捷客多一句- 3000個雅思字彙
☂️animate (vt.)使有生氣,賦予生命(a.)有生命的,有生氣的
☂️arouse (vt.)喚醒,鼓勵,引起(vi.)睡醒
☂️despair (n.)絕望(vi.)絕望,喪失信心
☂️devastate (vt.)毀壞
☂️dread (cn.)恐懼,可怕的人,可怕的事(a.)可怕的,可怖的(vt.)(vi.)恐懼,害怕
☂️fatigue (n.)疲勞;C令人勞累的工作(vt.)使疲勞,使衰弱(vi.)疲勞
☂️fearsome (a.)嚇人的,可怕的,害怕的
☂️greed (n.)貪欲,貪婪
☂️grief- stricken
☂️indebted (a.)負債的;蒙恩的,感激的
☂️intimidation (un.) 恐嚇;脅迫;威嚇
☂️lonesome (a.)寂寞的
☂️outrage (n.)暴行,侮辱,憤怒(vt.)淩辱,虐待,觸犯
=> outrageous (a.)暴虐的,極無禮的,可惡的
=> outraged (a.)
☂️perk up= cheer up
☂️perplexed (a.)困惑的,不知所措的
☂️psychic (a.)靈魂的,精神的,心靈的巫女,靈媒,心靈研究
=> psyche (a.)普賽克,靈魂,精神
☂️reassuring (a.)安心的,可靠的,堅強的
=> reassure (vt.)使…安心,再保証
=> reassurance (n.)安心,放心,再保証
=> self- reassurance (n.)
☂️be reduced to+ V-ing (v.) 被迫要
☂️reverence (n.)尊敬,敬重,敬禮,尊嚴,威望(vt.)崇敬,敬畏,尊敬
☂️stress (n.)壓力,緊迫,強調,重音,重點,應力(vt.)加壓力於,著重,重讀
☂️stun (vt.)使暈倒,使驚嚇,打暈暈眩,猛擊
☂️suspicious (a.)懷疑的,猜疑的,嫌疑的,可疑的
☂️false dawn (n.) 空歡喜一場
☂️glacial (a.)冰的,冰河的,冰河時代的,冰冷的
☂️ignominy (n.) 恥辱= humiliation
☂️primal urge (n.) 原始慾望
☂️propitiously (ad.)
☂️qualm (n.)暈眩,不安,疑慮
☂️toss- up (n.) 難以決定的事
☂️acquaint (vt.)使認識,使瞭解
☂️balk at (v.) 畏縮不前
☂️behavioral (a.)動作的
☂️coax (vt.)哄,誘騙,慢慢的做好(vi.)哄騙哄騙
☂️discern (vt.)(vi.)辨別,看清楚
☂️extol (vt.)頌揚,稱贊,吹捧
☂️forgo (vt.)摒絕,放棄= go without= abstain from= let go of= omit
☂️ignite (v.)= spark= kindle= light
☂️impose (vt.) 加註
=> I am a independent thinker. You will not succeed in imposing your views upon me!
=> imposition
☂️comrade (n.)同志,夥伴
☂️masquerade (vi)偽裝(cn.)化裝舞會
☂️mischief (n.)損害,傷害,災禍,惡作劇,淘氣
=> mischievous (a.)淘氣的,有害的,惡作劇的,胡攪的
☂️personalize (vt.)使個人化,使人格化
☂️plea (n.)懇求,辯解,抗辯,請願,托詞
=> make a powerful plea for...
☂️prevail (v.)壓倒,占上風,占優勢;說服,勸說
☂️promulgate (vt.)= propagate= promote
☂️provoke (vt.)挑舋,激怒,招惹,引起
☂️resent (vt.)憤恨,憎惡,怨恨
☂️resolve (vt.) 解決(cn.) 決心= resolution (un.)
=> I detect steely resolve in her eyes.
☂️squabble (vi.)爭吵,口角爭吵,口角(cn.)
=> by a silly squabble over nothing
☂️amongst 在…當中,在…之間,在…之中
☂️stick with it (vi.)
☂️swap (vt.)(cn.)= exchange
☂️tacit (a.) 默認的,心照不宣
☂️take the plunge (v.) 決意冒險一試= take up the challenge
☂️wrestle with (vi.) 摔角;搏鬥
☂️appeasement (n.) 平息(紛爭、憤怒);姑息政策
=> appease
☂️at the whim of 隨.... 所欲;按... 的意願
☂️censure (vt.)(cn.)= reproach= reprehend= rebuke= reprimand
☂️feat (cn.)= achievement= accomplishment
☂️flounce (vi.) 斷然離去
☂️flout (vt.)= disobey= disregard
☂️fulminate (vt.)使爆發,以嚴詞譴責(vi.)爆炸,怒喝,電閃雷酸鹽,雷汞
☂️inadvertently (ad.)不注意地
☂️niggle (vi.)為瑣事費時,為小事過分費心,拘泥小節(vt.)小氣地給…
☂️ooze away (vi.)
=> ooze (n.)軟泥(vi.)(vt.)滲出,泄漏
=> his confidence ooze away
☂️pilfer (vt.)= steal= thieve= shoplift
☂️pretension (n.)自負,驕傲,主張
☂️quibble= split hair= argue
☂️smug (a.)自以為是的,滿漂亮的,俏皮的書呆子,自命不凡的傢夥
☂️conceit (n.)自負,空想,狂妄
=> conceited
☂️conclusive (a.)決定性的,確實的,最後的
☂️conviction (cn.)定罪;確信,信服,信念
☂️debatable (a.)可爭論的,成問題的,未決定的
☂️dispute (cn.)爭論,爭執(vt.)爭論,爭執(vi.)爭論,爭執
=> Many people dispute the idea that....
