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👯‍♂️above suspicious 靠得住的;不容置疑的

👯‍♂️above all 尤其是,畢竟

👯‍♂️above measure 極度地;難以估計地

👯‍♂️after all 畢竟;終於

👯‍♂️after a while

👯‍♂️against one's will 不情願地

👯‍♂️against the law 違法

👯‍♂️after the manner of sb.

=> He manages the company after the manner of father.

👯‍♂️at the crossroads 位於轉捩點

👯‍♂️at a distance

=> We watched at a distance.

👯‍♂️at a glance 一眼;一撇

👯‍♂️at a guess

=> At a guess, that woman might be over sixty.

👯‍♂️at all costs 不論付出多少代價= at any expense= at any risk= at any price

=> We must win the contract at all costs.

👯‍♂️at any moment

=> They will leave at any moment.

👯‍♂️at first hand 第一手的;直接的<=> at second hand

👯‍♂️at first sight 第一眼;第一印象

👯‍♂️at the least 最遲

=> Be here by ten o' clock at the least.

👯‍♂️at leisure 在閒暇時

=> What do you do when you are at leisure.

👯‍♂️at moments 時時刻刻;不時地

👯‍♂️at once 立刻;馬上

=> Get out of here at once!

👯‍♂️at one's convenience 在某人方便的時候

=> Come to see me at your convenience.

👯‍♂️at one's own expense

=> He went abroad at his own expense.

👯‍♂️at present

=> I live alone at present.

👯‍♂️at the end of... 在....的最後

=> She cried out at the end of her confession.

👯‍♂️at the mention of 一提到...

=> That woman got angry at the mention of her husband.

👯‍♂️at the request of 應... 的請求

=> The professor gave us a lecture at the request of our principal.

👯‍♂️at the risk of 冒著... 的危險

=> He came to help at the risk of being drowned.

👯‍♂️at the table 用餐時

=> Don't tell such a miserable story at the table.

👯‍♂️at work

=> My father is always at work.

👯‍♂️before long 不久

=> Before long, he returned with his mother.

👯‍♂️between the lines

=> I could read blame between the lines.

👯‍♂️beyond doubt 無庸置疑地= beyond question= beyond suspicion

=> His ability is beyond doubt.

👯‍♂️beyond number 無法勝數

=> The mistakes he made this year are beyond number.

👯‍♂️beyond one's reach

=> Put the bottle of pills beyond the children's reach.

👯‍♂️by all means 無論如何

=> You must get there in time by all means.

👯‍♂️by half 平分;一半

=> Please reduce the amount by half.

👯‍♂️by hand

👯‍♂️by heart

=> You must remember these numbers by heart.

👯‍♂️by instinct 因本能而...

=> I helped the dog by instinct.

👯‍♂️by no means 絕不...

=> They are by no means honest.

👯‍♂️by now

=> The party should have been over by now.

👯‍♂️by turns 輪流

=> Let's take a shower by turns.

👯‍♂️for a change 換口味;換環境

=> It's nice to taste different cuisine for a change.

👯‍♂️for all I know 就我所知

=> For all I know, he's blind.

👯‍♂️for good 長期

=> Maggie left for good this time.

👯‍♂️for once 一次

👯‍♂️for one's convenience

=> The door is open for her convenience.

👯‍♂️for the benefit of 為了... 的利益

👯‍♂️for the purpose of 為了... 目的

=> Allen is studying hard for the purpose of going abroad.

👯‍♂️for the sake of 為了... 緣故

=> She moved to the seaside for the sake of her health.

👯‍♂️from top to toe

=> I'm wet from top to toe.

👯‍♂️in a bad temper 不快樂

👯‍♂️in a decline 衰退

=> Their business seemed to be in a decline.

👯‍♂️in a hurry 趕快;匆忙

=> Why are you in a hurry.

👯‍♂️in a nutshell

=> May you sum up the situation in a nutshell for me?

👯‍♂️in a roar

=> What did you say to set the class in a roar?

👯‍♂️in a row

=> The kids stood in a row.

👯‍♂️In a word

=> In a word, it is hot.

👯‍♂️in action 付諸行動;實行

=> It's interesting to watch a cook in action.

