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[TA]Terry-Volunteer Interview


I'm majoring in industrial design.

I also enjoy meeting people


....Because I want to make progress with my English and I want to have some different experiences through interpreting...


I follow a lot of English language learning groups and through them I learned about this opportunity.


I am very passionate about languages

I love to meet people from different countries.

I hope that joining this program will help me to have a new experience.

I love to help people.

I am eager to learn.

I am a people person.


I hope to gain both interpreting ability and increase my social abilities

This may be a preparation for my plans to study abroad.


The best way to solve a problem is to ask questions. If you don't know, just ask.

I find diversity very interesting. You can get to know different cultures, and different peoples habits.


My work for my major, these days I feel like I have really been struggling with that work...

I tried to fix it over and over again.

Finally, the teachers gave me some tips and advice on my work, this helped me to overcome the problem

You can only use three cubes to construct a sculpture that looks balanced and peaceful

You had to be concerned about cube placement


I am excited for the new challenge.


I hope that I can do everything perfectly and I think sometimes that can cause me trouble


To learn more about your program's concepts and have a greater awareness of community.


Before doing anything you must discuss it with the whole group

Sometimes you might have some conflict.

And how to learn about the different ways that people think.

I used to feel some anger

I've learned how to accept different opinions

I try to know why people think the way that they do about certain things


How would your team train me if I’m hired?

If after this mission and then I Feel so enjoy then could I continually join your future program.


work in a wide range of topics including senior wellbeing, youth development, urban revitalization, local economic growth, health education, social work, and agriculture production and innovation.


expand their leadership skills, and act upon their volunteer spirit to help build capacity for non-profit organizations and strengthen social service systems


to assess the role of a recreation/community center in building a sense of community and meeting life quality needs of residents.


because of my major is industrial design, then we have similar goal, that’s to helping people to improve theirs life, and care about environment.

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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