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----[Unite 1]Science Delights in the North of New Zealand

☁️fjord 峽灣

☁️shop(ping) 'til you drop

☁️the outdoors

☁️ideal time

☁️good rates

☁️taking a step back/ further in time to the days.

☁️reversing the effects of age upon the skin.

☁️easing aches

☁️therapeutic (a.)

☁️stunning (a.)

☁️metropolis (n.)大都會

☁️vista (c.)全景;前景

☁️make sure to save some time to ....

☁️handicrafts (n.)

☁️flourishing cosmopolitan=> flourish (v.)=> cosmopolitan (a.)國際化的,國際性的

☁️must- see destination

☁️numerous (a.)

☁️delight (cn.)樂趣,樂事 (ucn.) 欣喜,愉快;(v.) 使高興

=> delightful (a.)

☁️vast (a.) 廣闊,浩瀚;巨大

☁️scenic (a.) 風景優美的

☁️a hotbed of....只適合發展某事的環境

----[Unite 2]Winter Fun in Australia' s Blue Mountains

☁️Blue- tinged sky 淡藍色的天空=> bluish

☁️plateau (n.)---an area relatively level high ground.

☁️Mother Nature

☁️it's an important site for...

☁️dreamtime 黃金時期

☁️combine with....

☁️standing above...

☁️hiking tail

☁️be bordered by...

☁️is/ are perfect for....

☁️liven up the surroundings with their cheerful chatter.

=> chatter (v.)(n.)

=> the chatter of people

☁️the residents in....

☁️Tourists and locals can take a seat by a warm fire with a glass of eggnog.

☁️local wildlife

☁️incline (n.) 斜坡,傾斜

☁️Not to be outdone 不甘示弱;不甘落後

☁️Those (who)afraid of heights should beware, ...

☁️cable cars are equipped with transparent (a.) glass bottoms.=> transparency (n.)

☁️... is a place where you can commune with nature and feel the warmth of a small town hospitality (n.).

=> commune with sth./ sb. 與... 交流、融為一體

=> hospitable (a.)

☁️marvel (v.)感到驚奇的at... (n.) 令人驚奇的事物

☁️mural 壁畫

☁️attraction (n.) 觀光景點; 吸引人之處

☁️show off sth./ show sth. off 襯托出;使... 更漂亮或迷人

=> The black wall showed off the yellow words on it.

----[Unite 3]Bali: Much More Than just Beaches.

☁️(somewhere) attracts millions of tourists every year.

☁️they drawn to the sun, sand, and sea.

☁️off- the- beaten- track 人跡罕至

☁️it's steeped in history and culture.

=> be stepped in sth. 充滿...;富含...

☁️populous (a.)人口眾多;人口稠密的

☁️be fascinating/ fascinated

☁️are paraded (v.) from... to...


☁️are intertwined A with B A與B緊密結合

☁️(somewhere) is a well- known spot for...

☁️historical architecture dating back over a thousand years.

☁️white- water rafting

☁️canyoning excursion

☁️civet cat

☁️unusual production process

☁️pay a visit to....

☁️you can make a two- hour climb to the summit to see...

☁️valuables (n.)

☁️tiers (n.) 一層;一排、一列

☁️relaxing resorts

☁️its impressive natural beauty

☁️it begs to be explored far and wide.

=> far and wide. 到處;廣泛地

☁️offering (n.) 祭品;供品

☁️buildup (n.) (對某活動的) 宣傳; 累積

=> buildup to sth. 準備迎接活動之前的那段時間

☁️set sth./ sb. apart 使... 與眾不同

=> The girl's stone self- confidence set her apart from other students in her class.

☁️monkey around 瞎鬧;搗蛋

☁️crater (n.)火山口

☁️folklore (n.) 民俗;民間傳說

☁️ecotourism (n.) 生態旅遊

☁️cemetery (n.) 墓地

☁️paddy (n.) 稻田;水田

----[Unite 4]A Fall Wonderland in Hokkaido

☁️usher in 迎來;開啟=> usher (v.) 引領

☁️giving way to N... 被....取代

=> After we drove for ten hours, the flat pains finally gave way to mountains.

=> 讓步、屈服;崩塌= give in to sb./ sth.

=> The company eventually gave way to the union by adjusting workers' wages.

=> 故障;壞掉;崩塌

=> The old steps are about to give way soon, so you' d better have them fixed before someone gets hurt.

☁️(somewhere) comes alive with color.

☁️sth. pop up of the surrounding evergreen landscape.

☁️its peaks that stretch over 2,000 meters into the sky.

☁️lug around trekking gear

=> lug (v.) 吃力地拉

=> trek (v.) 長途旅行;艱苦跋涉

☁️round- trip journey

☁️soak up sth./ soak sth. up

=> Ann likes to soak up the sun by taking a stroll along the beach every morning.

☁️major attractions

☁️festival features food and drinks

☁️It's located about 30 mins away by train.

☁️historical vibe

=> vibe (n.) 氛圍;感覺

☁️lets you absorb the area' s past

☁️it can be hard to resist= reject.

☁️coastal (a.)海岸的;沿海的

☁️famed (a.)= famous=> fame (n.)

☁️monument (n.) 典範;紀念碑

☁️come alive

=> Jane doesn't usually come alive until after she has had her second cup of coffee.

☁️It/ there is no surprise that....

=> It comes as no/ little surprise that....

=> It is hardly/ not surprising

=> (It is) no/ little/ small wonder (that)....

----[Unit 5]The Splendor of Northern Sichuan

☁️Travelers from all corners of globe


☁️its unspoiled surroundings.

=> unspoiled (a.) 未受破壞的

☁️We were slightly weary.

☁️shuffle (v.) 緩慢地走

☁️the crowd of tourists

☁️redeem oneself 挽回(聲譽)

=> redeem (v.) 贖回,補償;償還(債務等)

☁️White/ snow- capped

☁️aqua- colored 水綠色的 pool

☁️rust- colored 鐵鏽色的

☁️the crowds (cn.) thinned out

☁️impressively efficient bus system

☁️designate (v.)=> designated (a.)