☂️distortion (n.)扭曲,變形,曲解
=> distort (vt.)扭曲,歪曲
☂️dubious (a.)可疑的,不確定的
☂️paradoxical (a.)似非而是的,矛盾的,詭論的
☂️perception (n.)知覺,感覺,領悟力
☂️profess (vt.)聲稱,以…為業,偽稱,講授(vi.)表白,承認,當教授
☂️supposition (n.)想象,推測,推想
=> suppose (vt.)推想,假設,以為,猜想,假定(vi.)料想
☂️incongruity (n.)不調和,不一致,不配合
☂️inextricably (ad.)逃不掉地
☂️(at) loggerheads with 各持己見= at odds with
=> Tom and Oliver were at loggerheads with each other which is the best football team in the world.
☂️reincarnation (n.)再賦與肉體,化身,再生
☂️absent- minded (a.) 心不在焉
☂️characteristic (a.)特有的(n.)特徵
☂️clumsy (a.)笨拙的,不雅觀的,粗陋的
☂️complacent (a.) 自滿的
=> complacence (n.)滿足;自滿的;安心
☂️conceited (a.)自負的,逞能的,狂想的
☂️content (n.)(a.)= contented= satisfied
=> contentment (n.)滿足
☂️contrary (a.)相反的,矛盾的,對抗的(n.)反面,相反;相反的事物
☂️courtesy (n.) 禮貌(a.)
☂️daring (n.)勇敢,膽量
☂️decisive (a.)決定性的;明確的,果斷的
☂️disparate (a.)不同的,全異的,乖離的無法相比的東西
☂️dogged (a.)頑固的,頑強的
☂️eccentric (cn.)怪人,偏心圓(a.)古怪的,反常的,不同圓心的
☂️eminent (a.) 卓越的
☂️expedient (a.) 方便的 (n.) 權宜之計
=> expedite (vt.)加快,促進,派出(a.)暢通的,無阻礙的,迅速的,方便的
☂️formulaic (a.)
☂️frail (a.)脆弱的,虛弱的,意志薄弱的燈心草簍
☂️haughty (a.) 自大的
☂️hostile (a.)懷敵意的,敵對的敵對分子
=> hostility (n.)
☂️innately (ad.) 天生地
☂️instinctual (a.) 出於本能的
☂️introspective (a.)內省的
☂️irritating (a.)
☂️knowledgable (a.)
=> She was not beautiful; she did not resemble her mother.
=> resemblance
=> There is some resemblance between the accounts of the incident.
=> The children have a great resemblance to their parents.
☂️resolute (n.)果斷的人(a.)堅決的,剛毅的,毅然的
☂️self- important (a.)
☂️slow- witted (a.)
☂️solitary (n.)獨居者(a.)孤獨的,獨居的
☂️temperament (n.)氣質,性質,性情
☂️tendency (n.)= inclnation= predilection= propensity
☂️alluring (a.)吸引人的,誘惑的,迷人的
☂️altruistic (a.)利他的,無私心的
☂️flamboyant (a.)輝耀的,華麗的,火焰似的
☂️flippant (a.)輕率的,沒禮貌的,嘴碎的
☂️fractious (a.)= difficult
☂️impassive (a.)無感情的,冷淡的,無感覺的,平靜的,不動的
☂️inquisitive (a.)想問的,想知道的,好追根究底的
☂️loquacious (a.)多嘴的,好辯的,吵鬧的,潺潺的
☂️morose (a.)鬱悶的,乖僻的
☂️mundane (a.)現世的,世俗的,宇宙的
☂️obdurate (a.)頑固的,執拗的,冷酷的
☂️predilection (n.)嗜好,偏愛,袒護
☂️be predisposed to V./ N.