👯‍♂️in all 總共;全部

=> I have 5 balls in all.

👯‍♂️in all directions= on all sides

=> The kids scattered in all directions.

👯‍♂️in an emergency 在緊急情況

=> Press the button in an emergency.

👯‍♂️in any case 無論如何

=> I'll come to see you in any case.

👯‍♂️in appearance 在我外表上

=> She looks very young in appearance.

👯‍♂️in brief 總而言之= in conclusion= in short= in sum

👯‍♂️in cold blood

=> That man shut door in cold blood.

👯‍♂️in company with 與... 結伴

=> Sarah went shopping in company with a friend.

👯‍♂️in conscience 憑良心;當然地

👯‍♂️in cooperation with 在與... 合作下

=> We finished the study in cooperation with those students.

👯‍♂️in danger

=> He's now in danger.

👯‍♂️in despair 在失望中;絕望地

=> We left the town in despair.

👯‍♂️in dispute

=> They're in dispute over that situation.

👯‍♂️in disregard of

=> The girl kept crying on the street in disregard of other's looks.

👯‍♂️in earnest 認真地;熱心地

=> She studied in earnest for 2 weeks.

👯‍♂️in error

=> The report is in error.

👯‍♂️in excess= to excess

=> Don't drink in excess.

=> The piglet eats to excess.

=> in excess of 超過...

=> He spent in excess of the budget.

👯‍♂️in existence

👯‍♂️in fair weather or foul

👯‍♂️in favor of= approve of= go along with

=> We are in favor of eating fish.

=> We can't go along with you on that plan.

👯‍♂️in hand

=> Let's put the information in hand to good use.

👯‍♂️in harmony with<=> out of harmony with

=> She sang in harmony with the orchestra.

👯‍♂️in many respects/ ways 在各方面

👯‍♂️in memory of 紀念

=> The monument was built in memory of the soldiers.

👯‍♂️in pairs

=> Those players practiced in pairs.

👯‍♂️in particular

=> What do you like in particular.

👯‍♂️in praise of 稱讚...

=> This is a song in praise of New York.

👯‍♂️In regard to 關於...

=> In regard to your novel, I'll talk with you next time.

👯‍♂️in return for 為了回報

=> I gave him a stamp in return for his gift.

👯‍♂️in season

=> Apples are in season now.

👯‍♂️in series

=> This cards he gave me are in series.

👯‍♂️in the air 在流傳中;未定案;即將發生

=> Summer is in the air.

=> This plan is still in the air.

👯‍♂️in the distance 在遠處

=> I saw a grand castle in the distance.

👯‍♂️in the same boat

👯‍♂️on a large scale 大規模地

👯‍♂️on call 待命;候召

=> The security guard is on call day and night.

👯‍♂️on demand 按照要求

👯‍♂️on duty 在值班中

👯‍♂️on one's own

👯‍♂️on the surface

👯‍♂️on tiptoe 墊著腳尖

=> we stood on tiptoe to see the game.

👯‍♂️out of order 失常;失常作用

👯‍♂️till late 晚了

=> My daughter likes to stay up till late.

👯‍♂️to one's taste

=> This design is completely to my taste.

👯‍♂️under construction 在建設中;在施工中

=> My new house is under construction.

👯‍♂️under one's nose 在... 面前

=> The man jumped into the river under our noses.

👯‍♂️under repair

=> The elevator is under repair.

👯‍♂️under suspicion 被懷疑;有嫌疑

=> Lee is under suspicion of theft.

👯‍♂️under the influence of 受... 的影響

=> He acted under the influence of his father.

👯‍♂️with pleasure 高興地

=> Ruby accepted the gift with pleasure.

👯‍♂️within the rage of 在...的範圍

=> What he said is not within the rage of my understanding.

👯‍♂️but for

=> But for air and water, no one could live on the earth.

👯‍♂️next door to

=> Mr. Wang lives next door to us.

👯‍♂️once and for all

=> I'll explain it once and for all.

👯‍♂️one after another

=> All her dreams have come true one after another.

👯‍♂️one by one

👯‍♂️point of view

👯‍♂️second to none

👯‍♂️short of

=> Short of capital, I have everything.