☁️doable (a.) 可做的,可行的

☁️awe- spiring 令人驚嘆的

☁️hard- rushing 猛衝的;急流的 wisps 一小束;一簍煙

☁️left me breathless

☁️traffic jam- inducing 引發塞車的

=> induce (v.) 導致;引誘

=> The pills I was given helped induce sleep, and I ended up sleeping longer than 10 hours.

☁️Having not yet satisfied our nature fix.

=> fix (n.) (非法藥物的) 一劑量

=> a chocolate fix

☁️a must- try (n.)

☁️we walk along comfortably.

☁️stopping whenever the altitude had us short of breath.

☁️soothing (a.) 有安撫作用的;鎮定的

=> soothe (v.) 使神經、情緒鎮定;撫慰

☁️shallow stream

☁️uniquely shaped formations (n.) 岩層;形成物

☁️the out appealing

☁️a staggering variety of nature.

☁️heed (v.) 留意、注意 that advice

☁️picturesque (a.) 風景如畫的 vistas

☁️glimpse (n.)

=> I caught a glimpse of the colorful bird before it flew away.

☁️companion (n.)=> company (n.)

☁️staggering (a.) 極驚人的

☁️shoal (n.) 淺水處

☁️backdrop (n.) 背景;背景幕

☁️Upon/ On+ N./ V- ing, S.+ V. 一...就...

=> Upon seeing the wild animal. Kelly suddenly became very afraid.

=> Once +CL., CL

=> As soon as +CL., CL

=> The instant/ minute/ moment +CL., CL

----[Unit 6]Dubai: A Metropolis Rises from the Dessert

☁️Dubai is by far the newest I've ever seen.

=> by far+ 最高級

☁️It's a mecca for modern architects.

=> a mecca for sb. 某人嚮往之處;某人的聖地

=> architecture (n.)

☁️superrich (n.)

☁️how much money is flowing in the region.

☁️strolling through these stores.

=> stroll (v.)= linger= wander


☁️telltale (a.)= outstanding

☁️the one landmark that is impossible to miss.

☁️poking into the sky like a needle.

☁️viewing platform

☁️miniature (n.)

☁️venture into

☁️unfamiliar with

☁️perfumery (n.) 香水店

=> cologne (n.)古龍水

☁️The chicken was so tender that the meat fell off the bone.

☁️glitter (v.)=> glittering (a.)

☁️'contrast (n.); con'trast (v.) *動詞與名詞重音不同

☁️striking (a.)= remarkable= obvious

☁️faithful (n.) 忠實信徒; (a.) 忠實的

☁️spectacular (a.) 壯觀的;壯麗的

☁️persistent (a.) 堅持不懈的;持久的

☁️hawk (v.) 叫賣;兜售

☁️lot (n.) 一群特地的人

=> A rough lot

----[Unit 6]A Walk through the Streets of Milan

☁️on the cutting edge of sth. 最先進;尖端

☁️the face of sth./ sb. 某事物的門面

☁️woven=> weave (v.) 使交織;編織

=> The musician weaves jazz and rock together to create interesting music.

☁️the heart of the city.

☁️a museum dedicated to the history of Italian theater

=> dedicate A to B 設立A來紀念B;將A獻給B

☁️high- end (a.) 高檔的;高價位的 brand

☁️be packed with

☁️people- watching

☁️let's go beyond the city

☁️Marble sculpture of christ and the virgin Mary

☁️filled without a vintage flesh market

=> vintage (a.) 古色古香的;經典、具有價值的

☁️decorative objects

☁️we can catch the bus to...

☁️fast- paced 步調快的

=> pace (v.) 調整步調

☁️line (v.)

=> The trees line the streets of this small country town.

☁️fresco (n.) 溼壁畫

☁️pavilion (n.) (博覽會的)展示館

☁️with sth. in mind 有鑒於...;考慮到...

☁️country- specific 國家特有

=> - specific 特有的,跟... 有關的

----[Unit 8]Nice: The Jewel of the French Riviera

☁️a romantic charm

☁️the rich (n.) and famous (n.)

☁️luxurious fun

☁️should be more than just visiting...

☁️pebbly (a.) 多卵石的beaches

=> pebble (n.) 卵石

☁️as well as a maze (n.) 迷宮 of winding streets and alleys

=> a maze of (a.) 迷宮般的

☁️getting hopelessly lost in it.

☁️sidewalks that fill up with tables from cafés and ice- cream sellers.

☁️a party atmosphere takes over

☁️people can hunt for hidden treasures.

☁️abound (v.) 充滿、充足+ with

☁️at a slow pace

☁️creamy fish soup

☁️langoustine 挪威海螯蝦

☁️anchovies 鯷魚

☁️lively market

☁️irresistible food

☁️setting (n.) (戲劇、小說等) 背景、環境

☁️shellfish 蝦蟹貝

☁️flatbread (n.) 無酵餅

☁️chicken (n.) 鷹嘴豆

☁️部分+make up/ compose/ constitute+整體

☁️整體+consist of/ be made up of/ be composed of+部分

☁️take in 欣賞、參觀

=> Danny took in the gorgeous countryside scenery when he traveled to Hualien Country.

=> 吸收(訊息、資料等);理解

=> The Theory behind this experiment was difficult for the students to take in, so the teacher tried to explain it differently.

=> 賺取(收入、利潤等)

=> The company took in over two million dollars in profit last year.

----[Unit 9]The Museum Of LYON

☁️don't need.... . instead,.....

☁️the city will bring you face- to- face with countless murals.

☁️perch (v.) 使座落在... 邊緣或頂端;(鳥類) 棲息在...

☁️partner (v.) with some artists in a project to transform the industrial city into a place of beauty.

☁️an outdoor museum

☁️depict (v.) 描繪;描述

☁️a ship glides through an underwater city as a canoe flies with the birds above.