☂️querulous (a.)鳴不平的,發牢騷的,易怒的
☂️reclusive (a.)隱遁的,隱居的
☂️stout (a.)= well- built= sturdy
☂️supercilious (a.)= arrogant= proud= lofty= haughty= disdainful
☂️touchy (a.)= oversensitive
☂️urbane (a.)= courteous= well-bred
☂️adolescent (a.)青春期的,青年的青少年
☂️exemplify (vt.)例証,例示
☂️feminist (n.)男女平等主義者,女權擴張論者(a.)男女平等主義的,女權擴張論的
=> feminine (a.)女性的,陰性的,柔弱的
=> femininity (n.)婦女特質,溫柔,柔弱性
☂️freelance (a.)自由活動,自由職業的
=> free- lance(a.)自由契約的,自由投稿的
☂️intellectual (n.)有知識者,知識分子,憑理智做事者(a.)智力的,知性的,聰明的
☂️longevity (n.)長命,長壽,壽命
☂️monarch (n.)帝王,統治者,元首
☂️offspring= descendent
☂️potential (n.)潛在性,可能性,潛力,潛能,勢,位(a.)有潛力的,可能的,潛在的
☂️predecessor (cn.)前任,先輩,以前的東西
☂️spokesman (n.)發言人,代表者
☂️adherent (a.)附著的,固守的黨徒
☂️intermediary (n.)仲裁者,調解者,媒介物,中間人(a.)中間的,媒介的
☂️lunatic fringe (n.)極端分子,極端主義者
=> fringe (n.)邊緣,端,流蘇,穗,初步(vt.)加飾邊於(a.)邊緣的,附加的
☂️posterity (n.)子孫,後裔
<=> antecedent (a.)先前的,先行的前事,先例,先行詞
☂️prodigy (n.)驚人的事物,不凡的人,神童
☂️sagacious (a.)睿智的,聰明的,賢明的
☂️affable (a.)和藹可親的,友善的,殷勤的
☂️affectionate (a.)情深的,充滿情愛的
=> affection (n.)感情,好感,愛情,慈愛;影響
☂️ambience (n.)環境
☂️appeal (vi.)呼籲,要求;訴,求助;上訴;呼籲,要求;(n.)吸引力
☂️apprehensive (a.)憂慮的,不安的,擔心的,恐懼的;有理解力的,領悟的
=> apprehension (n.)恐懼,憂慮,不安;理解,領悟
=> apprehend (vt.)理解,憂慮,逮捕(vi.)理解
☂️bittersweet (a.)又苦又甜的,苦樂參半的
☂️blissful (a.)充滿喜悅的
☂️cohabit (vi.)同居
☂️companionable (a.)適于做朋友的,好交往的
☂️compatible (a.)能共處的,可並立的,適合的
☂️confide (vt.)吐露,信託(vi.)信賴
☂️cosy/ cozy
☂️depict (vt.)描繪,描寫,描述,刻畫
☂️displace (vt.)= remove= get rid of
=> displacement (n.)換置,轉位,移動
☂️drowsy (a.)昏昏欲睡的
☂️dynamic (a.)動態的,有動力的,有力的,動力的動力,動態
☂️dysfunctional (a.)不正常的
☂️equitable (a.)公平的,公正的
☂️erroneously (ad.)錯地;錯誤地
☂️expand (vt.)展開;擴大,擴充,發展膨脹,擴張;張開,展開,使膨脹,使擴張;張開
=> expansion (n.)張開,伸展;擴張,膨脹;擴張的,擴張部分
☂️extended family
=> unclear family
☂️filial (a.)子女的,當做子女的,孝順的
☂️genial (a.)和藹的,親切的,友善的
☂️habitable (a.)可居住的
☂️incompatible (a.)不一致的,不協調的,不相容的
☂️indispensable (n.)不可缺少之物(a.)不可缺少的,不能避免的,絕對必要的
☂️interfere (vi.)干涉,幹預;妨礙,打擾;抵觸,沖突
☂️justifiable (a.)可辯解的,可証明的,有理的
☂️justification (n.)辯護,証明正當,釋罪
☂️kindred spirit
=> kindred (n.)家族,相似,親戚關系(a.)同族的,同類的,血緣的
☂️kinship (n.)血族關系
☂️marital (a.)丈夫的,婚姻的,夫婦間的
☂️maternity (n.)母性,母道,婦產科醫院(a.)產婦的
☂️militant (a.)好戰的,積極從事或支援使用武力的
☂️mourning (n.)悲哀,哀悼,舉哀,居喪
☂️outgrow (vt.)過大而不適於,出生,長出
☂️rebelliousness (n.)造反;難控制
☂️token (n.)表徵,記號,代幣(a.)象徵的,表意的
☂️turbulent (a.)狂暴的,吵鬧的
☂️yearning (n.)渴念,熱念(a.)熱望的,渴望的,懷念的,向往的
=> yearn for
☂️capricious (a.)反復無常的,善變的,任性的
☂️irrevocable (a.)不能挽回的,不能取消的,不能變更的
☂️reciprocal (a.)互惠的,相互的,相應的,倒數的,彼此相反的倒數,互相起作用的事物
☂️retribution (n.)報應,懲罰,報復
☂️align (vi.)排列,排成一行,結盟(vt.)使結盟,使成一行
=> alignment (n.)隊列,結盟,校直
☂️attribute (n.)屬性(vt.)把…歸因於,把…歸咎於;認為…是某人所有,認為…是某人創造
☂️exquisite (a.)精致的,細膩的,敏銳的
☂️feasible (a.)可行的,行得通的;可能的
☂️frantic (a.)狂亂的,瘋狂的
☂️gadget (n.)小配件,小玩意,詭計
☂️hazard (n.)冒險,危險,機會(vt.)冒…的危險,賭運氣,使遭危險
☂️inescapable (a.)逃不掉的,不可避免的
☂️inventory (n.)詳細目錄,存貨清單(vt.)列入詳細目錄,清點存貨
☂️prehistoric (a.)史前的;舊式的
☂️superficial (n.)表面,外表(a.)表面的,膚淺的,面積的
☂️synthetic (n.)合成物質(a.)綜合性的,人造的
☂️typical (a.)典型的,象徵的,有代表性的
☂️vividness (n.)活潑;明亮;鮮明
☂️a new lease of life
☂️adjunct (n.)附屬物,附件,修飾語(a.)附屬的
☂️arduous (a.)費力的,辛勤的,險峻的
☂️configuration (n.)配置結構,表面配置,形態
☂️conical (a.)圓錐的;圓錐形的
☂️cylindrical (a.)圓筒.圓柱狀的
☂️dicey (a.)不確定的,認命的,冒險性的
☂️malleable (a.)有延展性的,可鍛的
☂️mimetic (a.)模仿的;虛有外表的
☂️octagonal (a.)八邊形的,八角形的
☂️tensile (a.)可拉長的,可伸長的,張力的,拉力的
☂️unobtrusive (a.)不多嘴的,客氣的,謙虛的
☂️viscous (a.)粘的,有粘性的,粘性的
☂️constituent (n.)成分,選民,構成物(a.)構成的,組織的,有提名權的
☂️shaft (n.)軸,箭杆,矛,杆狀物(vt.)裝杆于,利用
☂️underlie (vt.)位於…之下,成為…的基礎
☂️cater for
=> caterer
=> catering
☂️consumption (n.)消費,消費量,憔悴
☂️craving (n.)渴望,熱望
=> crave
☂️decompose (vt.)(vi.)分解,(使)腐爛
☂️dietary (a.)飯食的,飲食的規定的食物,飲食的規定
☂️edible (n.)食品,食物(a.)可食用的
☂️feast (v.)(n.)
