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How to study foreign language

🌱degenerate (a.)墮落的(vi.)退化,墮落(vt.)使變質,使退化.

🌱considerable effort

🌱conversely (ad.)相反的

🌱enroll a class


🌱trotted the sentences out=> trot (vi.)快步走,小跑步走(vt.)使小跑

🌱don't be overwhelmed by all you don't know.

🌱query (vt.)(vi.)詢問,質問

🌱as a hobby to fill lonely evening.

🌱at the same pace

🌱paying peanuts if you want monkey

🌱that may not be absolutely fair in relation to private tutors

🌱pronunciationwise=> "strategywise"從策略上說,"weatherwise"天氣而言

=> 記者或評論家尤其愛用:比如dollarwise(就美元而言)、Pandawise(在熊貓方面)、profitwise(從利潤方面來看)等等,有一種即興趣味。

=> wise這類用法很口語,要正式可以改成"in terms of"

=> Wise作字尾,還有「朝.....方向」以及「和.....相似」兩個意思,例如:

(1) Turn the lid anticlockwise to open it.(把蓋子朝反時針方向扭開。) (2) He walked soldier-wise.(他走路像行軍。)這兩句還算正式。

🌱It's much less work

🌱pay conscious attention

🌱absorb the language less consciously

🌱could- haves

🌱meander up=> meander(vi.)緩慢而彎曲地流動,漫談(vt.)使蜿蜒曲折

🌱in a less organized way

🌱or vice versa

=> Acids neutralize alkalis and vice versa.酸能使鹼中和,鹼也能使酸中和。

Man dictates to weapons not vice versa.是人指揮武器,而不是武器指揮人。

You don't cotton to me and vice versa.你不喜歡我,反過來,我也不喜歡你。

Nowadays girls try to pick up guy more than vice versa.這年頭啊是女孩想追男孩,而不是男孩追女孩。

Do you want the soup before the salad or vice versa?你是先要湯后要色拉,還是反過來呢?

🌱recited aloud (ad.)

🌱utter (a.)全然的,絕對,完全(vt.)發出,做聲,發表,發射,流通

=> utterance (n.) utterance 說話,發表,說話的方式,死

🌱glossary (n.) 圖文集,詞匯,術語字典,辭典,詞匯表

🌱spouse (n.) 配偶,夫妻

🌱anecdote (n.) 軼事,奇聞

🌱you may be accustomed to learn=> accustom (vt.)使適應,使習慣

🌱harnessing=> harness (n.)馬具,系在身上的繩子,甲冑(vt.)束以馬具,披上甲冑,利用…以產生動力

🌱mnemonics (n.) 記憶術

🌱ideographic language

🌱theses trivial and seemingly irrelevant

🌱different thing as a memory trigger

🌱unpleasant fume

🌱mental framework

🌱this drive (n.) 動機 is so strong

🌱cultural heritage (n.) 遺產,祖先所留之物,繼承

🌱integrative orientation=> integrative (a.)綜合的,一體化的

🌱instrumental orientation=> instrumental (a.)儀器的,器具的,可做為手段的

🌱intrinsic and extrinsic orientation=> intrinsic (a.)本質的,原有的,真正的=> extrinsic (a.)外在的,外來的,外表的

🌱no point in staying=> There is no point to the exercise

🌱I hate to be less than perfect in tests

🌱if you are someone who enjoys talking you could set your goal in term of choosing more occasions to talk outside class.

🌱one- off version=> limited to a single time, occasion, or instance.

=> one–off gigs; a one–off payment

🌱a form of self- talk=> talking in self style

🌱arbitrary way=> arbitrary (a.)任意的,恣意的,專制的

🌱prompts (n.)提示,提醒,提白,付款期限(a.)迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的,提白員的(vt.)激勵

🌱I already knew the pranks were staged

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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