=> underwater (a.) 水下的,水中的

=> canoe (n.) 獨木舟

☁️past and present are brought together

☁️make an appearance, reminding the people of Lyon of their city's talented daughters and sons.

=> make an appearance 出現;露面= put in an appearance

=> remind sb. of (sth./ sb.)

=> remind sb. that cl.

=> remind sb.+ to v. 提醒某人去做某事

☁️longed- for 長久盼望的;夢寐以求的

☁️... are/ is a doorway into the soul of the....

☁️sought- after 炙手可熱的

☁️painted- on 畫上去的;用畫的

☁️ S.+V., only to+v. 沒料到...;結果卻...

=> I went to the restaurant yesterday afternoon, only to find that it was closed.

----[Unit 10]An Austrian Escape

☁️.... is less often than...

☁️nature- related activities

☁️the best place to get the feel of ....

=> get the feel of sth. 開始熟悉、了解....

☁️less noisy

☁️blowing car horns

☁️the residents are serious wanting audible beauty around them.


☁️world- class music

☁️on a pleasant day


☁️pine branches

☁️spread the word 散播消息= pass the word

=> by word of mouth 口耳相傳

=> The news that the teacher had won an award traveled quickly through the school by word of mouth.

☁️resort (n.) 度假村

☁️pillar (n.) 柱子;柱狀物

☁️stew (n.)

=> Jason made stew using beef, onions, carrots, and a few other vegetables and spices

☁️overlook (v.)

=> The police kept searching for clues they might have overlooked.

☁️baroque (a.) 巴洛克式的

☁️acoustics (n.) (空間的) 音響效果

☁️venue (n.) 會場,活動場地

☁️carefulness (n.)=> seriousness=> loneliness

☁️beachgoer=> moviegoer=> churchgoer=> partygoer=> concertgoer=> museumgoer

----[Unit 11]Neuschwanstein Castle: A Fairy Tale Come to Life

☁️throne room 王位廳

☁️gatehouse 警衛室

☁️turret 小塔樓

☁️commission (v.)

☁️the nobility 全體貴族們

☁️..... be opened to debate

☁️on par with 與...不分上下、平分秋色

=> A andB are on par=> A is on par with B

=> The artwork Eric does is on par with some of the greatest oil painters of all time.

=> below/ under par 在標準下

=> above par 在標準之上

=> I was happy when the manager told me that the work I was doing lately was well above par.

☁️for the public

☁️appreciate sb's. contribution/ scarifies

☁️from afar

=> The explorers traveled afar in search of the lost city.

=> afar (n.)(adv.)= far

☁️was meant to...

☁️private refuge

☁️he could enjoy solitude(n.) 獨居;孤獨 far away from prying eyes.


☁️obsession (n.) 著迷;迷戀

=> obsess (v.) 使著迷

☁️tribute (n.)敬意;尊崇

☁️sane (a.) 精神正常的

☁️interior (a.)(n.)<=> exterior (a.)(n.)

☁️medieval 中古世紀的;老舊的

☁️sovereign (a.) 擁有最高統治權的(n.) 君主;最高統治者

☁️testament (n.) 證明;證據

☁️storied (a.) 有精彩歷史出名的

☁️visionary (n.) 懷有遠景的、充滿想像的願景家

----[Unit 12]The Netherlands: A Land of Many Treasures

☁️... can be found in abundance in this country.

☁️vibrant (a.)充滿生氣,活躍的;顏色鮮明的

☁️pay tribute to 向... 致敬;讚揚...= honor= praise

=> The police paid tribute to their sergeant, who sacrificed himself to save the lives of others.

☁️.... are easily assessable

☁️near the top of your bucket list

☁️......, .... or otherwise.

☁️recreation (n.) 重建、重現;再創造

☁️in bloom (n.)=> in bloom

☁️blanket (v.) (如雪)覆蓋;籠罩

=> In the winter, most of the country is blanketed in snow.

☁️dike (n.)堤;壩

☁️chock- full (a.) 塞滿的、裝滿的

☁️swirl (v.) 旋轉、起漩渦=> swirling (a.) 漩渦狀的

☁️keep/ hold sth./ sb. at bay 不讓...靠近;防止....侵襲= ward off

=> To keep the cold at bay, we close the windows and turned on the heater.

☁️at one's best (某人事物的) 最佳情況、全盛狀況

=> at best 充其量;頂多

=> Some of the children in this class can be quiet only for five minutes at best without supervision.

☁️a wealth of 大量的;豐富的;充沛的

=> In this region, there is a wealth of natural beauty for visitors to take in.

----[Unit 13]Creepy Castles and Royal Ruins: Exploring Britain's Architectural Treasures

☁️famous throughout the world

☁️.... is a popular tourist destination

☁️lesser- known locations

☁️can give a better glimpse of the country' s long, dark past.

☁️the crumbling monastery

☁️depictions of strange beasts such as dragons and gargoyles

☁️seal off 封鎖;隔離.....

=> seal off+ N.

=> seal sth. off

=> The box holding the statue was sealed off to keep air out while it was being shipped.

☁️sinister (a.) 不祥的;邪惡的

☁️.... is reputed to be the most haunted ...

=> be reputed to be 據說、相傳是....;普遍被認為是.....的

☁️crumble (v.)崩塌、損壞=> crumbling (a.) 損壞、崩塌的

☁️carving (n.) 雕刻品

☁️monarchy (n.) 君政體制

☁️spooky (a.) 陰森恐怖的;幽靈般的

☁️courthouse (n.) 法院

☁️fortress (n.) 堡壘

☁️ill- fated (a.) 不幸的;厄運的

☁️an air of 一股...的氣氛

=> This part of town has an air of foreignness because so many immigrants live here.

☁️come across as+ (being) N./ adj. 給人...的印象;顯得...

=> Many people like the man, but he comes across as rather arrogant.

☁️come to life 變得生動、活躍起來;甦醒過來

=> The campus came to life as students returned from their winter break.

----[Unit 14]Festivals and Frolics in Beautiful Scotland

☁️a large parade of military drummers and pipe players.

