📋currency+ appreciate/ appreciation(n.)(貨幣)升值<=> depreciate / depreciation 貶值
=>The U.S. dollar is expected to continue appreciating against the yen.
=> Appreciation of the local currency would be bad for exporters.
📋電競 gaming/ competitive/ professional gaming/ eSports/ e-sports=> gamer 電競的玩家
=> How much would it cost to buy a high-end gaming computer?
📋We sell our food products wholesale to restaurants and stores.
📋受委屈to be wronged(v.)= to feel wronged= to be/feel mistreated
It’s only natural to seek revenge when you’ve been wronged.
📋a head of lettuce 一顆生菜=> a dash/pinch of salt 一點鹽巴
=> a clove of garlic 一瓣大蒜=> a ball of clay 一團黏土
=> a serving of fried chicken 一份炸雞=> a darker shade of red 更深的紅色
=> a stick of butter 一條奶油=> a fit of laughter 一陣笑聲
=> a square of chocolate 一塊巧克力=> a blade of grass 一根草
=> a piece of furniture 一件家具=> a round of applause 一片掌聲=> a liter of milk 一公升的牛奶
=> a nugget of gold 一塊黃金
=> a pint of beer 一品脫的啤酒=> a box set of books 一套書
📋impracticable= unrealistic
📋worldly= sophisticated= shrewd
=> Teenagers are much more worldly now than they were in my days.
📋personality trait/ character trait
=> What personality traits do you look for in an employee?
📋 說明書 instructions/ 使用(者)手冊(instruction/owner’s) manual/ 使用指南user guide
📋temporary/ short-term/ provisional
=> The drug will provide temporary relief from the pain.
📋A rip-off (n.)價錢高得離譜的商品
📋To rip off (v.)坑...(誰)錢,敲...(誰)竹槓
📋優越感 superiority complex= sense of superiority=> superior(a.)(+to)
📋便當 bento box
📋智囊團 think tank/ brain trust
=> The former politician now works at a Washington think tank.
📋利他的 altruistic/ (利他主義∕利他行為)altruism
=> Many people are motivated by altruism to give to charity.
📋lottery/ 賭金贏家均分的比賽(如賽馬)sweepstake/ 抽獎活動 raffle。
📋隨身物品 personal belongings/ personal items
📋勞資協商collective bargaining/ labor-management negotiation(較不普遍)
=> After extensive collective bargaining, management and labor reached an agreement.
=> We’ll be meeting with the architect on-site next Monday.
📋直播live stream/ live-stream=> stream sth. live
=> The young girl live-streamed her suicide on Facebook.
=> A live stream of the Jets vs. Patriots game will be available online.
📋close relative 近親<=> distant relative 遠親
📋試誤(法)trial and error/ trial-and-error(a.)
=> I believe in letting children learn by trial and error.
📋盜版 pirated (copy)(n.)(v.)/ knockoff(n.)/ counterfeit(a.)(n.)
📋直率的 straightforward/ candid/ frank/ direct/ forthright
=> I wish you’d be straightforward and tell me what you want.
📋人員流動率 turnover(rate)=> 營業額 turnover
=>Generous wages and benefits usually result in low employee turnover.
📋 particulate matter (PM)=> PM 2.5指的便是直徑小於等於2.5微米的懸浮粒子
=> Exposure to PM 2.5 has been linked to increased risk of heart disease.
📋Quit Smoking
=> Get Out of Debt and Save Money
📋搶功勞take (the) credit (for)/ steal (the) credit (for)
=> The professor took credit for the research carried out by his students.
📋competitor= rival/ competition(n.)競爭對手、競爭= opponent= adversary
📋收納 storage
=> I bought a set of storage boxes for my closet
📋compensation/ damages(n.) (法院用語)/ compensate(v.)
📋除濕機 dehumidifier
📋通才 polymath
=> The professor is a polymath who has contributed to many different academic fields.
📋frugal/ frugality(聰明消費,懂得精打細算,把錢花在刀口上)= thrifty/thrift(儘量不花錢,把錢節省下來的意思)=> economize(v.)
📋實況報導live report/ live coverage
=> The journalist was killed during a live report from the war zone.
📋遠距工作 telecommute/ telework=> telecommuter(n.)=> telecommuting
📋冷場awkward silence
📋Hey, DO NOT cut in line! Wait in line, PLEASE!
📋CP 值 Cost-Performance ratio
=> I highly recommend this restaurant. Its spaghetti is an absolute bargain!
📋阿宅 homebody/ 御宅族 otaku(貶義)
📋雷 slack/ loaf=> slacker/ loafer。
=> You are such a slacker! Stop loafin’ me, okay?
📋公開展示恩愛 Public Display of Affection (PDA)
📋老油條 glib
=> His tongue is always glib. You can just ignore him.