☂️gulp (v.)吞下,吞咽,狼吞虎咽地吃;忍氣吞聲
☂️malnutrition (n.)營養失調,營養不良
☂️nutrient (a.)營養的,滋養的(cn.)營養物,滋養物
=> nutrition
=> nutritious (a.)有營養成分的,營養的
=> nutritional (a.)營養的;滋養的
☂️physiological (a.)生理學的,生理學上的
☂️temptation (n.)引誘,誘惑;誘惑物
=> tempt (vt.)誘惑,引誘,引起,吸引,冒…風險
☂️weakening 衰減; 虛弱的; 削弱; 消振
☂️wholesome (a.)= healthful= beneficial= healthy
☂️debilitate (vt.)使衰弱
☂️deleterious (a.)有害於,有毒的
☂️precipitation (n.)墜落,沈澱,凝結,降水
☂️prerogative (n.)特權,大權(a.)特權的,有特權的
☂️regimen (n.)攝生,養生法,食物療法
☂️rumble (n.)隆隆聲,轆轆聲(vi.)發隆隆聲,轆轆響(vt.)使隆隆響,低沈地說
☂️sap (n.)樹液,體液,活力,坑道,笨蛋(vt.)使排出體液,使衰竭,挖坑道襲擊
☂️surly (a.)不和藹的,無禮的,板面孔的,陰沈的,粗暴的,乖戾的
☂️wean oneself off
☂️ailment (n.)小病,疾病
☂️antidote (n.)解毒劑,解藥
☂️artery 動脈,主流,幹道
☂️arthritis (n.)關節炎
☂️cholesterol (n.)膽固醇
☂️acute<=> chronic
☂️circulate (vi) 空氣、血液等循環;期刊流通
=> circulation (n.)流通,循環,發行量
☂️contaminate (vt.)弄汙,弄臟,染汙,傳染,毒害
=> contamination (n.) 污染,汙物,混淆
☂️detrimental (a.)有害的
☂️diminish (vt.)(vi.)(使)減少,(使)變小
☂️efficacious (a.)有效的,靈驗的
☂️endemic (n.)地方病,風土病(a.)風土的,地方的
☂️entail (vt.)使必需,使蒙受,使承擔,遺傳給限定繼承權
☂️epidemic (n.)傳染病,流行病(a.)流行的,傳染性的
☂️eradicate (vt.)根除,撲滅,根絕,消滅
☂️hearten (vt.)鼓起勇氣,激勵(vi.)振奮
☂️Holy Grail
☂️hypnosis (n.)催眠狀態,催眠
☂️impair (vt.)損害,減少,削弱
☂️incurable (a.)不能醫治的,不能矯正的,無救的不治的病人,無救的人
☂️induce (vt.)引誘,招致,感應
=> induction (n.)歸納法,感應,就職,入門
☂️infect (vt.)傳染,侵染;使受影響
=> infection
=> infectious
☂️inspection (n.)檢驗,檢查,視查
☂️intimacy (n.)親密,熟悉,親昵行為
☂️invasive (a.)侵入的,侵略性的,攻擊性的
☂️plenary (a.)充分的,完全的,充實的= keynote
☂️livelihood (n.)生計,營生,生活
☂️pharmacy= chemist's
=> pharmacist (n.)制藥者
=> pharmaceutical (a.)配藥學的
☂️precaution (un.)謹慎,警惕;(un.)預防;(cn.)預防方法,預防措施
☂️rehabilitation (n.)復原
=> rehabilitate (vt.)恢復原狀,修復,使恢復
☂️resort (vi.) 訴諸;憑藉(cn.)
