) 刨絲

🗒toss (v.) 拌

🗒sprinkle (v.) 撒

🗒marinate (v.) 醃漬

🗒wrap (v.) 包

🗒vary (v.)

=> The cost of living in the US varies greatly by region.

🗒not much to choose from 沒什麼好選的

🗒choose (v.) (仔細思考後) 選擇

🗒pick (v.) (憑直覺) 選擇

🗒convince (v.) 通常對象為多人;以證據及論點說服

=> S.+ convince+ sb.+ that CL.

=> S.+ convince+ sb. of sth.

🗒persuade (v.) 通常對象為一人;以理由或動之以情

=> S.+ persuade+ sb.+ toV.

🗒cry wolf 騙人的警告

🗒prevention is better than cure 預防勝於治療

🗒cure (v.)(n.) (人或藥品等將病痛、惡習) 治癒、治好

=> cure sb. of sth.

🗒heal (v.) (傷口或痛處自行) 痊癒;癒合

🗒deceive (v.)

🗒suspect (v.)

=> If you suspect somethings is wrong, call the police.

=> I'm not worried because no one suspects that I did it.

🗒furnish (v.) 擺設屋內;提供 (所需之物)

=> The secretary furnished several lengthy reports for her boss.

🗒provide (v.) (針對個人) 提供所需

🗒supply (v.) 大量供應商業或政府需求

🗒grasp (v.) 緊緊抓住某事物;理解(某複雜想法等)

=> The students couldn't grasp the meaning of what the teacher said.

🗒hope> wish

🗒it won't hurt to do.... 做某事並沒有損失

🗒ignore (v.) (故意) 忽視

🗒neglect (v.) (因不夠用心) 疏忽(自身責任或義務)

🗒overlook (v.) (因草率粗心) 看漏、忽略

🗒make progress (n.)

=> progress (v.) (n.)

🗒slaughter (v.)

🗒know sb./ sth. inside out 對某事物非常了解

🗒lay (lay- laid- laid) 放下

🗒lie (lie- lay- lain) 躺臥

🗒lie (lie- lied- lied) 說謊

🗒oppress (v.) (濫用政權) 壓制、壓迫;只煩惱

=> In some cultures, women are still opposed by men.

=> She had long been oppressed by the thought of not being good enough.

🗒repress (v.) 壓抑、壓制 (情緒、慾望等);以武力鎮壓

=> Harry struggled to repress his anger.

=> In a free country, the government cannot repress the rights of any citizen.

🗒replace (v.) 長久取代

=> replace A with B 用B取代A

=> If you break the vase, you will have to replace it.

🗒substitute (v.) 暫時取代

=> substitute A for B 用A取代B

=> Les substituted for me while I was on vacation.

🗒rescue=> 主詞必為人

=> He rescued the man who was trapped underground.

🗒save=> 主詞可為人或物

=> This simple medical test can save you from getting very sick.

🗒split personality 人格分裂

🗒split sth. in two 把.... 分成兩半

🗒people will talk 人言可畏

🗒toss (v.) 丟、拋;使某物上下搖動

=> The ship was tossed by the strong waves during the storm.

🗒be able to= can

🗒be capable of+ V-ing 有潛力或特質可以做某事

=> Do you think he's capable of being in charge?

🗒aged (a.) 老邁的,且體弱;.... 歲的

=> aged parents

=> They've got one son, Jack, aged 5.

🗒ancient (a.)

🗒elderly (a.) 老年的

=> The elderly 只老人;長者

=> a new program to care for the elderly.

🗒alike (a.)

=> look alike

=> these two cups are alike.

🗒alive (a.)

🗒aloud (ad.)

=> read essay about to the class

🗒loud (a.)(ad.)

🗒ashamed (a.) (犯了錯) 慚愧的;有罪惡感的

=> be ashamed of sth.

=> Lance was ashamed of kicking his dog.

🗒asleep (a.)