=> pipe (n.) 管樂器

☁️the tickets are sold out well in advance.

☁️physically demanding

☁️take place

☁️overlook (v.) 俯瞰、瞭望;遠眺;忽視

☁️frolic (n.) 狂歡的聚會;嬉鬧

☁️old- fashioned (a.) 老式的

☁️turn out= be present 出席、參加;前去觀看

=> turn out to+V.

=> turn out for+N.

=> Only ten people turned out to see the poetry reading in the coffee shop.

☁️a wide range of 各式各樣的= a wide/ large variety of

☁️tickle sb.' s fancy

=> catch/ take sb.' s fancy

=> If one of these dresses tickle your fancy, you should buy it.

----[Unit 15]Sweden A winter Wonderland

☁️When winter rolls around

=> roll around (再次)到來;來臨

☁️snowmobiling 雪地摩托

=> dogsledding 狗拉雪橇

☁️let you take in stunning views

☁️....make it an ideal spot for.....

☁️this phenomenon is atop the highest peak

☁️you can stare up into the sky

☁️to drive away darkness= to brighten up the long night

☁️keep off winter chill

☁️breathtaking nighttime beauty.

☁️rippe (v.) 使呈波浪起伏;使起漣漪

☁️streak (n.) 狹長的一道閃光;條紋

☁️wreath (n.) 花環;圈狀物

☁️sparkle (v.) 閃耀;發光

☁️kick off 開始

=> The meeting was kicked off with a short speech by the CEO.

☁️get into 享受;融入;對...感興趣

=> My wife like Jazz, but I can't get into it at all.

----[Unit 16]Exploring the Depths of Iceland

☁️to- visit list


☁️tectonic plate 板塊

☁️an up- close glimpse

☁️it can be toured on foot

☁️in- depth education about .....

☁️the effects of global warming


☁️..... is alive and well

=> alive and well 繼續存在的;安好無恙的

☁️than anywhere else

☁️nation of boundless variety

☁️mineral (n.) 礦物

☁️scheme (n.) 燈光配置、格局;計畫;安排

=> Kelly set up the room with a color scheme that made me think of flowers in the spring.

☁️chapel (n.) 小教堂

☁️circular (a.) 環狀的;圓形的

☁️mink (n.) 水貂

☁️per capita (adv.)(a.) 人均(的);按人計算的

☁️relive (v.) 在回味;重溫

☁️complete with 配有....的;兼有...的

=> Complete with rides and other fun thing for Children, the amusement park is a great place for families to spend the day.

☁️in awe 敬畏地=> in shock 震驚地=> in disbelief 不可置信的=> in anger 憤怒地

=> in horror 驚恐地=> in despair 絕望地=> in terror 懼怕地

=> in excitement 興奮;雀躍地 => in grief 悲傷地

☁️seek out 找出;找到= search out

=> seek out+N.

=> seek sth. out

☁️There is no shortage of +N. 不缺乏

----[Unit 17]Toronto In Autumn: A colorful Destination

☁️.... is no exception

☁️When fall arrives and the temperature drops.

☁️It's a wonderfully romantic time to visit.

☁️bison 美洲野牛

☁️walk hand- in- hand

☁️bathing in its beauty

☁️spending lazy afternoon

☁️observation deck

☁️look straight down

☁️multicultural atmosphere

☁️one- of- a- kind

☁️harness (n.) 降落傘安全帶

☁️continuously (adv.) 連續不斷地

☁️jewish (a.) 猶太人的;猶太教的

☁️bohemian (a.)(n.) 波希米雅(的)

☁️It is Canada' s answer to Taipei 101.

=> sth's/ sb's answer to sth. 相當於....的東西/ 與....相似的東西

----[Unit 18]A National Wander: Yellowstone National Park

☁️It sits atop a frightening hot spot

☁️a diversity of landscape

☁️I have visited.... numerous times as both a child and an adult

☁️which leave permanent mark in my mind

☁️pine 松樹=> sage 鼠尾草=> sulfur 硫

☁️.... bring sth. closer to my heart

☁️......are also high/ low on the list

☁️adventurous (a.) 有冒險精神的;刺激危險的

=> Agnes is very adventurous, and she loves to go white- water rafting.

☁️grunt (v.) 做呼嚕聲;發出低咕聲

☁️keep one's distance

☁️elk 麋鹿

☁️an array of 大量的...;一列的...

☁️hence the name 因此得名

=> Death Valley is the hottest location in North America, with summer temperatures going above 50 celsius, hence the name.

☁️come as a surprise (某事)令人驚訝

=> The news that my family was OK after the typhoon came as a relief.

☁️..... is the most feared

☁️sb. do not like to be harassed.

=> harass (v.) 騷擾;不斷煩擾

☁️in the past,

☁️feeding animals out of their hands.

☁️These animals had become tame.

☁️applying strict rules

☁️Those activities are strictly forbidden.

☁️getting close to nature and its beauty touch my soul.

☁️enlighten (v.) 啟蒙;啟迪

=> The teacher tried to enlighten her students by introducing them to many new things.

☁️prime (a.) 最好的;主要的

=> The soft grassy area of the park is a prime spot to have a picnic.

☁️gore (v.) (牛、羊) 用角牴破

☁️比較級+ than any other+單數V.

=> Ted insists that his puppy is cuter than any other puppy in the world.

-----[Unit 19]How Good Are Your Manners?

☁️to show your appreciation to sb.

☁️table manners vary from culture to culture.

☁️Something is tolerated in one country might be unacceptable in another.

☁️around the globe.

☁️Thailand has a different rule regarding silverware.

☁️The left is considered unclean

☁️If your plate is devoid of food.

☁️You'll thrill the locals with your knowledge

☁️courteous (a.) 有禮貌的;恭謙的

=> In France, it is courteous to greet someone with a kiss on the cheek.