👯‍♂️side by side

=> We've worked side by side for years.

👯‍♂️aim to 想要

=> She aims to become an actress.

👯‍♂️argue against 反對某事而辯論<=> argue for 贊成某事而辯論

=> We argue against the new plan.

👯‍♂️ask after

=> She greeted my parents and asked after my grandparents.

👯‍♂️attend to

=> Attend to your own business.

👯‍♂️bargain for

👯‍♂️blame sb. for sth. 因某事責怪某人

👯‍♂️blend sth. with sth.

👯‍♂️blow up

=> The volcano blew up last week.

👯‍♂️boast of

=> He always posted of his wealth.

👯‍♂️book in/ up

👯‍♂️bottle up

=> Tell me the truth. Don't bottle it up.

👯‍♂️break away 突然離開;掙脫;打破(慣例)

=> She wants to break away from her family.

👯‍♂️break with 與... 絕交;改掉

=> Joan has broken with Lily.

👯‍♂️bring back 帶回;使回憶;使恢復

=> Bring back the suitcase, please.

=> Reading the book brought back many memories.

👯‍♂️burst into/ out

=> burst into applause

=> burst into tears

👯‍♂️carry away

=> The entire audience was carried away by his speech.

👯‍♂️change 變成;更衣;兌換貨幣

=> Heat can change ice into water.

=> You should change into a dry shirt.

👯‍♂️chase after

=> The dog is chasing after the thief.

👯‍♂️cling to

=> The vine clings to the old tree.

👯‍♂️come through 成功達成;接到(消息)

=> They finally came through with the money.

=> The document hasn't come through.

👯‍♂️come up with 想到;趕上;提出

=> We can't come up with solutions.

👯‍♂️compensate for

👯‍♂️complain about

👯‍♂️concentrate on

👯‍♂️convince sb. of sth.

=> She convinced me of her story.

👯‍♂️correspond with 與... 一致

=> Your actions correspond with your words.

👯‍♂️count down 倒數

👯‍♂️cover with 以... 覆蓋

👯‍♂️cram from 努力用功;臨時抱佛腳

=> She's cramming for the examination.

👯‍♂️cram in/ into

=> She crammed in one more piece of cake.

=> Can you cram four kids into your car.

👯‍♂️cram with 餵飽;擠滿

👯‍♂️creep into 悄悄行進

=> He creep into bed.

👯‍♂️cut across 中斷;走捷徑

=> We cut across the field to save time.

=> The curtain cut across my line of vision.

👯‍♂️cut off 切去;截斷;終止

=> Don't cut off the electricity supply.

=> She was cut off from all support.

👯‍♂️die from/ of

👯‍♂️die out 消滅;滅絕;絕種

=>Many old customs are dying out.

👯‍♂️drain A of B 用盡A的B;去除A的B

=> The race drained him of his strength.

👯‍♂️dream of

=> I never dreamed of winning the lottery.

👯‍♂️drop away 一滴一滴落下;一個一個離開

=> The guests dropped away one by one.

=> The wine in the bottle has dropped away.

👯‍♂️drop in on

=> I'll drop in on my aunt on my way home.

👯‍♂️drop off 睡著;減少;離開

=> He dropped off during the speech.

=> Sales have dropped off recently.

👯‍♂️ease up/ off 減少;減輕

=> Ease up! You're walking too fast.

👯‍♂️emerge from 出現;由... 顯露

👯‍♂️excel in

=> John excels in playing tennis.

👯‍♂️face up to 沈著面對;承認

=> She face up to her problem.

👯‍♂️fail to....

👯‍♂️fall behind 落後;拖欠

=> Sam always falls behind when we're going uphill.

=> She has fallen behind on her rent.

👯‍♂️fall down 跪倒;倒下;傾倒

👯‍♂️fall into the trap

👯‍♂️fall off

👯‍♂️fall on 落在;遭遇

=> Christmas fell on Saturday last year.

=> She fell on hard times.

👯‍♂️feed back 反饋;回饋

=> What can you feed me back.

👯‍♂️feed on 以... 為食

=> The bird feeds on worms and insects.