☂️respiratory (a.)呼吸的
☂️sanatorium (cn.)療養院,療養所,靜養地
☂️sanitary (a.)衛生的,清潔的公共廁所
=> sanitation (n.)[公共] 衛生[設備]
☂️self- esteem= self- confident
☂️short- sighted
☂️stigmatise (v.)使蒙上汙名;責難
=> stigma (n.)恥辱,汙名,烙印
☂️stomach (n.)胃,食欲,欲望,肚子(vt.)消化,忍受
☂️subconscious (n.)潛在意識,模糊的意識(a.)下意識的,潛意識的
☂️supplementary (a.)補足的,補充的,追加的
☂️therapeutic (a.)治療的,治療學的
☂️ultraviolet (n.)紫外線 UV(a.)紫外線的
☂️unprecedented (a.)空前的
☂️ventilate (vt.)使空氣流通,使通風,宣佈,公開
☂️vigorous (a.)精力充沛的,元氣旺盛的,有力的
=> vigor
☂️vulnerability (n.)易受傷,易受責難,弱點
☂️ward 守衛,保衛,保護,監護,病房,牢房,行政區,鎖孔(vt.)守護,保衛,防止,擋住
☂️Alzheimer's disease
☂️ameliorate (vt.)改善,改良,變好
☂️inflammation (n.)怒火,發火,燃燒,發炎
☂️tendon (n.)腱
☂️inoculation (n.)接插芽,接木,接種
☂️judicious (a.)頭腦精明的,賢明的,判斷正確的
☂️keel over
=> keel 龍骨,平底船(vt.)裝以龍骨,使傾覆(vi.)傾覆
☂️metabolic (a.)變化的,變形的,新陳代謝的
=> metabolism 新陳代謝,變形
☂️orthopaedic (a.)整形外科的
☂️slouch (n.)沒精打采的樣子,耷拉,笨人(vi.)沒精打埰地走,耷拉著(vt.)使低垂
☂️swivel (n.)轉環,旋轉軸承,旋轉椅的台座(vt.)(vi.)(使)旋轉
☂️casually (ad.)偶然地,臨時地,隨便地
☂️craze (n.)狂熱,大流行(vt.)(vi.)(使)發狂,(使)開裂
☂️cutting edge
=> cutting- edge
☂️formal (a.)正式的,形式的,禮儀的正式的社交活動
=> formalize (vt.)使正式,使整形,形式化(vi.)拘泥形式
=> formally (ad.)正式地,拘泥禮儀,形式上
=> formality (n.)禮節,程式,拘謹,正式手續
☂️fastidious (a.)難取悅的,挑剔的,苛求的
☂️accommodate (vt.)使適應,調節,和解,容納(vi.)適應
☂️aesthetic (a.)美學的,審美的,有美感
=> aesthetics (n.)美學
☂️amenity (n.)適意,溫和,禮儀
☂️architect (n.)建築師,設計者,造物主
=> architecture
=> architectural (a.)建築的,建築學的,建築術的
☂️communal (a.)公有的,公社的
☂️cosmopolitan (a.)四海為家的人
☂️dead end
☂️dwelling (a.)dwelling
☂️exemption= exception
☂️infrastructure 下部構造,基礎下部組織
☂️inhabitant (n.)= resident= dweller
☂️isolation (n.)隔絕,孤立,隔離
☂️legacy (n.)祖先傳下來之物,遺贈物
☂️liberate (vt.)解放,釋放,使自由
☂️living costs
☂️medieval (a.)中古的,中世紀的
☂️metropolis (n.)大都市,重要中心,首府
☂️pane (cn.)= sheet
☂️parish (cn.)= district
☂️self- contained (a.)<=> share
☂️subsidy (n.)補助金,津貼
=> subsidize (vt.)給與補助金,給與獎助金,賄賂
☂️surveyor (cn.)測量員,檢查員
☂️tenant (cn.)<=> landlord
☂️urban sprawl
=> sprawl (vi.)伸開手足躺,爬行,蔓生,蔓延(vt.)懶散地伸開,使蔓生
☂️vicinity (n.)接近,鄰近,附近地區,近處
☂️adorn (vt.)裝飾,裝潢,使增色;佩戴,穿著
☂️bower (n.)涼亭
☂️garret (n.)閣樓,頂樓,頭
☂️murky (a.)黝暗的,陰沈的,籠罩的
☂️pyrotechnics (n.)(pl.)= firework
☂️rickety (a.)= feeble= unstable= makeshift= shoddy
☂️upkeep (n.)= maintenance
☂️cutback (n.)重映,減少,剪修新芽
☂️migratory (a.)遷移的,流浪的
☂️evacuation (n.)撤退,走開
=> evacuate (vt.)(vi.)疏散,撤出,排泄
☂️hail (n.)冰雹,致敬,招呼(vt.)向…歡呼,致敬,招呼,使象下雹樣落下(vi.)招呼
☂️impede (vt.)妨礙,阻礙,阻止
=> impediment 妨礙,阻礙,阻止,口吃,行李
☂️integrated (a.)綜合的,完整的
=> integration (n.)綜合,完成,集成
☂️mechanic (n.)機械工,技工(a.)手工的
☂️negligent (a.)疏忽的,粗心的,不在意的
=> negligence (n.)疏忽,粗心大意,忽視
☂️reckless (a.)