☁️burp (v.)(n.) 打嗝

☁️slurp (v.) 發出吸食聲 (n.) 吸食聲

☁️left/ right- handed

☁️seconds (n.) 第二份食物、添菜

☁️when in Rome

----[Unit 20]A Look at the World's Weirdest Jobs

☁️traditions and conditions have led to the creation of unique and the most strange occupations.

☁️have a long tradition of...

☁️license- plate 車牌blocker

☁️help enforce traffic rules

☁️they all serve a purpose, one way or another.

=> one way or another 不管怎樣

☁️prize (v.) 珍惜;重視=> prized (a.)

☁️monarch (n.) 君主

☁️cram (v.) 把....塞進;擠進

=> Stephanie quickly crammed all of her toys into the box so that she could go outside and play.

☁️don (v.) 穿上

☁️scarlet (a.)(n.) 鮮紅色(的);猩紅色(的)

☁️census (n.) 調查統計;人口普查

☁️overcrowd (v.) 過度壅擠=> overcrowded (a.)

☁️bizarra (a.)

☁️date back to 追溯到、回溯到

=> Some of the artifacts in this museum date back to the third century.

☁️get around sth. 規避;逃避問題

=> There are some legal ways to get around paying taxes.

=> 四處旅行、遊歷

=> (消息)傳開、流傳

=> Word get around that the company's boss is retiring soon.

☁️earn/ make a quick buck 賺容易到手的錢

----[Unit 21]Superstition in the West

☁️puzzle (a.)=> feel puzzled about

☁️ask a favor of sb. 像某人尋求幫助

☁️as long as all parties are respectful of each other.

☁️plague (n.) 瘟疫;禍患

=> avoid sth./ sb. like the plague

☁️faith (n.)=> faithful (a.)

☁️shatter (v.) 雜碎;粉碎

☁️counter (v.) 抵銷;反對

=> To counter the effects of the disease, you should drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.

☁️utter (v.) 說出;發出聲音

☁️crucify (v.) 把(某人)釘死在十字架上

☁️shard (n.) (玻璃或金屬) 的碎片

☁️there is more(to sb./ sth.) than...

=> There is more to this small town than what you think, and many famous people grew up here.

=> there is more(to sb./ sth.) than meets the eye.

=> There is more to Mechelle than meets the eye, and you'll be very surprised at her many talents.

☁️stir up 挑起(情緒);引起(紛爭、事端)

-> Fred always stirs up problems when he's around, so that's why I don't want him to be part of our project.

☁️knock on wood

=> The weather should be nice for our picnic tomorrow, knock on wood.

☁️ward off

=> ward off+ sth.

=> ward+ sth.+ off

=> Apply some of this insect spray on your clothing to ward off mosquitoes.

☁️tempt fate 冒險;鋌而走險

☁️CL....., and so +beV./ 助V.+ S2. 也是

=> The library is open today, and so is the art museum.


☁️scientific proof

☁️dubious evidence=> dubious (a.) 可疑的;不確實的

☁️the legendary beast supposedly live inLoch Ness.

☁️.... have emerged over the past two decades.

☁️they have yet to track it down

☁️circumstantial evidence=> circumstantial (a.) 間接的,包含所有細節的

☁️thousands of people claim to be eyewitnesses.

=> eyewitness (n.)目擊者 (v.) 目睹

☁️ledendary (a.)

☁️allegedly (adv.) 據稱地

=> allege (v.) (尚未有證據的) 宣稱;斷言

☁️civilization (n.) 文明;文化

☁️habitat (n.) 棲息地

☁️forbidding (a.) (因環境險峻而) 難以達到;令人生畏的

=> Outside the town is a forbidding mountain that few people have ever climbed.

☁️prehistoric (a.) 史前的

☁️revolting (a.) 令人作嘔的= disgusting

☁️gigantic (a.) 巨大的

☁️skeptic (n.) 懷疑論者

=> skeptical (a.) 心存懷疑的

☁️footage (n.) 影片片段

☁️cloudy (a.) 混濁的

☁️make (the) headlines 登上頭版= grab (the) headlines= hit the headlines

=> The story about the terrible fire made the headlines in all the local newspapers.

☁️to date= so far= until now= up to now

=> To date, I have visited well over 20 countries in the world.

☁️make for 造就

=> The cardboard box with a blanket in it made for a perfect bed for the puppy.

=> 前往

=> When the dog was let off its leash, it immediately made for the lake.

----[Unit 23]World' s Weirdest Laws

☁️We live in a world filled with laws.

☁️In theory, the laws are there for our protection.

=> in theory 照理說;理論上而言

☁️others only leave us in danger of scratching our heads in confusion.

☁️waistline 腰圍

☁️..... are well fed

☁️intention (n.) 意圖;目的

=> Gary has no intention of starting a band with Michael because the two of them don't get along.

☁️lawmaker (n.) 立法者

☁️illogical (a.) 不合邏輯的

☁️outsider (n.) 外來者;外人

=> When Paul visited the town, he was an outsider and did not feel welcome.

☁️stable (v.) 把馬拴在馬廄

☁️comply (v.) 遵守;遵從+with+ N.

☁️cad (n.) 無賴;下流男子

☁️seduce (v.) 勾引;引誘

☁️obligate (v.) 使在法律有負義務;強迫、迫使

=> be obligated to 有義務做....

☁️finable (a.) 可罰款的

☁️sumo wrestler (n.)(phr.) 相撲選手

☁️exemption (n.) (義務等)免除、豁免;免 (稅)

☁️in effect 有效的

=> The new parking regulations will be in effect next month.

☁️law/ regulation take effect

=> law/ regulation comes into effect

=> law/ regulation goes into effect 開始實施生效

☁️set sb. up for trouble/ failure 讓某人陷入麻煩/ 失敗

=> set sb. up for sth. 使某人準備...

=> You are just setting yourself up for failure if you think you can just go to Hollywood and become a movie star.

☁️It's unlikely (that) +CL .....是不太可能的= It's doubtful (that)+CL

=> It's unlikely that Matt will show up on time today since he has the tendency to be late.