👯‍♂️fetch from 接來;請來;拿來

=> I fetched my son from school.

👯‍♂️fight back 還擊

=> Don't you fight back?

👯‍♂️fight out 以決鬥方式解決

👯‍♂️fight over 為... 爭論、打架

=> Two dogs are fighting over a bone.

👯‍♂️fill in[UK]/ out 填寫

👯‍♂️fill up 裝滿,加滿

👯‍♂️finish up 吃乾淨

=> Finish up your noodle.

👯‍♂️freeze out 排擠;禁止參加

=> Monica was frozen out of the discussion.

👯‍♂️fuss about 為小事、瑣事擔心

=> Sandra fussed about the results of the pop quiz.

👯‍♂️gaze at 注視

=> glance at 瞥見

👯‍♂️fuss over 裝飾;在意

=> He always fusses over his wife.

👯‍♂️get around 規避;巴結

=> The news got around that Bill had left the town.

=> Peter always knows how to get around elders.

👯‍♂️get away from me.

👯‍♂️get over= over come= get through

👯‍♂️giggle at 對... 痴笑

👯‍♂️give away 送出;洩漏消息

👯‍♂️give out 公布;分配;顯示

=> They refused to give out any figures.

👯‍♂️go after

=> She's decided to go after that job.

👯‍♂️go ahead= carry on 坐下去;進步

=> Go ahead. I'm listening.

👯‍♂️go around 走來走去;常與某人在一起

=> Jason is going around looking for his bike.

👯‍♂️grumble about 喃喃地抱怨事物

=> She always grumble about the weather.

👯‍♂️grumble at 喃喃地抱怨人

👯‍♂️hand down 把... 傳下去

=> The legend was handed down from father to son.

👯‍♂️hear from/ of 聽到...的消息

👯‍♂️hide A from B 向B隱瞞A

=> I wanted to hide the news from him.

👯‍♂️hold back 克制;強忍;隱瞞

=> She held back from calling him.

=> He struggled to hold back his laughter.

👯‍♂️hunt for/ after

=> What are you hunting for?

👯‍♂️hurry to... 急於做...

👯‍♂️indulge in 沈迷於;縱情於

=> Don't indulge in drinking.

👯‍♂️insist on/ upon 堅持;堅決主張

=> Ruby insists on her statement.

👯‍♂️intend to 企圖;想要

=> What do you intend to do?

👯‍♂️interfere with

=> Did I interfere with your work?

👯‍♂️jeer at 嘲笑

=> Jeering at others is rude.

👯‍♂️jump over 跳過

👯‍♂️Keep at it! 繼續做

👯‍♂️keep down 鎮壓;縮減;降低

=> We must keep down expenses.

👯‍♂️Keep off 避開;趕開;不吃喝

=> Keep off the grass!

=> Keep off that subject, please.

👯‍♂️keep out

=> Danger! keep out!

👯‍♂️keep to 堅持;保持;固守

=> Please keep to the rules.

=> Can you keep the cost to minimum?

👯‍♂️keep up 維護;繼續進行;遵守

=> How much does it cost to keep up your house?

=> Good job! Keep it up.

👯‍♂️lay aside

=> The project has been laid aside.

=> I tried to lay aside a little money every month.

👯‍♂️lay out

=> He laid out the map on the table.

👯‍♂️lean against/ on 靠在

👯‍♂️leave behind 忘了帶;把... 留在

👯‍♂️leave for 前往

👯‍♂️let alone 不用說;不管;不碰

=> The baby can't cram, let alone walk.

=> The tree will grow better if you let it alone.

👯‍♂️light up 點火:變得容光煥發<=> put out 熄滅;出港

=> He lit up a cigar.

=> Their faces lit up with pleasure.

👯‍♂️lift up 舉起

=> He lifted up the box easily.

👯‍♂️let off 釋放;讓人免於做...

=> They will let him off this time.

👯‍♂️long for 渴望

=> I longed for him to say something.

👯‍♂️look away 看往別處

=> He looks away in embarrassment.

👯‍♂️book back 回顧;倒退

👯‍♂️look down on 向下看;輕視

👯‍♂️make of 對... 的意見

=> What do you make of Kim?

