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How singing can change your life

Research on singing for wellbeing has burgeoned(發展) in recent years and this event, in collaboration with the Royal College of Music and Imperial(帝國的) College London, will explore cutting-edge findings on how singing in a choir can affect mental health, psychological wellbeing(n.), quality of life and stress hormones(賀爾蒙激素).

You’ll have the opportunity to take part in a choir session led by groundbreaking(開創性) charity Tenovus Cancer Care, which now has 19 choirs across Wales and London for those affected by cancer.

You will also find out about a new two-year study examining the effects of singing over several months, and have the chance to take part in the research.

If you’ve ever fancied joining a choir but didn’t dare, come and try it out!

You will learn:
  • How to let go and truly sing with abandon

  • About how singing in a choir will improve your mental health and immunity

  • How to get involved with our new scientific study

Lang's motto.


LOVE yourself


TRUST yourself


DESIGN yourself

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