☂️reluctant (a.)勉強的,不情願的,厭惡的
=> reluctance (n.)不願,勉強,厭惡
☂️tram (n.)電車軌道,煤車,一種絲線(vt.)用煤車運載(vi.)乘電車
☂️at a breakneck pace
☂️circuitous (a.)迂回的路的,迂曲的,繞行的
☂️derailment (n.)出軌
=> derail (vt.)使出軌出軌,脫軌器
☂️nippy (a.)刺骨的,凜冽的,銳利的
☂️aptitude (n.)自然傾向,才能,能力,天賦
☂️blur (vt.)使模糊,弄臟(vi.)弄臟,模糊
☂️comparatively (ad.)= relatively
☂️cornerstone (n.)奠基石,基礎
☂️cursory (a.)匆匆忙忙的,草率的,粗略的
☂️distraction (n.)娛樂,分心的事物,分心
☂️norm (n.)基準,模範,標準,智力水準,平均數
☂️nurture (n.)養育,營養物,教育(vt.)養育,給與營養物,教養
☂️persistent (a.)固執的,堅持的,持續的
☂️secondary (a.)次要的,二級的;中級的,第二的;繼發性的,第二期的
=> primary 最主要者,原色(a.)主要的,初期的,根本的,原始的,首要的,基本的
=> tertiary (a.)第三的,第三位的,第三世紀的第三重音,第三會員,第三紀
☂️vocational (a.)職業的
☂️coverage (n.)覆蓋的範圍,保險總額,新聞報導
☂️prowess (n.)英勇,勇敢,超凡技術
☂️wring (n.)扭絞,擰,擠,榨(vt.)擰,絞,扭,榨取,勒索,折磨,使痛苦(vi.)蠕動,扭動,絞,扭
☂️assign (vt.)分配,指派
☂️cite (vt.)引用,引証,例証
=> citation (n.)引用,引証,引用文
☂️collegiate (a.)學院的
☂️compulsory (a.)= required<=> elective<=> optional
☂️conference pack
=> conference (n.)會議,討論會
☂️demanding (a.)= exacting= arduous= burdensome
☂️dissertation (cn.)= thesis
☂️enroll in (v.)= take= register for
=> enrollment (n.)登記,注冊,招收,入學,入伍
☂️extension (un.)伸長,擴大,伸展;延長,延期;(cn.)延長部分,擴大部分;(cn.)電話分機
=> extend (vt.)延長,延伸;擴大,擴充;給予,表示(vi.)伸展,擴大,延續
☂️extracurricular activities
☂️facilitate (vt.)幫助,使容易,促進
☂️fruition (n.)結果,成就,實現,完成
☂️get to grips with (v.)= understand= master
☂️integral (n.)積分,整數(a.)整體的,整數的,積分的積分
☂️juncture (n.)結合,結合點;時機,關頭,關鍵時刻
☂️module (n.)模塊組件,模
☂️multinational (a.)多國的,多種國籍的多國籍公司,跨國公司
☂️notice board
☂️obligatory (a.)義不容辭的,義務的,必須的
☂️orient (n.)東方,東方諸國(a.)東方的,上升的,燦爛的(vi.)向東(vt.)使朝東,使適應
☂️oversee (vt.)向下看,瞭望,監督
☂️phase out (使)逐步淘汰
☂️place (n.) 入學許可
=> undergraduate
☂️prerequisite (n.)首要事物,必要事物(a.)預先,必須的
☂️recall (vt.) 招回( 借書、大使);回收、下架(瑕疵品)
☂️referee (n.)仲裁人,調解人,裁判員(vt.)(vi.)仲裁,裁判
☂️relevant (a.)有關聯的,中肯的,有關系的,適當的,成比例的,相應的
☂️restricted loan
=> restricted (a.)受限制的,有限的
☂️revise (vt.)= review
=> revision (n.)修訂版校訂,修正,修訂本
☂️scholar (n.)學者,公費生,有文化者,學習者
=> scholastic (a.)學校的,學校教育的,學者的,學究的煩瑣哲學家,學究,墨守成規者,學生
☂️scope (n.)範圍,機會,廣度,眼界,觀察儀器,導彈射程
☂️standard (n.)標準,水準,水平,規格,規範,規定;旗幟(a.)標準的,一般的
☂️supervision (un.)監督,監視,監察,管理
=> supervisor (n.)監督者,監視者,監察者,管理者
=> supervise (vt.)(vi.)監督,管理,指導
☂️at the discretion of (prep.) 經由... 同意
☂️collate (vt.)=check
☂️subsidiary (n.)子公司,附加物,輔助者(a.)補助的,次要的,津貼的
☂️treatise (n.)論文,論述
=> study
=> essay
=> dissertation
☂️analogous (a.)相似的,類似的,類推的
=> analogy (n.)類似,相似;類推,類比
☂️anecdotal (a.)逸話的,多逸事趣聞的,軼事一樣的
☂️anthropologist (n.)人類學家
=> anthropological (a.)人類學的,人類學上的
=> anthropology (n.)人類學
☂️artifact/ artefact (n.)人造物品;人工因素
☂️attribute (v.)+ to= ascribe
☂️bibliography (un.)= works cited= references
☂️case study
☂️contemplate (vt.)注視,沈思,打算(vi.)冥思苦想
☂️draw on/ upon
☂️equation (n.)相等,等式,平衡
=> equate
=> equatable
☂️expertise (n.)+on
=> he's expertise on guitar was extraordinary.
☂️pilot project
=> theoretically
☂️variable (n.)
☂️deductive (a.)
=> deduction
=> deduce
=> deduct
☂️encapsulate= comprise= embody= incorporate
=> capsulse
=> fabrication
=> hypothetical
=> induction
=> induce
☂️high- risk
☂️lamentable= pathetic
☂️pent- up
=> complement
=> embark for
☂️en- suite
☂️long- haul
☂️single- handed (a.)= alone= on one's own
=> stop over
☂️manoeuvre (n.)(v.)= move about= shift about
☂️stringent (a.)
☂️wayfarer (n.)= traveller
☂️boast (n.)(v.)
☂️coincide (v.)