👯‍♂️make out 了解;辨認

=> I can't make him out.

=> They can't make out my handwriting.

👯‍♂️mark up 使漲價

=> These hats have been marked up 30 percent.

=> I plan to mark up all the goods in the shop.

👯‍♂️melt away 消失;融化;花光

=> Her money melted away inParis.

👯‍♂️mess around/ about 混日子;混亂

=> Come on, don't just mess around.

👯‍♂️mistake A for B 把A誤認為B= take A for B

=> He mistook her for her sister.

👯‍♂️object to 反對

=> They objected to my proposal.

👯‍♂️pass on 傳遞

=> Read the article and pass it on.

👯‍♂️pay for 付款買;受懲罰

=> You'll pay for that.

👯‍♂️persuade sb. to do sth./ into doing sth./ of sth.

👯‍♂️pretend to 假裝

=> She pretended to be indifferent to fame.

👯‍♂️prey on 獵捕;使苦惱

=> Owls prey on mice.

=> Worries has preyed on her for days.

👯‍♂️prove to

=> The journey has proved to be a failure.

=> That matter has proved to be a mistake.

👯‍♂️puff out 因得意而脹大;吐出

=> James' chest puffed out with pride.

=> George puffed out a cloud of smoke from his cigarette.

👯‍♂️puff up 腫脹;鼓起

👯‍♂️pull out 拔(牙)

👯‍♂️pull away from 拉離開

👯‍♂️put away 收拾整齊;儲蓄

=> Go and put away your toys.

=> She put money away for a trip.

👯‍♂️put off= postpone

👯‍♂️puzzle out 解答;研究;弄明白

=> He puzzled out this problem finally.

👯‍♂️reach for 伸出手拿...

👯‍♂️reach to 傳到;達到

👯‍♂️reckon on= depend on= rely on

👯‍♂️reckon with 考慮;處理

👯‍♂️recover from 復原;由...恢復

=> He hasn't recover from his astonishment.

👯‍♂️reduce A to B 使A變成B

=> His reply reduced me to silence.

👯‍♂️refer to 提到;涉及

=> The teacher referred to some example.

👯‍♂️reflect on 深思;考慮

=> Reflect on all she said.

👯‍♂️remind sb. of sb./ sth.

👯‍♂️repent of= regret of

👯‍♂️result from 因...而造成

👯‍♂️result in 因為;導致

=> His incapability resulted in failure.

=> Drinking too much often result in a hangover.

👯‍♂️roll out 鋪平;輾平;大聲唱出

=> Don't roll the pastry out too thin.

=> They rolled out verses.

👯‍♂️roll over 翻過身;滾動

=> He rolled over and then stood up.

👯‍♂️roll up 捲起(袖子);搖起(車窗);到達

=> He rolled his sleeves up and went out.

=> We rolled up to the hotel.

👯‍♂️rub away 擦掉;磨去

👯‍♂️run across= bump into= run against= run into

👯‍♂️run after= chase after

👯‍♂️rush out 匆匆去

=> They rushed out and into the classroom.

👯‍♂️see off 為某人送行

👯‍♂️see through 看穿;識破;做完

👯‍♂️seek after 尋找;尋求

=> People always seek after wealth.

👯‍♂️seek to= attempt to= try to 企圖

👯‍♂️send for 延請

=> Quick! Go and send for help.

👯‍♂️set off 動身+ for +地點/ on a journey;出發= start off;爆發

👯‍♂️set out 出發;陳列

👯‍♂️set up 開設;設立

👯‍♂️settle down 定居;恢復平靜

👯‍♂️share out= distribute

👯‍♂️shoot down 射殺

👯‍♂️shut down= close down

👯‍♂️sieve out 過濾;篩選

👯‍♂️sink into 落入;陷入(思考)

=> He sank into thought again.

👯‍♂️sleep in 睡過頭;住在僱主家

👯‍♂️slide into 溜進<=> slide out of 溜出

=> The burglar slid into the house.

👯‍♂️speak for 為...辯護;代表... 發言

👯‍♂️speak of/ about 說到....

👯‍♂️speak to 責備;嚴肅地說

=> Sarah was late again today, you'll have to speak to her.

