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📋洞見、洞察力 insight

=> His presentation gave us an insight into the company's strategy.

📋違約 Breach of contract

=> indemnification 賠償、補償=> broken promise 未被遵守的承諾

=> He was in breach of contract when he give information to his company's competitor.

📋內線交易 insider trading

📋網路紅人 Internet celebrity

=> go viral (phr.) 網路瘋傳=> viral video (phr.) 被瘋傳的影片=> social media (phr.) 社群媒體=> phenomenon(非凡的)現象

📋生產線 assembly line/ production line

=> assembly(n.) 裝配=> assemble (v.)集會,與會群眾

=> manufacture (v.) 製造/ conveyor belt (phr.) 輸送帶

📋break the ice 化解冷淡、生疏的互動/ icebreaker藉由提出評論、講笑話、玩遊戲等

=> cold as ice (phr.) 冷若冰霜/ on thin ice (phr.) 如履薄冰,小心翼翼

=> cut no ice (with someone) (phr.) 沒有影響力,無法說服

📋精通英文 English proficiency

📋師徒制 apprenticeship/當學徒 apprentice(v.)

=> novice (n.) 初學者,新手/ trade (n.) 手藝,職業

=> An electrician’s apprenticeship takes five years to complete.

📋合法的,正當的;法律上的,與法律有關的,法定的 legal<=>非法的,不正當的 illegal

=> lawful<=>unlawful

=> legitimate (a.) 正當的,合法的,合理的/ authorized (a.) 經認可的,批准的

/ constitutional (a.) 符合憲法的,符合章程的

📋招募 recruit/ 徵募,使入伍,徵(兵)enlist (v.)

📋共識 consensus(n.)=> reach a consensus/ come to a consensus

=>consensual(a.) 雙方同意下成立的, 一致同意的, 兩廂情願的

📋express (n.) 快車,快遞(公司),捷運(a.) 快遞的,快運的,高速行進的

=> express delivery 快遞/ express mail 快捷郵件/ special delivery 限時專送

=>airmail (n.) 航空信/ surface mail (phr.) 平信(由水路及陸路寄送)/ courier (n.) 快遞員

📋ambition 企圖心,目的,志向/ ambitious(a.)=> fulfill/realize/achieve an ambition

=> drive (n.) 幹勁,決心/ aspiration (n.) 志向,抱負/ objective (n.) 目標

📋breaking news (phr.) 突發新聞/ special report (phr.) 特別報導

=> scoop/ exclusive (n.) 獨家新聞

📋precedence (n.) 優先,優先權/ preference (n.) 優先(權),優惠權,偏好/ primary (a.) 首要的,主要的

📋通貨膨脹 inflation/ 通貨緊縮 deflation/ 停滯性通貨膨脹 stagflation/ 停滯 stagnation

=>高失業率 high unemployment rate/ purchasing power (phr.) 購買力/ commodity (n.) 商品

/ consumer price index (phr.) 消費者物價指數

📋置入性行銷 embedded advertising/ product placement=> 品牌化 branding (n.)

📋崩潰 breakdown=> 陷入崩潰 have/suffer a breakdown

=> wreck (n.) 精神脆弱、崩潰的人/ fragile (a.) 脆弱的,虛弱的/ collapse (n./v.)(精神、心理)崩潰

📋資訊圖表 infographic=> axis (n.) 軸/ coordinate (n.) 坐標

📋superiority (n.) 優越性/ leverage (n.) 影響力,槓桿作用/ upper hand (phr.) 上風,有利位置

📋怯場 stage fright=> 驚慌,恐慌 panic (v./n.) / 恐懼 terror (n.)

📋dust jacket (phr.) 書套,護封/ binding (n.) 封皮

📋大塞車 gridlock/ bad traffic(交通差)、traffic jam(交通堵塞)、bumper to bumper traffic(長車陣)以及塞到幾乎不動的大塞車(gridlock)。bumper 為裝在車子前端或尾端(rear)的「保險桿」。因此,英文中以bumper-to-bumper 來形容車陣「一輛緊接著一輛緩慢前行」的塞車狀況。相關字彙:commuter (n.) 通勤族rush hour (phr.) 尖峰時間pileup (n.) 連環車禍

📋calisthenics (n.) 健身體操/ circuit training (phr.) 循環訓練/ weight lifting (phr.) 舉重,重訓

📋coin purse/ coin pouch零錢包=> wallet (n.) 皮夾,錢包/ money clip (phr.) 鈔票夾

/ card case (phr.)(放信用卡、證件等的)卡片夾

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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