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[R-Eng-10-A-day]Are Your Job Skills Hot Or Not? This Chart Will Tell You

Everybody just wants to be wanted. It’s true in love, but it is even truer in employment.

For proof, look no further than a data visualization from the career hub(n.輪軸;中心,焦點) Dice, which cross-references available jobs with available candidates from Dice’s 2 million resumes and 80,000 job listings(n.列表) daily. It’s a rearrangeable chart of supply and demand of 1,400 skills, in which the blue dots are cold specialties, and the red dots are the hot ones that job seekers want.

You can click here to go into the full site, but when you do, we’d recommend that you switch over to the “bee swarm” plot option, and then find your particular specialization in the “label” tab. That will give you the easiest-to-digest visual.

Pulling out Design as its own graph, the hottest specialty is systems design–which is a broad topic for sure, focusing on developing services and products through a coordinated(adj.協調的; v.使協調) “systems” approach of development, production, and marketing. The related Systems Architecture follows right behind. After that, you get into technical drafting(n.起草; v.起草) and CAD, and then, proficiency in Adobe Premiere and the Creative Suite. Web graphics are still in demand, too.

Where things chill for designers is Illustration, Photoshop (which I believe may be a taxonomic(adj.分類學的) oddity(n.奇特,奇異;怪癖;怪人,怪事), given that Photoshop is the crown jewel of the Creative Suite), logo (design), Google Docs, Adobe After Effects and Acrobat, and finally, at the way way bottom, Microsoft Front Page, which is an old HTML editor that’s been decommissioned by Microsoft for more than a decade. The speciality “creative director” is also listed as a cold one–but that doesn’t mean the job itself is any less desirable.

Which is to say, just because your specialty isn’t currently in short supply doesn’t mean you can’t make a good career out of doing most everything in the “cold” pile. It just means that you might have to elbow that much harder for the job.

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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