☁️on the books 明文規定;有記錄的

☁️run afoul of sth./ sb 與...相撞;與...衝突

=> Don't run afoul of the school rules, or you'll end up in a lot of trouble.

☁️tie the knot= get marry

----[Unit 24]Partying in Chinatown


☁️ up to participate in....

☁️elaborate (a.) 精巧的;精心製作

=> An elaborate painting of an old castle was on display in the museum.

☁️spectacle (n.) 壯觀場景;奇景

☁️man (v.) 操縱;為....配置人手

☁️assembly (n.) (為特定目的的)聚集在一起的人;集會

☁️spectator (n.) (尤指觀看體育活動的) 觀眾;旁觀者

☁️patron (n.) 主顧;贊助者

☁️festivity (n.) 慶祝活動;歡慶(做此義恆為複數)

☁️top- notch (a.) 一流的;出色的

☁️dim sum (n.) 點心

☁️confetti (n.) (慶典用) 五彩碎紙

☁️acrobat (n.) 特技演員;雜耍藝人

☁️(come) rain or shine 不管天氣好壞;不論如何

☁️be up to the task (of sth.)足以勝任

=> be up to+N./ V- ing

=> Kevin is very tired, and I don't think he' ll be up to helping us move the furniture.

☁️by the look of it= on the face of it 看樣子;似乎是

=> By the look of it, I doubt the product will do very well when it hits the market.

----[Unit 25]A Hong Kong Twist on Classic Foreign Food

☁️..... are too numerous to count

☁️the casual eateries that serve up Western food with a distinctly HK flavor.

=> eatery (n.) 小餐館

☁️I develop my personal favorite dish to have at....

☁️which is a thick piece of....

☁️It's not the healthiest option

☁️mouthwatering option

☁️true to their name.

☁️they effectively become a cuisine of their own.

=> effectively (adv.) 實際上;有效地= in effect

☁️...... is a cherished part of....

=> cherish (v.) 珍愛;珍惜

☁️great- tasting food

☁️beloved (a.)

☁️resident (n.) 居民=> reside

☁️originate (v.) +in.....

☁️exotic (a.)

☁️devour (v.) 吃光;狼吞虎嚥地吃

=> Dogs tend to quickly devour their meals when they are fed each evening.

☁️differ (v.) 相異;不同=> A differ from B

=> My friend and I differ in many ways, but some how we still get along.

☁️counterpart (n.) 互相對應的人事物;極相像的人或物

=> The salesman in New York called his counterpart in Los Angeles to set up a meeting.

☁️watered- down (a.) 用水沖淡的;淡化了的

☁️take (n.) 處理方式;見解

☁️luncheon met (n.) 午餐肉 (只罐頭肉糜)

=> luncheon (n.) 午餐會 (正式餐會)

☁️can't/ never get enough of+N. 永遠都不夠;再多都不滿足

=> Al can't get enough of his favorite band' music.

=> have had enough (of sth.) 受夠了;感到厭煩

=> I have had enough of John's nonstop complaints.

☁️grow in +N. 越來越....+大小可量化之名詞

=> grow in number

=> grow in size

=> grow in popularity

=> The noise grew in volume until it began to hurt my ears.

☁️hit the spot 切合某人需要;來得正是時候

=> The dessert that came with the smell meal really hit the spot.

☁️go as/ so far as toV. 甚至還....

=> Some fans are so fond of Tom Cruise and go so far as to send him love letters.

☁️colonial (a.) 殖民的=> colonize (v.)

----[Unit 26]Another Year Gone By

☁️another year is slipping away

☁️If you find yourself in the Philippines, you' ll likely be eating round fruit.

☁️It's just done for fun

☁️Be courageous and take part in the local traditions.

☁️prosperous (a.) 興盛繁榮的;成功的

☁️ritual= ceremony

☁️polk dot (n.) 圓點圖案

☁️blowtorch (n.) 噴燈

☁️ring in Christmas/ New year...... 迎接....

----[Unit 17]The Mascot Mania

☁️fame and forniture

☁️The ability of a mascot to drive commerce is no joke.

☁️prefectures pour money into....

☁️the seemingly countless mascots

☁️its departure from the mainstream ideas of cuteness.

☁️which are quiet and still

☁️....hops around excitedly.

☁️commerce (n.)=> commercial (a.)

☁️mania (n.) 狂熱

☁️armed forces (n.)(per.) 陸海空三軍

☁️adorn (v.) 裝飾;使生色

☁️simplicity (n.) 樸素;簡單

☁️amateurish (a.) 業餘的,外行的;不熟練的

☁️cash in 牟利 (不及物)

=> James cashed in big when he sold his company.

=> 將(表單、股票) 兌現 (及物)

=> Sheila cashed in her stocks when they hit an all- time high.

☁️get out of hand/ control 失控

☁️step in 介入;干涉;干預

=> The government stepped in to prevent some major banks from shutting down.

☁️stardom (n.) 明星(的狀況)

----[Unit 28]A colorful spring Welcome

☁️the splendor of blossoming cherry tree

☁️..... are reflected in the water

☁️cherry trees are lit up at night

☁️shade (n.)= shadow

☁️petal (n.) 花瓣

☁️rowboat (n.) 小船

☁️contrast (v.) 對比

=> The white snow contrasted with the bright blue coats the children were wearing.

☁️fleeting (a.) 短暫的;瞬間即逝的

=> Jill' s love for Henry was fleeting, and she is now dating another boy.

☁️solitary (a.) 單獨的;獨居的=> solitude(n.)

☁️contemplation (n.) 沈思;深思熟慮=> contemplate (v.) 思考;沈思

☁️monument (n.) 紀念碑;歷史遺跡

☁️elsewhere (adv.)

=> You will have to look elsewhere for clothing, as this store doesn't have any.

☁️impermanence<=> permanence

☁️stroller (n.)

☁️jubilant (a.) 歡欣鼓舞的;喜氣洋洋的

☁️seedling (n.) 幼苗

☁️reassurance (n.) 保證;藉慰、安慰=> reassure (v.) 使放心;向....再保證

=> Why hadn't he been able to reassure her?