📋耍廢 veg(v.)
=> Give me a break! I just wanna veg now.
📋別人不小心走光的時候,該怎麼提醒 wardrobe malfunction/ nip slip!
📋It’s over the top! / That’s ridiculous!
📋deadline/ time limit/ cutoff (date)
📋 He has never given me any shit.他從未對我抱怨=> Don't give me that shit.
=> I'm playing a waiting game. 我打算伺機而動
=> You should answer your calling.你該發揮你的天賦
=> This building is no great shakes.這棟建築沒什麼特別
=> I really put my foot in it.我真是不得體
=> Don't complain to me about the noise; you're barking up the wrong tree. 你找錯抱怨對象了
📋預防措施 preventive measure
📋工作輪調 job rotation
📋訂金/ 分期付款的頭款 deposit
📋存貨 inventory/ stock=> 盤點(存貨) take inventory
📋drone/ unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)
📋派遣人員temp worker
=> temp agency指的是專門為「派遣人員」安排工作的職業介紹所
=> employment agency/ staffing agency指同時為「全職人員及派遣人員」安排工作的職業介紹所
📋座談會 forum/ symposium/ discussion
📋track one’s spending/ track one’s expenses
📋擺攤 set up (a) stall/ stand
📋實習生/ 實習醫生intern(v.)(n.)
📋預購 pre-order
📋流程圖 flowchart/ flow diagram/ flow sheet
📋讓座 yield one’s seat/ give up one’s seat
📋勞工保險 labor insurance/ employment insurance/ unemployment insurance
📋票根 ticket stub
📋scandal=> scandalous 丟臉的,造謠中傷的
📋打混 slack off/ goof off
📋曠職 absenteeism
=> Employee absenteeism is a serious problem at our office.
📋解約,解僱 terminate/ cancel/ break off
📋工會 labor union/ trade union=> union
📋商業禮儀 business etiquette=> 辦公室禮儀 office etiquette=> 電話禮儀 phone etiquette=> e-mail etiquette=> table manner
📋辦公室政治workplace/ office politics
📋全勤 perfect attendance
📋代言人spokesperson/ spokesman/ spokeswoman
📋外送 delivery
=> Delivery is available on orders of $50 or more.
📋統一編號 tax ID number/ Government Uniform Invoice number(GUI number)(官方文件)/ Valued Added Tax number(VAT number)(歐洲國家)
📋暢銷商品 bestseller
📋出包 mess up
📋(貨幣等的)面額denomination (n.)
=> 外匯交易市場 currency market = forex (n.)
=> 價格差異 spread (n.)
📋目標管理 management by objectives (MBO)---------其中心思想主張並不是有了工作才有目標,而是相反,有了目標才能確定每個人的工作
📋公事包 briefcase/ attaché case/ portfolio(沒有把手的)
📋業務拜訪 sales call
📋foreshock-main shock-aftershock 前震/ 主震/ 餘震
📋儲備幹部 management trainee
📋所得稅income tax/ sales tax
📋外派人員 expatriate(expat)
📋預算分配 budget allocation=> 資源分配 resource allocation=>資產分配 asset allocation
📋密件副本 blind carbon copy(Bcc)
📋逃漏稅 tax evasion
=> The president has called for stricter tax evasion laws.
📋追劇 binge-watching=> 大吃 binge-eating=> 狂飲 binge-drinking
📋工作證 work permit
📋店長 store manager
📋抽籤 draw lots/ draw straws=> 扔硬幣 flip a coin
📋快閃店 pop-up shop=> pop-up retail/ flash retailing
📋打瞌睡 doze off/ nod off=> catnap/ snooze(v.)
📋詐欺 (commit+) fraud=> defraud/ swindle(v.)
📋聯絡窗口 contact person/ liaison
📋電動車 electric car/ electric vehicle=> 油電混合車 hybrid
📋節稅 tax mitigation
📋洗錢 money laundering/ money-washing
📋市佔率 market share
=>市場滲透 market penetration (phr.)/ 市場價值 market value (phr.) 收益/ revenue (n.)
📋刺激,激發spark (n.)/ 刺激(品)stimulus (n.)/ muse (n.) 繆思
📋爽約 stand up/ flake out (on sb.)
=> 拋棄、離開(某人) bail (on sb.) (v.)/ 【俚】不可靠的,不守信的 flaky (a.)/ 爽約者 no-show (n.)
📋食言,背信 renege (on sth.)/ break a/one’s promise/ go back on one’s word
=> 逃避責任,賴掉(欠債、承諾等) welsh (v.)/ 不履行,違約,拖欠 default (v.)
/ 撤回,收回(聲明、諾言等) retract (v.)