☂️hit (cn.) 賣座電影或專輯等(a.)賣座的
☂️hypnotic (a.)
☂️periodical (cn.)
=> accumulate= amass= collect= accrue
☂️acoustics (n.)= sound effects
=> acoustic
=> meditate
☂️mesmerize (vt.)= fascinate=captivate
☂️the treadmills of life
=> Windmill
☂️bid at the auction
☂️clientele (cn.)= customers
☂️haggle (vi.)= bargain
☂️installment (n.)
☂️knockdown (a.)
☂️personnel (cn.)
☂️retail (a.)(n.)<=> wholesale
=> retailer (cn.)
☂️transaction (cn.)
☂️slot machine
☂️swindle (v.)(cn.)
☂️top- notch
=> atom
=> genetic
=> genetically modified
☂️tweak (vt.)= adjust finely
☂️velocity (n.)=speed= swiftness
☂️database device (cn.)= tool= means= gadget= equipment
☂️log on (vi.)= surf the internet
☂️scam (cn.)(v.)= Trick= swindle= fraud
=> scammer
☂️dodgy (a.)= dishonest= deceitful=phony
☂️obsolete (a.)= outdated= outmoded= out of date
☂️ larvas
=> incubation
☂️horticulture (un.)= gardening
=> horticultural
☂️perennial (a.)= long- lasting= perpetual= enduring
=> ocean currents
=> warm/ cold currents
☂️downpour (n.)= deluge
☂️hurricane (n.)
☂️sultry (a.)= oppressive= stifling= heavy
☂️sweltering (a.)= extremely hot= boiling= roasting<=> chilly<=> freezing
=> absorbent
☂️concentration (n.) 集中;濃度= density= strength
=> ecological
=> ecologically
☂️erode (vt.)= wear away
=> erosion
=> erupt
☂️go green
☂️incineration plant
☂️contaminate (v.)= pollute
=> radioactivity
=> a semblance of anger
☂️terrestrial (a.)= earthly
=> terrestrial globe
=> extra- terrestrial
☂️civil service (un.)= public sector<=> private sector
=> civil servant
=> corporation
☂️cost- effective
☂️favourable (a.)= positive
=> monotonous
☂️night shift
☂️pat cuts
=> pension
☂️recruit (cn.)(v.)
=> reinforce
☂️appraisal (n.)=evaluation= assessment
☂️assiduous=> assiduously
☂️counteract (vt.)= offset
☂️disenchantment (un.)= disappointment= disillusionment<=> enchantment
☂️ramifications (n.)(pl.)= detailed consequences= implications= offshoots
☂️remuneration (n.)= pay= wage= income
☂️scrupulous (a.)<=> unscrupulous
☂️accrueallocate (vt.)=> allocation
☂️booming (a.)= thriving= flourishing= prosperous
=> boom
☂️circumspect (a.)= careful= prudent= caution
☂️commodity (cn.)
☂️container crane
☂️creditor (cn.)<=> debtor
☂️criteria (cn.)(pl.)
=> hard currency
=> hard cash
☂️depreciate (vt.)<=> appreciate=> depreciation
☂️the uneven distribution of wealth
☂️dividend (a.)
=> emerge
=> emergence
=> endorsement
=> enterprise
=> entrepreneur
=> entrepreneurial
☂️envisage (vt.)= envision
=> ethics
=> ethically
☂️hierarchy (cn.)= pecking order
☂️mass- produced
=> remedial
=> remittance
=> postal remittance
☂️sky- rocking
☂️small- minded
☂️stocks and shares (cn.) 股票與股份
☂️tap into (vt.) 打入市場;接觸;利用(機制;方法等)
☂️tie up (v.) 使 (資金) 無法運用;束縛
☂️thrifty (a.)= frugal= economical= canny
=> thrift
☂️transitional (a.)
☂️tycoon (cn.)
☂️voluntarily (ad.)
☂️acumen (n.)
☂️arrears (n.)(pl.)<=> in credit
☂️audaciously (ad.)= courageously= boldly= bravely
=> audacious
=> audacity
☂️broach (vt.)= raise= bring up
☂️outlay (n.)= expense= fee= charge= cost
☂️rapacious (a.)= greedy= avaricious
☂️precarious (a.)= risky= perilous= dangerous
☂️broadcast (v.)(n.)
<=> tabloid
=> censor
☂️current affairs (n.)(pl.) 時事
☂️documentary (cn.)
=> libel
=> transmit
☂️(the )gutter press (cn.) 八卦媒體
☂️hype (un.)(vt.)= overstatement= sensational= ballyhoo
☂️wobble (vi.)(n.)= tremble
☂️affirm (vt.)= declare= avow<=> deny
=> affirmation
=> alienate
=> alien ☂️antisocial (a)
=> aristocracy
☂️aura (cn.)= air= ambience= atmosphere
☂️ban (vt.)(cn.)
☂️banal (a.)
☂️befall (vt.)
☂️benevolent (a.)= malicious
=> benevolence
☂️commitment (cn.)
=> commit
=> exploit
☂️fertility rate (n.)= birth rate<=> mortality rate
☂️give rise to (v.)
☂️heritage (cn.)
☂️hierarchical (a.)
=> prosperous
=> ritual
=> rob
=> robber
☂️unsympathetic (a.)<=> sympathetic
☂️auspicious (a.)
=> auspiciousness
☂️demographic (a.)