☁️strike sb. as odd 讓人覺得奇怪;出乎某人意料

=> The clothing being sold forNT$ 100 struck me as a bargain.

☁️fade away

=> The noise of the passing train faded away as it traveled on in the distance.

☁️in all its wonder 極為奇妙

=> in all its glory 滿載光榮

=> in all its splendor 壯麗無比

=> in all its abundance 豐碩無比

=> Water, in all its abundance in the world, is becoming a resource that will be fought over.

----[Unit 29]Bullfighting: A Dying Tradition?

☁️entertain.... by ....

☁️if this is done properly....., if this is done wrong......

☁️three distinct stages

☁️enrage (v.) 激怒

=> enslave 奴役

=> enable 使能夠

=> endanger 使遭到危險

=>enlighten 教化;啟迪

☁️those pulls are keep in pens without sunlight

=> pen (n.) 畜圈

☁️the ring 鬥牛場

☁️matador 鬥牛士

☁️charge (v.) 衝向;攻擊

☁️outlaw (v.) 立法禁止; 宣布....為不合法

=> Hunting was outlawed in this area when the government made it a national park.

☁️constitute (v.) 構成

☁️humane (a.) 人道的=> humane way

☁️oppose (v.)

☁️slaughter (n.)(v.)

☁️justify (v.) 證明...為正當;使合法化

=> Because the meal I ate was small, I was able to justify having dessert.

☁️bloodlust (n.) 嗜血慾

☁️laxative (n.) 瀉藥

☁️incite (v.) 煽起;激起

☁️disoriented (a.) 失去方向感的;迷惘的

☁️enlightened (a.) 開明的;有見識的

☁️nothing more than 只不過....;僅僅....= nothing but= no more than= only= just

=> The poor farmer had nothing more than a little bit of rice to eat.

☁️come into effect 生效;實施

=> The new school rules will come into effect next semester.

☁️It cannot be denied that....

----[Unit 30]Chocolate Culture in Belgium

☁️Its scent flow through the streets and alleys.

☁️causing mouths to drool and pauses to empty.

=> drool (v.) 流口水

☁️Brussels has chocolates to suit all tastes.

☁️that caused the country's chocolate industry to boom.


☁️the shelves of Brussels's chocolate shops


☁️fruity cream

☁️filled with alcoholic spirits

=> spirit (n.) 烈酒

☁️...... not only thing on offer.

☁️step through the shop

☁️be/ keep/ get/ stay ahead of the game

=> This company stays ahead of the game by treating its employees fairly and focusing on customer service.

☁️interesting twists on .....(formula

☁️tried and tasted

☁️truffles 松露巧克力

☁️sherry 雪莉酒

☁️goody (n.) 美味的食物;吸引人的東西

=> On Easter Sunday, the children awoke to find chocolates and other goodies in their Easter baskets.

☁️experimental (a.) 實驗性的=> experimental stage

☁️explosive (a.) 爆炸性的(n.) 爆裂物

☁️lifeblood (n.) 命脈;生命力

☁️confection (n.) 甜點、甜食;製作精細的物品

☁️kick (n.) (酒等) 強烈後勁

☁️artisan (n.) 工匠;技師

☁️take possession of sth. 佔有...;獲得....

=> After all of the paperwork was completed, the young couple finally took possession of their new house.

=> in sb's possession 為某人所有

=> That rare baseball card in David's possession is worth thousands of dollars.

☁️an Aladdin's cave 寶庫

☁️Had it not been for Marcia's help, we would have missed the deadline.

= But for Marcia's help, we would have missed the deadline.

= Without Marcia's help, we would have missed the deadline.

= Were it not for Marcia's help, we would have missed the deadline.

----[Unit 31]Creative Phone Booths

☁️outdated (a.)= old- fashion


☁️a strangely twisted shape

☁️aution (v.)

=> bid (n.)(v.) 出價;投標

☁️their money going to a good cause

☁️.... wishing to hold on to these treasures

=> hold on to/ onto sth. 保有....;堅持....

=> You should hold onto the stocks you brought at a very low price.

☁️walk- in bars=> walk- in (a.) 直接走入的

☁️Diamond Jubilee 鑽喜

☁️charging stations

☁️if they are going to stay around

☁️stock (n.) 股票(v.) 儲藏、進貨

☁️spark (v.)

=> The man's idea helped spark a movement that changed the word.

☁️face- lift (n.) 翻新、整修;拉皮

☁️replica (n.) 複製品

☁️wacky (a.) 古怪的;瘋狂的

☁️in honor of sth./ sb. 慶祝某事;為向某人致敬

☁️other than 除了....之外= apart from= aside from= except (for)

=> Melanie will not eat anything other than fruit for breakfast.

☁️make/ stage a comeback 捲土重來;東山再起

=> The baseball player has recovered from his injury and is hoping to make a comeback.

----[Unit 32]The Real Alice's Wonderland

☁️a world where nothing seems to make sense.

☁️this story has been hugely influential in the world of literature.

☁️the less well- known is the inspiration behind it.

☁️sb. has a gift for ....

☁️basis (n.)

☁️mutter (v.) 低聲低咕;抱怨

=> The speaker muttered a lot, which made it hard for the audience to hear him.

☁️gigantic (a.) 龐大的,巨大的

☁️fictional (a.) 小說的;虛構的

=> Mary told a fictional story about a boy who can fly.

☁️storytelling (n.)=> storyteller (n.)

☁️afield (adv.) 在遠方;從遠處

☁️treacle (n.) 糖漿;糖蜜= molasses

☁️be taken by/ with sth./ sb. 被....深深吸引;對....感興趣

=> Beatrice was taken with the kitten, so she asked her mother if she could keep it.

☁️bring/ call sth. to mind 使人想起....

=> bring/ call to mind+N.

=> bring/ call+N.+ to mind

=> The food brought to mind my mom's cooking.

☁️be rooted to 起源于;源自於

=> Rock and roll is rooted in old American blues music and African drum music.