👯‍♂️spout out 噴出;冒出= spring out= spurt out

👯‍♂️spread out= unfold;散佈;流傳

👯‍♂️spring from 湧出;起源;突然出現

👯‍♂️spring up 發生;萌芽;突然產生

=> It seems as if the bamboo shoots sprang up overnight.

👯‍♂️stand by 支持= stand in with= start out= stand up for;站在旁邊

👯‍♂️stand for= represent= be half of

👯‍♂️stand on 踩在...之上;主張;基於

=> He stood on his innocence to the end.

👯‍♂️stand out=> outstanding= pop out

👯‍♂️start in 開始

=> It began raining just as we started in with the game.

=> She starts in to sing

👯‍♂️start over 重新開始

👯‍♂️start with 開始;首先

👯‍♂️step in 進入;干涉;參加<=> step out 外出;暫時離開

👯‍♂️stop by 順便拜訪

👯‍♂️stop off 中途停留

=> They 'll stop off in Seattle for two days.

👯‍♂️sue for 起訴;請求

=> Sue for a divorce.

=> sue for damages.

👯‍♂️supply A with B 供應B給A

=> She supplies us with money.

👯‍♂️surround with 用...包圍

👯‍♂️suspect A of B 懷疑A做了B

=> The cops suspected him of stealing the car.

👯‍♂️take after 長得像

=> The baby takes after his mother.

👯‍♂️take apart 拆開

=> He took apart the radio.

👯‍♂️take off 飛機起飛;除去;脫下

👯‍♂️take over 接收;接管;承擔

👯‍♂️take to 開始喜歡;沈迷於

=> they took to each other.

👯‍♂️take up 拿起;佔用時、空間;接受;熱衷於

=> Glenn takes up collecting stamps.

👯‍♂️talk over 談論;討論

=> Let's talk over this matter.

👯‍♂️tear up 撕碎

👯‍♂️tear down 扯下;拆毀

👯‍♂️tear off 扯掉;扯開=> tear off cloth

👯‍♂️translate A into B

👯‍♂️turn in= submit

👯‍♂️vary from

=> Your translation varies a lot from hers.

👯‍♂️waste A on B

👯‍♂️wear out 磨損;累爆

👯‍♂️wish for 期待;期望

👯‍♂️withdraw into 縮回

=> The turtle withdraw into its shell.

👯‍♂️work on 影響;從事;專心於

=> What she said worked on my decision.

👯‍♂️work out 設計出;解決;算出

👯‍♂️worship as 崇拜某人為...

=> He worshiped his father as a god.

👯‍♂️be absorbed in 全神貫注;專心於

=> She's absorbed watching Tv.

👯‍♂️be abundant in 擁有豐富的

=> This area is abundant in oil.

👯‍♂️be accustomed to 習慣於

=> The foreigner is not accustomed to the weather here.

👯‍♂️be acquainted with 熟識

=> Are you acquainted with that girl?

👯‍♂️be alive to= be sensitive to

=> He's alive to others' feelings.

👯‍♂️be alive with 充滿...的

👯‍♂️be ambitious for 對...有熱切期望的

👯‍♂️be amazed at 驚訝於

👯‍♂️be amused by 被... 逗樂、取悅

👯‍♂️be angry at sth.

👯‍♂️be angry with sb.

👯‍♂️be annoyed at sth.

👯‍♂️be annoyed with sb.

👯‍♂️be anxious for sth. 渴望= be sick for

👯‍♂️be ashamed of 羞於

👯‍♂️be astonished at 驚訝於

👯‍♂️be attentive to 專心於

👯‍♂️be available for 能夠;能出席

👯‍♂️be aware of 意識到

👯‍♂️be bound to 受... 束縛;對...有責任

=> She's bound to her family.

👯‍♂️be busy at

👯‍♂️be capable of

👯‍♂️be careful about/ with

👯‍♂️be careless of

👯‍♂️be cautious of

👯‍♂️be certain of 確信

=> Are you certain of that?

👯‍♂️be clever at

👯‍♂️be concerned about 關心

👯‍♂️be concerned with 和... 有關係

👯‍♂️be con fronted with 遭遇到

👯‍♂️be confounded by 使困惑

=> She's confounded by what she heard.

