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0721[The Egg]Daniel(R+L)

💥assessment= evaluation 評量

💥peer= fellow

💥extract<=> embed

💥authentic= real

=> authenticity

💥feature= characteristic= trait= attribute= property

💥建議後之話題通常必考=>why don't you...=why not... ?

=> I suggest ...

=> If I were you, I would...

💥syllable=> stressed/ unstressed

💥sequence= order

💥a chunk of time/ cheese/ meat/ work...etc

💥We are sure our products will go down well in your market, too.

💥實驗結論=> find.../ show.../ discover.../ suggest.../...

💥reverse/ reversal

💥threshold 門檻

💥adopt/ adapt/ adept

💥albeit= although

💥proficiency= ability= capacity=> (1.) size (2.)ability

💥longevity= life spam= span of life

💥fluent 流暢的

💥bereft of= lack of

💥primitive 原始的

💥by no means

💥gimmick 噱頭

💥mortal 會死的;死的;臨死的/ 人的,凡人的

💥regimen 飲食起居準則;攝生法;養生之道

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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