☁️live on 延續;存留下來

=> Although Martin Luther King Jr. passed away many years ago, his ideas live on this day.

=> live on+ sth. 以...為活

=> Kelly could barely live on her wages as a waitress.

----[Unit 33]To Tips or Not to Tips?

☁️hosts servants

☁️..... was initially seen as ....

☁️.... is a major issue

☁️sb. is reluctant to ....

☁️straightforward (a.) 簡單易懂的;坦率的

☁️overnight (a.)(adv.) 過夜的,在夜間的

=> take an overnight

☁️establishment (n.) = organization

☁️ban sb. from+V- ing

☁️obsession (n.) 難以擺脫的想法、感情;著迷

=> obsess (v.) 使著迷

☁️aristocratic (a.) 貴族的;有貴族氣派的

☁️entrench (v.) 使(習俗、權利、觀念) 根深蒂固

☁️abysmal (a.) 糟透的、極差的

☁️follow sb' s example 效法某人

=> Following Cindy' s example, the other students started studying in the library during lunch.

☁️a thing of the past 過時、不復存在的東西

=> Hopefully, replying on fossil fuels will one day be a thing of the past.

☁️provided (that)+ CL...只要....的話

=> We'll play a round of golf on Tu. morning, provided that thence weather sticks around till then.

☁️Only if

=> Only if Sam apologizes first will I speak to him. *否定句首,主要子句倒裝

----[Unit 34]The Renaissance Reborn in Modern Form

☁️this exciting historical period can do so without needing a time machine.

☁️a long- lost time

☁️archery (n.) 射箭術

☁️juggling (n.) 雜耍

☁️jousting (n) 騎馬以長矛決鬥

☁️balcony (n.) 馴鷹術

☁️faire- goers

☁️family- friendly

☁️characterize (v.) 描述...的特性= be characteristic of

=> sth. be characterized by ... 某事物以...為特徵

=> A terrible cough and frequent sweating characterized the disease.

☁️craftsmanship (n.) 工藝技能

☁️authentic (a.) 逼真的、真實的;道地的

☁️timeless (a.) 不退流行的

☁️portray (v.) 飾演;描繪

☁️unmistakable (a.) 明顯的;不會弄錯的

☁️artisan (n.) 工匠

☁️scone (n.) 司康

☁️get into the spirit (of sth.)= join in the fun

=> When you see a live tennis match, it's easy to get into the spirit of the game.

☁️come/ rise to power 開始執政、上台

=> assume/ take power 掌權;執政

=> be in power 當權的

=> be out of power 在野的

☁️step into 開始做、投入...

=> At the night club, I decided to step into the action and started dancing.

=> take a step back in time 重溫過去

----[Unit 35]Food Trucks: Restaurants on a Roll

☁️roach coach

☁️recipes to eager customers

=>recipe 食譜

☁️whet the appetites of sb.

=> whet sb.'s the appetites.

☁️who previously shied away from" roach coach"

☁️less- expensive

☁️and that trend continued to grow.


☁️tech- savvy (a.) 精通科技的

☁️.... play a major role.

☁️in recent year,

☁️its way into both our hearts and stomachs.

☁️recession (n.) (經濟) 衰退、不景氣

=> During the recession, many people either got laid off or had their work hours cut.

☁️gourmet (a.) 美食佳餚的 (n.) 老饕= foodie

☁️lure (n.) 吸引力;魅力

=> Criminals find the lure of easy money too good to pass up.

☁️estimate (n.)(v.)

☁️derogatorily (adv.) 貶義地;貶低地

☁️fare (n.) 餐點;飲食

☁️budding (a.) 新興的;萌芽的

☁️shy (v.) away from +N./ V- ing

=>avoid+N./ V- ing

=> stay away from+N./ V- ing

=> Lisa shied away from speaking at the meeting because she wasn't prepared to defend her idea.

☁️take to +N. 去;前往.....= go to/ into +N.

=> The ship was loaded up with supplies before it took to the sea.

=> take to + sb./ sth. 開始喜歡某事物

=> Marie began to take to stinky tofu after she tried it a few times.

=> take to +V- ing 開始習慣做...

=> I took to drinking coffee every morning in my freshman year in college.

☁️bring in 賺取= take in= pull in= earn

=> Ed brings in an extra $5,000 per month from his side business.

☁️on a roll 勢如破竹、好運當頭

----[Unit 36]Spooky scare- fests

=> Spooky (a.) 怪異嚇人的;陰森恐怖的=> spook (v.) 使驚嚇;使驚恐

☁️creep up your spine

☁️a bloodcurdling scream

=> curdle (v.) 凝結

=> make sb. blood curdle

☁️a blast of air hit you in the face.

=> grab sb. by the arm

=> pull sb. by the sleeve

=>take sb. by the hand

=> hit sb. on the head

=> kiss sb. on the cheek

=> tap sb. on the shoulder

☁️block my path

☁️you've paid for the privilege of being frightened silly.

☁️spooked around

☁️haunted hayrides

☁️fund- raising

☁️wander at their own pace

☁️dimly (adv.) 昏暗地

=> dim (a.) 昏暗的

☁️....- themed


☁️run- down (a.) 破損的

☁️ghoul (n.) 食屍鬼

☁️bonfire (n.) 營火

☁️terror (n.) 驚恐;恐怖

☁️hair- raising (a.) 令人毛骨悚然的

☁️scream one's head off 驚聲尖叫

=> The girl screamed her head off when she rode the roller coaster.

=> laugh one's head off

☁️get in on the act 共襄盛舉;湊一腳

=> When the stock was finally offered to the public, thousand of people wanted to get in on the act.

☁️on hand (to V.) 準備好....

=> A teacher will be on hand to answer any questions that the students might have.

☁️kick sth. up a notch 提升....的層級;加強....的難度

=> The cook likes kick his dishes up a notch by making them very spicy.

☁️scare/ frighten/ terrify sb. out of one's wits.

=> The rat inside the room frightened my mother out of her wits.

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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