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0622[The Egg]Daniel(R+L)



🍄be keen to=be interested to=into

🍄binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡

=>telescope 單筒望遠鏡

🍄optical 眼睛的,光學的,視覺的=>optician


🍄craft workers=skill workers


🍄stalk 跟蹤=>stalker

🍄camouflage 偽裝

blend in with environment/surrounding

🍄assessment=evaluation 測量,評估

🍄distinctive 有特色的

=>distinction 區別

=>distinguish 分別

=>distinct 明顯的


🍄habitant 棲息地

=>inhabit 居住=>inhabitant 居民

=>courtship display

=>mating ritual

=>perch 棲息地,棲木

=>perch parched lips

=>swoop down

🍄quiver 搖動

🍄glide 滑翔=>slide 滑動=>slip/slippery(a.)

🍄swoop 俯衝

🍄birds of prey 食肉的鳥類=>vulture, eagle, owl....


🍄weather forecast

🍄intervene/intervention 干預

=>interrupt/interruption 打擾

=>interfere/inference 干擾

🍄dominate 掌控 dominant 主要的

🍄carnivorous/carnivore 肉食性動物<=>herbivore 草食性動物

=>omnivore 雜食性

=>omni- 全





🍄profound 深遠的,重大的=significant=considerable


🍄aqueducts 引水道

=>aquarium 水族館

=>aquatic 水中的

=>aquifer 地下水層

=>conductor 指揮

=>conduct=carry out a survey/research


🍄marine 海洋的=>aquatic 水中的=>terrestrial 陸地的=>celestial 天上的

🍄mussel 蚌 sea otter 海獺 beaver 海貍 sea urchin 海膽

=>coral reef 珊瑚礁

🍄digestive 消化的

🍄pollinate 傳播花粉

🍄seeds dispersal 散播種子

🍄maroon=stranded 擱淺,困住

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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