=> be/ fall asleep

=> fast/ sound asleep 睡得很香、很沉

🗒in bare feet 打赤腳

🗒bare (a.) (身體某部位沒有衣物遮蓋) 赤裸,如空手、赤足

🗒naked (a.) (全身一絲不掛) 赤裸

🗒under (prep.) 依照法規

=> Under the current law, you must be eighteen to drink alcohol.

🗒besides (prep.)

=> Besides English, she can also speak Japanese and French.

🗒except (prep.)

=> I love my job except for the long hours.

🗒broad (a.)

=> a broad selection of products.

🗒wide (a.)

=> 一段距離+長度

=> This room is four meters wide.

🗒by (prep.) 在時間點當下或之前已發生

=> I'll be there by seven o'clock

🗒untile (prep.) (conj.) 持續到某時間點後就停止

=> The children played outside until dark.

🗒still (a.)= calm

=> All was still after the typhoon passed.

🗒certain (a.) 明確的;確信

=> Donna is certain that she'll get the job.

🗒childlike (a.) 對成人為稱讚之意

=> The woman had a childlike smile.

🗒chilly (a.) 天氣或人冷淡、冷颼颼

=> It is Rachel's chilly personality that keeps her from making many friends.

🗒classic (a.)(n.) 具代表性的

🗒classical (a.) 古老、古典的

🗒closely (ad.)

=> The writing closely resembles that of the accused.

🗒common last name

🗒common forms of exercise

🗒ordinary people

🗒ordinary life

🗒regular coffee

🗒Mary visit her parents on a regular basis.

🗒continual= continuous

=> His continual lateness caused him to lose his job.

=> continuous sickness eventually wore away his ambition.

🗒novel (a.) 新奇的;新穎的

🗒original (a.) 創新的;有獨創性的;原來的

🗒during the course of sth. 在某段期間內

=> You will get plenty of practical experience during the training period.

🗒economic (a.) 經濟上的

=> economic advisors

=> economic growth


🗒empty (a.) 空容器

🗒vacant (a.) 空房、職位、床、廁所

🗒envious (a.) 欽羨、嚮往 + of/ at

🗒jealous (a.) 嫉妒+ of/ that CL.

🗒every day (ad.)

🗒everyday (a.)

=> evenday routine

=> everyday breakfast

🗒farther (ad.)(a.) 形容距離,更遠地

=> A desk stood at the farther end of the room.

=> The children ran farther into the woods than they were allowed.

🗒further (ad.)(a.) 形容程度,更近一步的

=> The government should take further steps to solve the problem.

=> until further notice 近一步通知

🗒the last (a.) (時間或次序)最後一個;最近的;上一個

🗒sth. tastes funny 食物嚐起來怪怪的

🗒gentle rain

🗒mild flavor

🗒mild cold 輕微感冒

🗒historic (a.) 具歷史意義的

=> historic event

=> historic moment

🗒historical (a.) 歷史上的;與歷史有關的

=> historical novel/ movie

=> historical information

=> historical building

🗒humid (a.)

=> The weather in Taiwan is hot and humid.

🗒moist (a.) 微濕的

=> the ground is moist

=> moist cloth

🗒idel (a.) 無事可做的

=> I'm always looking for things to fill idle time.

=> The machine sat idle while the worker had lunch.

🗒ill [UK]

🗒sick [US]

=> I'm sick/ tired of sth.

🗒heartburn 胃灼熱


🗒ophthalmologist= eye doctor 眼科醫生

🗒pediatrician 小兒科醫生

🗒internist 內科醫生

🗒obstetrician 產科醫生

🗒imaginable (a.)

🗒imaginary (a.)

=> an imaginary friend

🗒imaginative (a.) 人事物具有創造性、創造力的

=> an imaginative child

🗒inner (a.)

