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1100 words you need to know




🎟realm (n.)

🎟tinge (n.)(v.)(較淡的)色調,色彩(+of)

=> Her hair has a tinge of red.

=> His black hair was tinged with gray.



























































































































































































































































































































































































🎟bona fide























































































































































































































































🎟au courant





















































































































































































































































































🎪to eat humble pie

🎪a pig in a poke

🎪a flash in the pan

🎪to pour oil on troubled waters

🎪the sword of Damocles

🎪pyrrhic victory

🎪a wet blanket

🎪to beard the lion in his den

🎪crocodile tears

🎪to carry the day

🎪Skid Row

🎪to go up in smoke

🎪to throw down the gauntlet

🎪feeling no pain

🎪Hobson's choice

🎪to rule the roost

🎪stock in trade

🎪to take down

🎪to pass the buck

🎪to lionize a person

🎪I'm from Missouri

🎪red- letter day

🎪to let sleeping dogs lie

🎪thumb's down

🎪cause célèbre

🎪one swallow does not make a summer

🎪a bitter pill to swallow

🎪an ax to grind

🎪sour grapes

🎪to swap horses

🎪to cool one's heels

🎪a red herring

🎪to spill the beans

🎪to keep a stiff upper lip

🎪to have cold feet

🎪to look a gift horse in the mouth

🎪to pay the piper

🎪on the carpet

🎪to show one’s hand

🎪to tilt at windmills

🎪to feather one’s nest

🎪fair- weather friends

🎪to sow one’s wild oats


🎪to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve

🎪to wash dirty linen in public

🎪to save face

🎪Indian summer

🎪to take the bull by the horns

🎪the lion’s share

🎪out of the frying pen into the fire

🎪to keep the pot boiling

🎪to bury the hatchet

🎪philadelphia lawyer

🎪to gild the lily

🎪to steal one’s thunder


🎪to whitewash

🎪to break the ice

🎪the grapevine

🎪in the bee line

🎪the world, the flesh, and the devil

🎪to make brick without straw

🎪to have the upper hand

🎪to draw in one’s horns

🎪to put the chart before the horse

🎪to turn the tables

🎪a chip off the old block

🎪under the wire

🎪to be at large

🎪to go against the grain

🎪to wink at

🎪to play possum

🎪it’s an ill wind that blows nobody good

🎪to know the ropes

🎪behind the eight ball

🎪left holding the bag

🎪a lick and a promise

🎪tongue in cheek

🎪to take the wind out of one’s sails

🎪two strings to bow

🎪on tenter hooks

🎪the fat is in the fire

🎪like Caesar’s wife

🎪plea bargain

🎪in apple pie order

🎪apple polishing

🎪the Draconian Code

🎪the distaff side

🎪on the qui vive

🎪to get one’s bake up

🎪to bring home the bacon

🎪to get down off a high horse

🎪the first water

🎪dyed- in- the- wool

🎪blue chip

🎪as broad as it is long

🎪blow hot and cold

🎪in the doldrums

🎪to spit hairs

🎪to strike while iron is hot

🎪once in a blue moon

🎪sleep on it

🎪loaded for bear

🎪to bring down the house

🎪to pull one’s weight

🎪a white elephant

🎪lock, stock, and barrel

🎪a feather in one’s cap

🎪out on a limb

🎪on the spur of the moment

🎪a fly in the ointment

🎪to take French leave

🎪in the arms of Morpheus

🎪forty winks

🎪from pillar to post

🎪in the lap of the gods

🎪cold shoulder

🎪without rhyme or reason

🎪swan song

🎪to get the sack

🎪ivory tower

🎪to feather one’s nest

🎪the writing on the wall

🎪on the bandwagon

🎪to hit the nail on the head

🎪on the dot

🎪to take under one’s wing

🎪out of one’s depth

🎪to take a leaf out of someone’s book

🎪brass tacks

🎪hook, line, and sinker

🎪lily- livers

🎪to pull up stakes

🎪to raise Cain

🎪to leave no stone unturned

🎪tongue in one’s cheek

🎪keep a stiff upper lip

🎪to throw the book at someone

🎪terra firma

🎪in seventh heaven

🎪to tighten one’s belt

🎪off the beaten track

🎪a square peg in a round hole

🎪to upset the apple cart

🎪by hook or by crook

🎪to get up on the wrong side of the bed

🎪castles in the air

🎪to maintain the status quo

🎪a sacred cow

🎪through thick and thin

🎪to take by storm

🎪to be in fine fettle

🎪to live in fool’s paradise

🎪the sum and substance

🎪on pins and needles

🎪to have at one’s fingertips

🎪a pretty kettle of fish

🎪the acid test

🎪a blind alley

🎪to twist around one’s finger

🎪to do one’s heart good

🎪worth one’s weight in gold

🎪to make the best of a bad bargain

🎪to make ends meet

🎪to lay one’s cards on the table

🎪a bolt from the blue

🎪to tell tales out of school

🎪to build upon sand

🎪a pretty kettle of fish

🎪to toe the mark

🎪to be under a cloud

🎪to flog a dead horse

🎪the die is cast

🎪a cat’s paw

🎪coup de grâce

🎪straight from the shoulder

🎪to rub a person the wrong way

🎪to draw in one’s horns

🎪to throw cold water

🎪a dry run

🎪to throw someone a curve

🎪to cross the Rubicon

🎪to brave the elements

🎪to hill the goose that laid the golden egg

🎪to carry coals to Newcastle

🎪an axe to grind

🎪to throw one’s hat in the ring

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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