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【很像的英文單字】injured、wounded、hurt 都是受傷有差嗎?


This is the last test you need to pass.(這是你必須通過的最後一科考試。)


The latter is easier than the former.(後者比前者來得容易。)

指最新的,the most recent。Latest 也是 late 的最高級,指最遲的。

Here is the latest news on the election.(這是最新出爐的選舉新聞。)

Tom is the latest guest to arrive.(湯姆是最晚到的客人。)

財務,情感,或身體上的傷害都可以用 injured。

He has to stay in bed to rest his injured back.(他必須待在床上休養受傷的背。)

通常指身體受到傷害, 尤其是撕裂傷,用 wounded。

The sergeant was seriously wounded.(那名警官傷勢嚴重。)

身體或情感上受到的痛苦,用 hurt。

The lady got hurt during the typhoon and was taken to the hospital.


Take the hurt look off your face!(別再一副受傷了的表情!)


The school was much farther than she thought.(那間學校比她預想的來得遠多了。)


Without further conversation, they started to fight.(他們沒有繼續說話,直接打起來了。)


In order to lose weight, you need to eat less.(為了減重,你必須吃少一點。)


I have fewer books than he does.(我擁有的書比他少。)

Fewer 和 Less 分別為 few 和 little 的比較級,意思接近,用的時機卻不一樣,因為 less 是副詞,fewer 是形容詞。

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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