=> demography
=> demographer
=> elusion
=> elude
=> embodiment
=> empathize
=> empathetic
☂️ingenuity (n.)
=> ingenious
☂️sabotage (vt.)(un.)
=> destroy
=> disable
=> invalidate
☂️(the) status quo
☂️vested interest
☂️artistic (a.)
☂️coherent (a.)
☂️coin (v.) 創字
=> distortion
☂️epic (n.) 史詩(a.)壯觀的;精彩的
☂️implement (cn.)= toll= instrument= device= gadget
☂️intermediate (a.)
☂️lexicographer (cn.)
=> lexicography
=> linguistics
=> lingua france
☂️narrative= narrate
=> occur
=> it occurs to sb. that.... 突然想到
☂️proclaim (vt.) 宣布;表明
☂️rebut (vt.) 反駁= refute
☂️repertoire (n.) 曲目
=> rhythmic
=> utterance
☂️be well read
☂️acclaim (v.)(n.)
☂️acquisition (cn.)
=> acquire
=> allegory
☂️allude to
=> allusion
☂️bullet points (cn.)
☂️evoke (vt.)
=> evocation
=> fallacy
=> phonology
=> plagiarize
=> semantics
=> transcription
=> transcripts
☂️abide by (vi)= conform= comply with= obey= follow
☂️blind alley
=> condemn
=> condemnation
☂️be convicted of
=> convict
=> conviction
☂️(in the) guise of
☂️innocence (n.)
☂️investigative (a.)
=> investigate
=> investigation
=> illegitimate
☂️painstaking (a.)
=> scrutinize
☂️counterfeit (a.)= fake= false= copied= imitative(vt.)(cn.)
☂️lenient (a.)<= harsh
=> litigious
☂️plaintiff<=> defendant
☂️specious(a.)= plausible<=> genuine
=> administration
=> administrative
=> agitation
=> assembly
=> assembly line
☂️civil rights
=> commemoration
=> deteriorate
=> dictator
☂️disdain (n.)(vt.)= despise= hold in contempt= look down on= belittle= think nothing of
=> enforce
=> fallacy
=> ideological
=> ideologically
=> imminently
=> lobbyist
☂️running (n.) 管理 (公司等);競選
☂️uncompromising (a.) 不妥協的;不讓步的
☂️repudiate (vt.)= decline= reject= rebuff= repulse
☂️setback (cn.)= disappointment= blow= letdown= failure
☂️tawdry (a.)= vulgar= tasteless= gaudy
☂️universal suffrage
=> accusation
=> adverse
=> affliction
☂️aging/ ageing
=> anti- aging
☂️at stake (prep.) 處于危險的
☂️bully (vt.)(cn.)
☂️burglary (cn.)
=> burgle
=> burglar
=> confrontation
☂️defame (vt.)= libel
=> defamation
=> defamatory
=> deteriorating
=> deterioration
☂️disaster (cn.)= havoc= catastrophe= calamity
=> discrimination
=> discriminating
☂️(in) disorder (un.)= in disarray= in a mess= in a muddle= in chaos
=> in good order
=> in place
☂️famine (cn.)= starvation
☂️hazard (cn.)= danger= risk
=> hazardous
☂️impoverished (a.)= poor= property- stricken
☂️intrusive (a.)
=> intrude
=> intrusion
=> intruder
=> offender
☂️prejudice (vt.)(n.)
☂️strick (vt.)(cn.)
=> on strick
☂️traumatize=> truma
=> victimize
☂️wrongdoer (cn.)= evildoer
☂️calamitous (a.)= disastrous= catastrophic
=> calamity
☂️crook (cn.)= con man= confidence trickster
☂️deluded (a.)
=> delude
=> delusion
☂️doomsday (n.) 世界末日
=> doom
=> be doomed to
☂️nefarious (a.)= evil= wicked= disreputable
☂️outcast (cn.)
☂️beat a retreat
☂️dispersal (n.)= scatter= dispel
=> disperse
☂️stand up to (v.) 反抗
=> propellant
☂️pulverize (vt.)= grind
☂️rout (vt.)= defeat
☂️scour (vt.)
=> scour away
☂️by and large
☂️contract (vi.)= reduce= become smaller= shrink(n.)= argument= undertaking= covenant
☂️curtail (vt.)= restrict= cut down
=> equivalent
☂️insufficient (a.)= lacking= scarce= scant= deficient= inadequate
☂️nought/ naught (n.)= zero
=> starkly
☂️optimum (a.)= maximum= best
☂️outright (a.)
☂️be ascribed to (vt.)= be attributed to
☂️be responsible for (a.) 造成;為... 負責
=> Smoking is responsible for over 80 percent of lung cancers.
☂️impinge on
=> influence
=> intuitive
=> intuitively
☂️misconception (cn.)= fallacy
☂️register... in the mind (vt.) 印在腦海中
☂️revolve around (vi.)= centre on
☂️crave (vt.)
☂️oppose (vt.)
☂️tempt (vt.)
=> temptation
=> tempting
☂️antipathy (n.)= aversion
☂️revulsion (un.)= repulsion
=> revolt against (vi.) 對... 反感
=> chronology
☂️ensue (vi.) come about= follow after
=> formation
☂️life expectancy
☂️on end (ad.)= in a row= continuously= successively
☂️permanently (ad.)= for good= forever
=> permanent
☂️transient (a.)
=> transience
☂️up- to- date (a.)
=> up- to- date facts