=> inner fears

=> inner chambers of the castle

🗒inside (a.) 某物的裡面,及內部;內情的,內幕的

=> inside label

=> inside information

🗒internal (a.) 身體內部的;組織內部的

=> internal organs

=> internal injuries

=> internal staff

🗒invaluable (a.) 非常有價值的;無價的

🗒worthless (a.) 毫無價值的

🗒priceless (a.) 無價的

🗒valuable (a.) 沒價值的

🗒ironic (a.) 事情本身諷刺

🗒sarcastic (a.) 語帶諷刺

🗒when I was little

🗒a little time

🗒small talk

🗒ripe (a.) 農產成熟

🗒pleased (a.) 感受=> be pleased

🗒pleasant (a.) 人事物

🗒quiet person

🗒real<=> fake

🗒true<=> false

🗒satisfactory (a.)

=> Mike did a satisfactory job on his homework

=> The basketball star's performance(<<<表現)last night was less than satisfactory

=> Your car is in satisfactory condition

🗒satisfied (a.)+ with

=> I'm not satisfied with the hotel's service.

🗒scary (a.)

🗒spooky (a.) 令人毛骨悚然的

=> The cemetery is a very spooky place.

🗒dread (v.)+ toV./ V-ing/ that CL.(n.)+ of(a.)

🗒panic (a.)

🗒terror (a.)

🗒frighten (a.) 使驚恐

🗒fright (n.)

🗒frightened (a.) 感到害怕的

🗒sensible (a.) 明智的;合理的

🗒thin on top= bald head

🗒skinny (a.)

🗒stocky (a.) 矮壯的

🗒slight (a.) 瘦弱的

🗒plump (a.) 胖嘟嘟的(正面用法)

🗒voluptuous (a.) 性感豐滿的

🗒 chubby (a.)

🗒obese (a.) 過度肥胖的

🗒beefcake (n.) 肌肉男

🗒muscular (a.) 肌肉發達的

🗒beer belly (n.)

🗒hunchback (n.) 駝背

🗒sometime (ad.) 某個時間點;時間副詞

🗒sometimes (ad.) 有時候;頻率副詞

🗒worth (a.) (n.)執得價格或行為

=> be worth+ 金額 值得多少錢

=> be worth+V-ing 某事值得做

=> this book is with reading.

=> This car worth $1,000,000

🗒worthy (a.)值得支持、尊敬、重視等抽象事物

=> be worthy of+ N. 值得某事物

=> This idea is worthy of careful consideration.

🗒toast (v.)(n.)

🗒the cause of....

=> What was the cause of the man's death?

🗒consider (about)(XXX)

=> Please consider our job offer very carefully.

=> I consider New York to be the world's greatest city.

🗒gaze (n.)(v.) 因讚賞或專心注視

=> gaze at the stars

🗒glare (n.)(v.) 怒目注視

🗒stare (n.)(v.) 驚訝好奇而瞪大眼睛

🗒People in the city always seem to be in a hurry.

🗒beam 眉開眼笑

🗒cackle (幸災樂禍地)高聲大笑

🗒chuckle 低聲輕笑

🗒giggle 咯咯的笑

🗒smirk 幸災樂禍地笑

🗒sneer 輕蔑地笑

🗒snigger 幸災樂禍地笑

🗒titter (尷尬事件發生而引起的) 竊笑

🗒crack up (再不適合的場合) 突然大笑起來

🗒roar/ howl with laughter 大聲笑

🗒be in hysterics/ stitches 捧腹大笑

🗒ecstatic (a.) 狂喜的

🗒anyone (pron.) 不特定的人群中任何一個

=> When Sean was fired, it was no surprise to anyone.

🗒any one 特定的人群中任何一個

=> You can choose any one of three available dessert.

🗒an item/ article of clothing

=> a piece of clothing 一件衣服

=> clothing 不可數名詞

🗒fare (n.) 交通費用

🗒fee (n.) 專業服務索取之費用

🗒just now 剛才,動詞為過去式

=> We came back from shopping just now.

🗒officer (n.) 軍警官員

🗒official (n.) 政府官員

🗒eitherAorB A跟B都可以

🗒....not..... eitherAorB A跟B都不是= neitherA or B

🗒wide awake 非常清醒

🗒awake (a.) 人一直是醒著的

=> Kelly is still awake, but she feels tired

=> I stayed awake late night worrying about the test.

=> Is Brenda awake yet?

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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