👯‍♂️be confused about

👯‍♂️be conscious of 知道

=> I'm conscious of the truth.

👯‍♂️be consistent with 與...一致的

=> His conduct was not consistent with what he said.

👯‍♂️be contented with 滿足於

👯‍♂️be contrary to 和...相反的

👯‍♂️be convenient for sb. 對sb. 是方便的

👯‍♂️be convinced of 相信

👯‍♂️be decorated with 以... 裝飾

👯‍♂️be delight at 對.... 感到高興

👯‍♂️be determined to 下定決心要

👯‍♂️be devoted to 致力於

👯‍♂️be disappointed at sth.

👯‍♂️be disappointed in sb.

👯‍♂️be dressed in 穿著

👯‍♂️be due to 預定要;應該要;歸因於;由於

👯‍♂️be eager for 渴望= be impatient for

👯‍♂️be eager to do sth. 急於想做= be impatient for= be impatient to

👯‍♂️be embarrassed about

👯‍♂️be empty of= be short of

👯‍♂️be engaged in 從事;著手做

👯‍♂️be essential to 對...是必要的

👯‍♂️be faithful to 對... 忠實的

👯‍♂️be fed up with= be tired of= be sick of

👯‍♂️be filled with 充滿

👯‍♂️be fit for 適合

👯‍♂️be fond of= like

👯‍♂️be free from 免於

👯‍♂️be free with 對... 隨便、慷慨

=> Johnny is free with his money.

👯‍♂️be fresh from 剛從...出來

=> They're fresh from university.

=> The bread is fresh from the oven.

👯‍♂️be frightened of

👯‍♂️be glad about

👯‍♂️be grateful for sth.

👯‍♂️be grateful to sb.

👯‍♂️be ideal for 對...是很理想的

👯‍♂️be impatient of 對...沒耐心的;對...焦慮的

👯‍♂️be inclined to 想要;傾向於

👯‍♂️be independent of sb. 不依賴

👯‍♂️be indifferent to 對... 不感興趣的

👯‍♂️be indispensable for/ to 不可缺少的

=> Water is indispensable for/ to people.

👯‍♂️be innocent of 缺乏...的;沒有...的

👯‍♂️be jealous of

👯‍♂️be keen on 熱衷於

👯‍♂️be kind to 對....仁慈的

👯‍♂️be known to 聞名於;在...是眾所皆知的

=> That old man is known to the public.

👯‍♂️be late for 遲於

👯‍♂️be likely to 有可能

👯‍♂️be married to 與sb.結婚

👯‍♂️be obliged to 有義務去;應該

👯‍♂️be occupied with 被... 佔據;忙於

👯‍♂️be opposed to 反對

👯‍♂️be particular about 對... 很講究

👯‍♂️be pleased with 對...感到滿意

👯‍♂️be popular with/ in/ among 受... 歡迎的

👯‍♂️be prepared for sth. 對....有心理準備

👯‍♂️be prepared to 準備好要

👯‍♂️be proof against 耐、防... 的

👯‍♂️be ready for 準備好

👯‍♂️be ready to 準備好做

👯‍♂️be reluctant to 不情願做

👯‍♂️be rich in 有很多的...

👯‍♂️be responsible for

👯‍♂️be right about

👯‍♂️be sad for sb.

👯‍♂️be safe from 沒有... 的危險

👯‍♂️be separated from

👯‍♂️be shocked at

👯‍♂️be short for 為...的縮寫

👯‍♂️be similar to 和... 相似的

👯‍♂️be subject to 容易罹患

=> My son is subject to colds.

👯‍♂️be successful in 在... 方面為成功的

👯‍♂️be supposed to 假設;預定

👯‍♂️be sure of

👯‍♂️be surprised at

👯‍♂️be surrounded by

👯‍♂️be tired from/ after/ with 因... 而疲倦

👯‍♂️be tired out 非常疲倦

=> They are all tired out.

👯‍♂️be touched by 受...感動

👯‍♂️be willing to

👯‍♂️pick someone's brain

=> Can I pick your brain about how you got rid of those weeds?

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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